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First Look: India's Heaviest Launch Vehicle GSLV Mk.III with Unmanned Crew Module Onboard Rolled Out

What are you talking about? Obsession?If we had obsession, then $2bn already sanctioned to ISRO, which they demanding for Manned Space Program, but govt. didnt.

And skipping, what are we skipping, what are you talking about bro.

Read post 20. India is skipping the heavy class rockets and go for super heavy. BTW, GSLV MKIII is a medium weight launcher by international standard.
Read post 20. India is skipping the heavy class rockets and go for super heavy. BTW, GSLV MKIII is a medium weight launcher by international standard.

Are u one one of the best minds of usa luca??:unsure:
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Read post 20. India is skipping the heavy class rockets and go for super heavy. BTW, GSLV MKIII is a medium weight launcher by international standard.

Did this image means US skipping all tech. and jumping to wrap drive. Bro, use your brain.

BTW, if you have time then on internet please read about India's Unified Launch Vehicle program.
Are u one one of the best mind of usa luca??:unsure:

I'm not from China or India. I'm from America if that is what you are asking. Also, we welcome Indians to help America grow. And we welcome Indian call centers
Yeaaah ... united states is as hot as your avatar !

( in fact your avatar is not that hot )

The thing is usa and russia spent trillions(okay not that much:D) on research at that time,,that time will never come again.
So other countries with a small/much more rstricted budget will take decades to match usa.

Russia on the other hand has retired the super heavy launchers of soviet era,,all it has left with are soyuz and proton series and they cap at 7000-8000 to gto.
They seem to be unable to develop a modern rocket due to lack of manpower and funds both.
Yeaaah ... united states is as hot as your avatar !

( in fact your avatar is not that hot )

She does not wear makeup in this avatar. Very hot looking for the natural look. I don't like too much makeups on the girl.
She does not wear makeup in this avatar. Very hot looking for the natural look. I don't like too much makeups on the girl.

She's ugly as hell and fat to boot. A little make up would make her tolerable, especially if she wore a voodoo mask.
[QUOTE="he-man, post: 6539926, member: 149070 i posted 10 links in a subsequent post.
Have a look.

Don't run away afterwards:D

U always end up defending the losing party:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:[/QUOTE]

Huh....what do you mean by defending losing party Bros? :undecided: You still think India is more advanced than Russia in space tech? Even your other more reasonable Indian brothers on here tried to reason with you on this invane. Lol. India is still nowhere near Russia in space tech(without Moscow India will e lagging even much more behind in every field today be it militarily or in space tech, since even your cryonegic tech comes from them originally). Even China is still way behind Moscow in space. Russia has achieved all what India and even China have achieved for decades and much more. Only the U.s can compete with Moscow when it comes to space, even so, the U.s/west still depends on Russia for space launches to ISS. I won't even argue on this anymore, since yourself can refer to Chinese poster om here who admitted they still lag behind Moscow a lot in space tech/launch payload. Arrest my case Bros. :cheers:
She's ugly as hell and fat to boot. A little make up would make her tolerable, especially if she wore a voodoo mask.

You are just jealous that you can't never get a girl like her. She resemble my gf so that is why I put her pic on here. Go ahead and talk about how fat and ugly is she as we all know that she is way out of your league.
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