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First Ejder Yalçın armoured combat vehicles for Tunisia arrive in-country


Apr 28, 2011
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Ejder Yalçın 4x4 armoured combat vehicles
The first of Turkey-made Ejder Yalçın 4×4 armoured combat vehicles for Tunisia have arrived in-country, that was reported by menadefense.net on 13 June.

According to menadefense.net, the first 4×4 armored vehicles Edjer Yalçin manufactured by Nurol Makina, entered service in Tunisia. The contract would cover 70 units equipped with teleoperated turrets.

The Ejder Yalçın 4×4 is an armoured vehicles produced by Turkish company Nurol Makina. It features a V-shaped hull design, integrating floating floor plates and blast mitigation seating to provide protection against mines and IED’s. It can accommodate up to 11 personnel and can carry a payload of up to 4 tons.

The vehicle is equipped with optionally integrated, remote-controlled and manually-operated weapon stations. It is fitted with two gun ports on the roof. The optional armament mounted on the vehicle includes 7.62mm and 12.7mm machine guns, a 25mm anti-aircraft gun and a 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

EJDER YALÇIN 4×4 has proven itself in the operational areas and it offers special solutions to the different operational requirements of users with customizations such as; Border Surveillance and Security Vehicle, Air Defence Vehicle, Reconnaissance Vehicle, Command and Control Vehicle, Mine/IED Detection-Clearence Vehicle, Combat Vehicle, Personnel Carrier, CBRN Surveillance Vehicle, Tactical Missile Carriage/Launch System and Armored Ambulance.

The Turkish industrial militarist complex has become one of the first suppliers of the Tunisian army, which faces a jihadist guerilla in the westen part of the country. The MRAP of Nurol Makina will join the Cobra and Cobra 2 from Otokar and the Kirpi from BMC.


Ejder Yalçın 4×4 armoured combat vehicles

Ejder Yalçın 4×4 armoured combat vehicles

they are great addition to our Army even thou i preferred Tunisia get the version with RCWS instead of that M2HB or M60E4 manned turret
They gonna get it for the next 30 pcs of the next batch... it was announced with Aselsan having issued a manufacturing order for foreign supplier on Ejder...
All these middle eastern countries vying for influence. I have to say the Saudis by far provide the most money for development to many countries and happily give loans to countries.
All these middle eastern countries vying for influence. I have to say the Saudis by far provide the most money for development to many countries and happily give loans to countries.

And what does that have to do with this thread?
and as for your statement it isn't right... they give to those who share their agenda...as any country on this earth...
And what does that have to do with this thread?
and as for your statement it isn't right... they give to those who share their agenda...as any country on this earth...
My bad I actually didn't see anything that said Tunisia bought the vehicles so I assumed it was a donation but I guess I'm wrong. As from before the statement is correct. The country who donates the vehicle or money may not always have the same agenda as the receiving one but they may be trying to tilt their agenda in favor of the donating country as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the UAE all do which you can't really deny.
My bad I actually didn't see anything that said Tunisia bought the vehicles so I assumed it was a donation but I guess I'm wrong. As from before the statement is correct. The country who donates the vehicle or money may not always have the same agenda as the receiving one but they may be trying to tilt their agenda in favor of the donating country as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the UAE all do which you can't really deny.

Tunisia almost never receive donations/gifts... all those vehicles were bought with money...
The only thing I can remember as far as Donation, are some Pitbull VX vehicles recently from the US and some police equipment in the early days.
Most of TN loans are European ones, then the FMI... Qatar did "pledged" few Billions few years ago... but still nothing in the horizon yet... and recently a 300Mil$ KSA one... but as always... like the "pledged" F-5... it's only for the headline...

We did get some help from TR in the early days of the new Democracy... with some equipment, like Tractor/garbage trucks etc... Were half of it was later paid and the other half given.
TN has not real importance for the geopolitical needs for the region yet...
Therefore doesn't require regional powers to "get" something out of TN... or at least not as much as other countries like Egypt per exemple.

And as of Today...TN political maiden isn't Pro-something...
TN isn't Pro-TR/MB/QA/KSA/UAE/US etc... neither Anti...
Every side try to take it in...and yet limit their influence/gifts in fear of not gaining what they wish/wanted...

At the beginning of the New Democracy... TN did get that "Regional Power struggle"... with having TR/Qatar being in the pole position... but it didn't last long...

TN Defense budget increased a lot in those past years... but still far from "enough"... and funds mostly went to counter-terro forces/Equipements...

And as many TN share my opinion... I prefer having nothing from no one... even less begging for it...

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