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First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes'

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Beside that my point is,how can one believe even endorse such filty stories in the first place,then come and behave like the champion of human rights in kashmir and sympathier of socalled minorities, weaker sections people presecuated by devilish indian establishment??

as for the "female Indian soldiers being taken for prostitutes" argument, I agree, it is a cheap, below the belt waste of time.

My point is, howcome, every time when this happens, it is always ISI, ISI, ISI :woot:

PS: There are two degrees of respect neglected by the accusers, one, they are females, two, they are soldiers, both as civilized people from the subcontinet are honorable for us.
It doesnt matter whether ISI fed that news piece not ,ofcourse third rate tabloid publish such BS to raise ciruclation and since its pakistani paper, its for pakistani Govt to quiz that tabloid to unearth the truth behind the story.

Beside that my point is,how can one believe even endorse such filty stories in the first place,then come and behave like the champion of the cause of human rights in kashmir and sympathier of all socalled minorities, weaker sections people presecuated by devilish indian establishment??
What a hypocrite you are buddy.First you say Pakistan does not have a free media then you want Pakistan Govt to censor anti India news which hardly appear in our media thanks to liberal media and their so called pro India approach.The mainstream media (Geo News and the nation) is largely liberal and hardly publishes anything anti Indian.Also Keep in mind Daily mail is not even as popular as Times of India which publishes rabidly anti pakistani false stories regularly..so get off your high horse get back to reality.How you ducked the prove question pretty much shows why you indian blame ISI for everything.
What a hypocrite you are buddy.First you say Pakistan does not have a free media then you want Pakistan Govt to censor anti India news which hardly appear in our media thanks to liberal media and their so called pro India approach.The mainstream media (Geo News and the nation) is largely liberal and hardly publishes anything anti Indian.Also Keep in mind Daily mail is not even as popular as Times of India which publishes rabidly anti pakistani false stories regularly..so get off your high horse get back to reality.How you ducked the prove question pretty much shows why you indian blame ISI for everything.

Hello,i didnt say censor ur media for publishing anti india news.
But in every civilized society,news papers are hold accountable to what they publish.

Had it been in india,that news paper would've facing defamation suits to say the least,but since its in pakistan,GOI have to approched the pak govt to take suitable action in this regard which it did..

ISI is only suspected behind that deplorable act,its for ur law enforecement agencies to unearth the truth if they can.
Hello,i didnt say censor ur media for publishing anti india news.
But in every civilized society,news papers are hold accountable to what they publish.

Had it been in india,that news paper would've facing defamation suits to say the least,but since its in pakistan,GOI have to approched the pak govt to take suitable action in this regard which it did..

ISI is only suspected behind that deplorable act,its for ur law enforecement agencies to unearth the truth if they can.

Abe yar ISI this ISI that i think indians may have come to believe that their country is run by the ISI too :lazy:
outch....calling female soldier as prostitutes. at least don't say it in front of female soldier, you may not having enough balls to say something stupid again.

even if army is deploying protis(i am not talking about female soldier) on border, i dont see any thing wrong with that.
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..now after this reaction from India over a news item that has nothing to do with Pakistan's official stance, i am feeling that there is something fishy.
Impeccable logic, I must say. If someone - in this case the GoI - protests against a woman being labeled as prostitute, then there must be 'something fishy'.

Hey, hows the view from that cave?
Hello,i didnt say censor ur media for publishing anti india news.
But in every civilized society,news papers are hold accountable to what they publish.

Had it been in india,that news paper would've facing defamation suits to say the least,but since its in pakistan,GOI have to approched the pak govt to take suitable action in this regard which it did..

ISI is only suspected behind that deplorable act,its for ur law enforecement agencies to unearth the truth if they can.
Yeah right.Our intelligences have better work to do this bs.Its a free country.Any news paper can publish anything.You do know how much crap Western Media publishes yet it is not true.Also Daily Mail is not government run organization so no it does not hold responsibility.Was TOI sued for making false reports like Musharraf misused military aid or Pakistani books teach kids to hate indians (completely false statement).Let me know when your govt sues TOI and Aj Tak for saying Pakistan is so small it can be invaded by just moving 10 steps and also ZEE TV for saying that attack on Sri Lanka was inside job by Pakistan ARmy.
I request everyone to refrain from calling any uniformed lady a prostitute....that article by the dailytimes hasn't been verified by any other independent source and it's too big a statement to be accepted on it's face value...I hope people stop poking fun.
Have little shame. Leave womens alone. Why dragging womens for satisfying your needs HERE? Advice to india and pakistan both that GO AND WAR BUT DONT DRAG WOMENS IN YOUR DIRTY WAR. LEAVE THEM ALONE AND STOP USING WORD SUCH AS USED IN THIS THREAD TOPIC. we have mothers and sisters. Dont insult womens. SHARAM KARO. thank you.
I request everyone to refrain from calling any uniformed lady a prostitute....that article by the dailytimes hasn't been verified by any other independent source and it's too big a statement to be accepted on it's face value...I hope people stop poking fun.

sir this thread proves how some people go lower then low. Insulting women is a biggest sin. i hope even in islam it must have wrote that never insult a women. What can i say more. Its better for me to not comment in this dirty pathetic shameless thread topic. Lets pray some sick people who insulting womens will get punished by allah and bhagwaan.
Pakistan military has women serving in them as well don't they...pretty easy to do the same thing in a newspaper in India.
Well.... first of all how come any news published in any news papers be attributed to ISI, as far i remember it was reported by foreign news first and may have been requoted by any other news, as they usually do.

Does Pakistan reserves the same right when indian news paper report news without any grounds or reasearch by neutral sources?

What about the girls and childrens of Afghanistan ? are they being respected by indian and american trops?

What about girls of Sawat who were bombed in their schools?

Why is Pakistan not bothered to complain india about baseless reporting in there news agaisnt Pakistan?

Why does india does not have balls to complain to the country of Christina Palmer

As a matter of fact i remember news from media reporting about Chinese women as prostitutes! i wonder why indian members refrain from posting morale lecture?

As far my personal opinion is concerned indian women should not get extra previlage over women of rest of the world incl. Afghanoistran and NWFP.
:partay: so New Dehli is feeling the heat .

It seems now that there is some truth in the allegation although i earlier did not support the claim of the newspaper but now the angry reaction of Indian government proves it that there is something fishy.

bravo Daily Mail :)

On another note lolzz this will be i think first time when a country asks another to take action against any paper lolzz. Indian Orange media is spitting lies and venom daily against Pakistan but we are not paranoid like you

And you guys accuse Indian media of being not credible? Hypocracy at it's best. :disagree:
sir this thread proves how some people go lower then low. Insulting women is a biggest sin. i hope even in islam it must have wrote that never insult a women. What can i say more. Its better for me to not comment in this dirty pathetic shameless thread topic. Lets pray some sick people who insulting womens will get punished by allah and bhagwaan.

The punishment according to Islamic law for slandering a woman without proof is to flog the accuser with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever also known as the "hadd" punishment. It is haram and considered one of the biggest/major sins (a.k.a kabair) to be punished in the hereafter as well.
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