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First We'll Take Tehran, Then We'll Take Istanbul

I'm sure the battle camels are locked and loaded in Saudi Arabia.

I wouldn't call armed to teeth F-15s, Typhoons and Tornado jets as 'battle camels'...........they can give Israel a pretty effective reply and don't even bother going into 'we know the strategy bullshyt' and the secret lock codes BS as Saudi Arabia is more paramount to security of USA through it's oil supply than your puny a$$ small land of Israel, which offers USA nothing but a blackhole of aid.
Iran also has chemical and biological weapons and are working on nukes which they might already have or will have in short future. Israel is small land with no strategic depth. Iran and Turkey are huge on the other hand with a large population between themselves.

I really doubt there is any truth to this article. Taking down Iran itself is unlikely. Both Tehran and Istanbul would end up being a one-way suicide run if Israel does make the attempt. And Turkey is one of the 'good guys' right? What kinda justification can Israel provide for an attack on Turkey?:frown:
For the love of God.. Israel can't even take Hizbullah..
This is silly assessment.

Hezbollah is not a conventional military force that can be easily identified on ground during combat situations. Hezbollah is similar to Taliban in its structure and is mainly designed to fight guerilla warfare with capability to harass neighbouring regions with small rockets. It is also stupid to assume that Israel has gained no experience from war with Hezbollah and the war has left no impact on Hezbollah and Lebanon.

If that the case then Yea, Iran have the support of Russia and China,
This is hogwash. This so-called support is mainly political in nature. At best, supply of arms can be expected from China but Russia is hesitant even in this aspect.

I really doubt there is any truth to this article. Taking down Iran itself is unlikely. Both Tehran and Istanbul would end up being a one-way suicide run if Israel does make the attempt. And Turkey is one of the 'good guys' right? What kinda justification can Israel provide for an attack on Turkey?:frown:
I doubt that Turkey is a target.

Iran is another story. Also, Iran is geographically far away from Israel. Therefore, ground operation is out of question. At best, we can expect crippling air and missile strikes from Israel but then Iran can harass Israel too with its arsenal of Ballistic Missiles. This will be true test of Israeli ABM capabilities.
They have zero chance against any of them

Pissrael is on life support from euro-americans, its is nothing but a eurotrash proxy state against the Muslims
While the source is questionable, the phrase "first we will take Tehran then Istanbul" could be a suggestion of economic warfare rather then the traditional take and hold approach.

It can be justified given the sour relations between Israel and Iran as well as the recent cool down of relations between Turkey and Israel that Israel would love to silence her opponents in the region, these methods of silencing a perceived hostile nation include show of power, sabotage of economic activities as well as intense propaganda campaigns (eg: Armenian & Greek BS claims).

Not every war is undertaken with guns and most of the battles fought today are nations trying to outbid each other and/or destroy their rivals through subterfuge and economic strangulation.
I dont believe Israel even does want to take Tehran down. They need each other.

I completely agree with ovarel. It can sound weird but in the reality Israel and Iran need each other. In the world, there is a perception that Iran and Israel are the two eternal enemies, because they snarl at each other, threaten one another to volley bombs and destroy the enemy from the earth!!! They actually pretend as if they fight each other and draw attentions of the world. But, in fact they use this hostility to support their positions. How? Here it is how;

Iran and Israel are the two assertive regional powers in the Middle East and both countries need some dynamics to continue their existence. In order to get their citizens` supports and get them united, Israel and Iran need an enemy who threats them to destroy and erase from the earth. Israel is a country established lately in the ME with the Jewish people who came to Israel from all over the world. Think about a country that is very small, her citizens are from all over the world, speak different languages, have different races in the ME where a Muslim region. So, in order to be a united nation, Israel needs a ‘real’ ‘strong’ and ‘convincing’ enemy. ‘Threat of Iran’ ‘Iran nuclear weapon enrichment’ ‘Iran`s supports to the Hamas and Hezbollah’ etc. are the dynamics that help Israel to manipulate and control her citizens, and also those dynamics help Israel to excuse her cruelty and violence. Therefore, Iran`s existence, her attitudes and behaviors and message as if she fights with Israel give Israel very good supports in the world such as;

• Supports of western countries,
• Getting away with her cruelty and violence,
• Controlling and manipulating her citizens,
• Opportunity to divide Muslim worlds (the thought that Iran fights with Israel provides sympathy to Iran and Shi`ism),
• Supports of the Jewish people who live in the different countries,
• Maintaining the fears of Christians against Muslims so that using those fears to hide Zionist ideas.

What about Iran?

Throughout history, Iran tried to be most important actor in the muslim world. However, unlike other muslim countries such as Ottomans, Seljuks, or Umayyads, Iran did not fight with western counties to spread Islam. Instead, Iran spent her efforts to spread Shi`ism into the Sunnies. In order to be influential country and spread her ideas, believes in the muslim worlds, Iran needs to advertise some strong dynamics. The help to miserable and helpless Palestinians, threat to Israel to destroy and erase her. Think a second, most of the muslim countries are dependent to USA and western countries, they cannot do anything but just condemning Israel. However, unlike them Iran is harshly and strongly against Israel. Iran also uses these things to manipulate, console, and control her citizens, get them united, shut the domestic oppositions up.

The cooperation does not only take place of being in the same team, but it can occur while being in the different teams. It is just matter of how you pretend to be enemy…
really they are? :angel:

I actually thought there are intelligent people there.. but then Id trust a GCC resident any day of the week :lol:

That was cruel...

I'm torn, I often will back Isreal, (far from always), but Bibi is a jerk.
We knew this already in 1920. Thats why we continu warn people to not vote on AKP because they are the soldiers of the siyonist elites. Thanks to AKP, USA invaded Iraq. Thanks to AKP, Israel will get a shield protection agains Iran missiles. And they can even launch rockets to Turkish bases. Thanks to AKP, NATO and even Turkey will go inside Syria. Thanks to AKP, PKK got enourmes power. Thanks to AKP, all the generals that know this treatment are in jail. Thanks to AKP, the NATO can ATTACK Iran easy. And thanks to AKP will Turkey a easy target as soon Iran collapse.

But we must not forget that Allah is the best maker of plans. If they make a plan, Allah will make a plan to. Even if Iran is shiism, i hope they will change Iran grounds to hell for NATO troops because Persians are really fighters and they never give up easy. I hope Russia will support Iran full because after all this, Russia will be next.
We knew this already in 1920. Thats why we continu warn people to not vote on AKP because they are the soldiers of the siyonist elites. Thanks to AKP, USA invaded Iraq. Thanks to AKP, Israel will get a shield protection agains Iran missiles. And they can even launch rockets to Turkish bases. Thanks to AKP, NATO and even Turkey will go inside Syria. Thanks to AKP, PKK got enourmes power. Thanks to AKP, all the generals that know this treatment are in jail. Thanks to AKP, the NATO can ATTACK Iran easy. And thanks to AKP will Turkey a easy target as soon Iran collapse.

But we must not forget that Allah is the best maker of plans. If they make a plan, Allah will make a plan to. Even if Iran is shiism, i hope they will change Iran grounds to hell for NATO troops because Persians are really fighters and they never give up easy. I hope Russia will support Iran full because after all this, Russia will be next.

stop pasting the same stuff over and over again from your word document..I fear you will find some connection between AKP and your constipation
Russia will be next?

Dude, i used to hear " After all, Turkiye will be next" but you say Russia will be next. :blink:

Well Russia is a nuclear power, you can not go by one two to Russia -.-'' After all the zionist elite wants the whole world. After stabilizing the middle east first.
Take Istanbul? i though the Capital of Turkey is Ankara, stupid blogger, and you guys who take it seriously aren't bright as well.
your welcome as friends in istanbul ankara antalya or evrywere in turkiye
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