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First Public Images of Rafale Armed with Mica Air to Air Missiles In Ladakh


Sep 26, 2018
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Even as the PLA and IA have disengaged in the Pangong Tso sector, the airforces of both India and China are still deployed in their numbers along the entire LAC. Today IAFs latest jets, the Rafales were seen in Ladakh armed with Mica air-to-air missiles.


That's any way gonna happen. What's big in this
Get the Dhools and Bagpipes out.
First flight of an Aircraft just spotted.
A Giant Step for mankind.

It seems like MICA is the end of all in the air combat.
70 km range is not something to harp about.
Indians get over it. This is an average aircraft , which you will find out when the going gets tough.
Get the Dhools and Bagpipes out.
First flight of an Aircraft just spotted.
A Giant Step for mankind.

It seems like MICA is the end of all in the air combat.
70 km range is not something to harp about.
Indians get over it. This is an average aircraft , which you will find out when the going gets tough.
The Aerams on our F16 has 120km range but we never bragged about it.
Actually man behind machine matters and air jamming and awaac capabilities matters. Be it 250 km you will suck bad like it happened in operation swift retort.
Won't be long. Rajoo needs to eat some meat so he doesn't black out during High-G maneuvers...and let go of the "Cun-trulls"
Raju has already eaten wada pav and cow dung bhajji which gives him extra ability to track and shoot freindly helicopters.
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Both IR and RG, interesting just one supersonic drop tank. I guess the M88 can‘t loft more from Leh? We will have to wait for more images to confirm.


a) I read somewhere that one of the reasons F-16 / F-18 did not win MMRCA is because their not being delta winged did not perform well at heights (rarefied atmosphere) at India - china border. Is there an element of truth in that?
b) Also, (approximately) how much cheaper is F-16V / F-21 cheaper Vs Rafale?

a) I read somewhere that one of the reasons F-16 / F-18 did not win MMRCA is because their not being delta winged did not perform well at heights (rarefied atmosphere) at India - china border. Is there an element of truth in that?
b) Also, (approximately) how much cheaper is F-16V / F-21 cheaper Vs Rafale?

a) I believe the F-16 was deemed to have failed because it does not have a built in APU and so it could not self start in Leh without ancillary equipment. It was very clear the IAF wanted to fail the F-16. The Gripen powered by the F414 was the only aircraft to clear high altitude test at Leh.

b) Probably 40% cheaper fly away cost. 70% lower operational cost, French parts and weapons are much more expensive.
a) I believe the F-16 was deemed to have failed because it does not have a built in APU and so it could not self start in Leh without ancillary equipment. It was very clear the IAF wanted to fail the F-16. The Gripen powered by the F414 was the only aircraft to clear high altitude test at Leh.

b) Probably 40% cheaper fly away cost. 70% lower operational cost, French parts and weapons are much more expensive.


the real reason is india doesn’t trust the US in terms of guaranteed supply of front line planes.

While india is currently friends with US, it knows there will be a time when india will be at odds with US and india has seen how treats it’s allies when you don’t fall in line. There are plenty of examples throughout history.

secondly india has of plenty of dirty laundry that US can expose such as terrorism in Pakistan, massive human rights abuses in Kashmir , failure to uphold UN resolutions, percecution of Muslims and so on.

All these issues US ignores today as india is a “good” ally against an “evil” China.
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