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First impressions of the UK from Pakistan

Ive been living in UK for two years now and will be permanently going to Pakistan Inshallah next month, My first and last mistake was leaving my home country. I came here for my Masters, now i am done with it I am going back (I wish i had my masters from my home country ). There is nothing in these countries in reality just hoo haa by some people. The only thing i liked is every body respects the law and that is it..
I've noticed that. How is that going for you?

Well I was born and raised here, so I don't know what "first impression" I'm supposed to have....lol
Other than economically tough times, everything's fine ;)

But I'll warn you, chicks don't grow on trees...:lol:
Ive been living in UK for two years now and will be permanently going to Pakistan Inshallah next month, My first and last mistake was leaving my home country. I came here for my Masters, now i am done with it I am going back (I wish i had my masters from my home country ). There is nothing in these countries in reality just hoo haa by some people. The only thing i liked is every body respects the law and that is it..


When you leave Pakistan , only then you realize what gem of a country Pakistan is to live in . . . . . :cry:
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