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First chinese with Chinese nationality get Nobel

^^Post reported. Where the hell India come in this thread ?
Remain on topic and avoid using off-topic.

Buddy, unfortunately the facts are indeed unpleasant. Nonetheless, these are facts.

The logic goes like this: no prize to the Chinese because China was backward -> backward because it was suppressed by British drug traffickers that was aided by some Indians -> some Indians are still proud of helping the British drug traffickers to kill the Chinese.

I'm sorry, but these are relevant facts.

In fact, I am glad the West starts to accept China of its uniqueness, and glad many Indians in this forum say no to the Indian that proudly posting Indians killing of the Chinese during the drug trafficking.

Long live Sino-India friendship!
At least I don't support Indians killing Chinese as long as its not done in other way through proxy. So I will rather ask you to keep India out of this.

Congratulation Mo yan.

Which countries did they get the nobel prize for? Furthermore do you consider guys like Liu Xiabo and Dalai lama as winning the award for china?(even though they are politically motivated)

Liu Xiaobo should be counted as one.

In theory Dala Lama has Chinese citizenship if he hasn't acquired any foreign nationality, surely he is another one, but his was not awarded in China: he got the peace prize after running away from China, defeated after a violent uprising.
I know it is nothing for many countries, and I also not be exciting about these! For a huge country, till now, we just get one Nobel, it is so sad! whatever, congratulation to Mo!!

NOBEL: Chinese writer Mo Yan wins literature prize | The Daily Times | delmarvanow.com
NOBEL: Chinese writer Mo Yan wins literature prize

STOCKHOLM — Chinese writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday, a somewhat unexpected choice by a prize committee that has favored European authors in recent years.

The Swedish Academy, which selects the winners of the prestigious award, praised Mo's "hallucinatoric realism," saying it "merges folk tales, history and the contemporary."

Peter Englund, the academy's permanent secretary, said the academy had contacted Mo before the announcement.

"He said he was overjoyed and scared," Englund said.

Though Mo, 57, is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel literature prize, he's not the first Chinese.

A Chinese emigre to France, Gao Xingjian, won in 2000 for his absurdist dramas and inventive fiction, especially the novel Soul Mountain. His works are laced with criticisms of China's communist government and have been banned in China.

When Gao won, the communist leadership disowned the prize. Mo's award is likely to be more warmly greeted in Beijing.

Born Guan Moye in 1955 to a farming family in eastern Shandong province, Mo chose his penname while writing his first novel. Garrulous by nature, Mo has said the name, meaning "don't speak," was intended to remind him to hold his tongue lest he get himself into trouble and to mask his identity since he began writing while serving in the army.

His breakthrough came with novel 'Red Sorghum' published in 1987. Set in a small village, like much of his fiction, 'Red Sorghum' is an earthy tale of love and peasant struggles set against the backdrop of the anti-Japanese war. It was turned into a film that won the top prize at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1988, marked the directing debut of Zhang Yimou and boosted Mo's popularity.

Mo writes of visceral pleasures and existential quandaries and tends to create vivid, mouthy characters. While his early work stuck to a straightforward narrative structure enlivened by vivid descriptions and raunchy humor, Mo has become more experimental, toying with different narrators and embracing a freewheeling style often described as 'Chinese magical realism.'

European authors had won four of the past five awards, with last year's prize going to Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer.

As with the other Nobel Prizes, the prize is worth 8 million kronor, or about $1.2 million.

No need to be sad. There is a discrimination to offer nobel prizes to Chinese of China. China actually is the number one in patent registration and it is engaged heavily in R & D but there is no nobel prize for Chinese in medicine, physics, economy etc despite thousands of research journal and papers published. All the prizes are reserved to US, EU and Japanese despite the fact China is engaged in more research than UK, France etc. This is discrimnation that is why China should have its own equivalent of nobel prizes. The only nobel prizes given to Chinese are Peace Nobel given to Chinese dissidents who are against China and who spend their time discrediting and bashing their own country. Again that is why, if China has its Nobel like prizes, it could offer such prizes to Assange, Ahmadinejad, Castro etc that is those who do not obey to the west like dog and flies scat followers. China would never be granted the medicine, physics nobel prizes as these are reserved to US, Jews, British, Japanese, German as there is discrimination on Chinese. So no need to be sad, it is a western prize offerd to western citizens and Chinese R & D discoveries are snob, disregarded and hatred due to racism and discrimnation. If US goes to Mars, its a sucess for humanity while if it is China which makes a breakthrough in space, it is Chinese success not humanity and it is even considered dangerous for humanity and world peace while it is the US who are engaged in wars in Afganistan, Yemen etc, while it is the Jews who are strangling and killing Palestinians, again while it is the West and Japanese who had caused world wars I and II, caused slavery, colonization, industrial pollution of the 20th century and dilapidation of third world resources. I have been to China and I can tell you that I have seen many things and other inventions which you could never be found in EU and US. Simple inventions that change your life, like the automatic shoe cleaning machines, all in one digital remote for lighning, tv doors etc found in Chinese hotels, special shower ergonomic pommer which I had never found elsewhere even not in Europe.
I completely disagree with you on this! Totally!

First, Liu Xiaobo was the first Chinese national in China to receive a Nobel Prize, irrespective of whether you like it or not. So this is the second.

Second, Nobel Prize is a reflection of Western values, especially humanity prizes. For long time Easterners are only good as their slaves, or physical labors. Eastern countries are the places abundant with resources for the westerners to loot, rich cultures for the westerners to pillage. They make the rules and you easterners to follow. No challenge, no dissidents, … only gunboat policy will face if you dare to.

East Asia cultures, typified by the Chinese culture that prevailed and influenced Korea, Mongolia, Japan, Vietnam, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia (Singapore), and in lesser scope, the Philippines, and Indonesia, are vastly different from many of the West.

Chinese culture is the only culture that has been continuously bright and outstanding for 5,000-10,000 years in the world, uninterrupted. And only in recently hundred years is it suppressed by brutal opium drug traffickers aided by other western jackals such as some Indians. (Don’t you see how one Indian member in this forum is so proud of Indians being bloody British drug traffickers’ cannon fodder, and posts a thread dedicated to killing of the Chinese by Indians?)

Chinese culture is unique, distinct and in stark contrast to Western one in many aspects that not many Westerners are capable of understanding and therefore appreciating.

Truly, how do you expect them with different upbringings to understand and appreciate a distinct and distant greatness, and to award their prize?

The reasons they give it to the Chinese now are based on: a) leverage their influence to subvert or otherwise degrading your culture; b) reluctantly agree that your culture is indeed distinctly great and uniquely bright.

So you must feel happy, instead of sad, that the Chinese, once again using their culture, enlighten those “barbarians”, but this time in modern era.

The Chinese should strive to maintain the distinctness and uniqueness of Chinese culture. That's where you value is, and be proud of that!

first, do you think the peace Nobel a really Nobel, so generally don't think Peace nobel seriously, even Obama can got this and send bonus to army; and Hitler even was nominated the peace Nobel;
first, do you think the peace Nobel a really Nobel, so generally don't think Peace nobel seriously, even Obama can got this and send bonus to army; and Hitler even was nominated the peace Nobel;

Unless you can name a similar prize with equal global recognition, I'm afraid writers, scientists, etc, will always use "Nobel Laureate" on their resumes or by their names, to gain credibility.

A Nobel prize will probably get more people reading your books, listening to your lectures, than a local Chinese prize.

It the same with Oxford, Harvard, etc. Global recognition.
刘晓波不是中国人吗?Is Liuxiaobo Chinese with chinese nationality?
The Nobel Prize has plummet in the eyes of Chinese people. While I congratulate this man achievement in his craft. Chinese around the world shouldn't be proud just be cause he got a Nobel Prize, but rather for his work. The Nobel Prize committee wants to continues it relevances so they have to appease Chinese somehow. The Nobel committee is throwing Chinese a bone, so the Chinese can feel good about "getting a Nobel" thereby maintaining their relevance in China.

Now the Chinese media will run story about this in China, the Nobel name will be kept alive in China. When the peace prize comes around, the West will use it to politically tarnished China and other oppose to Western bullying. And because people have this idea that the Nobel Prize is something more about the award money, that they will give credibility to the Nobel Committee than they deserve. If Chinese never win a Nobel Prize, yet their scientist continues to brave new territory and grow, it will contribute to the evidence that the Nobel Prize is a biased Western organization, because how can you ignore 1.3 billion people (1/6 of humanity) in your consideration when the evidence of the country growth is for all to see. Not grant Chinese any recognition except for giving award to Chinese traitors tarnishes the Nobel Prize. So I expect Chinese and even Indian will get more Nobel Prize in the future correlating to their economic rise.

To me, being congratulate by your countrymen give much more pride than to be congratulate by those who wished nothing but for the destruction of your country. The Nobel Prize is a governed by politics to serve Western interest, by extension the white man's interest. During Western imperialism, the colonialist gives prizes and praised to those who served their interest as well, so it is no surprise that any Western organization is complete biased and discriminatory in their treatment of non-Western country, even when they pat those countries in the back.
worthless award by far....

Nobel prize is not only a western centric award, but also deeply politicized. I won't congratulate for his achievement. Being recognized by his fellow people is more valuable than this dogtail feather.
Mo is one of the top 20 richest writers in China before this award. It is an encouragement to all Chinese writers worldwide.
The recognition is long overdue.
This will help promote the receptions of Chinese literary works by the rest of the world.
It is telling that despite all the claims of progress the Chinese still jump up and down with joy when the West gives China a few crums of recognition. If China and the Chinese had any pride they should have told the Nobel committee to shove their prize up their a**. And the fact that they just gave the Nobel peace prize to the EU shows you that the entire Nobel prize thing is a farce and a bad joke.
Obama got noble prize (who is at war in afghanistan and want to attack iran syria).... While mahatma gandhi never got noble award or bharat ratna.... Now thats what i call 'joke noble award'.... Its a shame.... This is kaal yug (evil age).... in golden age good people who did good karma will get reward....
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