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First 2016 Republican Presidential Debate set for tonight

Watching the debate as I write this. As for my choice and weather I'm going to go for anyone in the GOP. Still undecided at this time.

I am however keeping a bit more of a watchful eye on Marco Rubio and John Kasich tonight. It also goes without saying that I'm enjoying my popcorn watching Mr. Trump. He will build a wall and make you pay for it!!

I have a lot of respect for Dr. Ben Carson.

Hands down, I give my support to Governor J. Bush. I admired Dr. Carson's answers, and agree with him that the nation has become too self-obsessed about political correctness. As for Trump, over all, I think he did a great job in expressing points that most of the conservative base was afraid to say. :)

John Kasich

I loved the part where he said "My God loves me unconditionally, so its my duty to love my children and and family members and those around me unconditionally as well".
Hands down, I give my support to Governor J. Bush. I admired Dr. Carson's answers, and agree with him that the nation has become too self-obsessed about political correctness. As for Trump, over all, I think he did a great job in expressing points that most of the conservative base was afraid to say. :)

I loved the part where he said "My God loves me unconditionally, so its my duty to love my children and and family members and those around me unconditionally as well".

Idk how anyone can support Jeb, he claims illegal infiltration in our borders is "an act of love" and favors amnesty for said law breakers. In fact he himself is married to a woman who was an illegal alien so I cannot take his views on the border as seriously within the best interest of the country. Trump is the man who is willing to say out loud what many of us have either been ridiculed for saying or have been wanting to say but have not for whatever reason (trying to be pc?), which is precisely why he will not get the Republican nomination. The Republican party has decided to try and garner minority votes (which won't work) instead of relying on their base voting block which is a block Trump is trying to channel in his bid. Since he is going against their new "strategy" the Repubs will try every trick in the book to derail his campaign, in fact he has received an equal amount of criticism from Republicans as he has Dems for the comments he had made earlier.
Idk how anyone can support Jeb, he claims illegal infiltration in our borders is "an act of love" and favors amnesty for said law breakers. In fact he himself is married to a woman who was an illegal alien so I cannot take his views on the border as seriously within the best interest of the country. Trump is the man who is willing to say out loud what many of us have either been ridiculed for saying or have been wanting to say but have not for whatever reason (trying to be pc?), which is precisely why he will not get the Republican nomination. The Republican party has decided to try and garner minority votes (which won't work) instead of relying on their base voting block which is a block Trump is trying to channel in his bid. Since he is going against their new "strategy" the Repubs will try every trick in the book to derail his campaign, in fact he has received an equal amount of criticism from Republicans as he has Dems for the comments he had made earlier.

In regards to Bush, what I liked was he is in support of the "earned legal status" pathway for the illegal immigrants that are already in the United States, and I think that's a practical solution. I do agree with him how the country does need to fight back illegal immigration and do more in the border; and to emphasize more of the "legal" immigration aspect. Bringing in skilled and educated workforce from abroad should be continued.

As for Trump, i don't disagree with you at all; i agree with you on your analysis.
Idk how anyone can support Jeb, he claims illegal infiltration in our borders is "an act of love" and favors amnesty for said law breakers. In fact he himself is married to a woman who was an illegal alien so I cannot take his views on the border as seriously within the best interest of the country. Trump is the man who is willing to say out loud what many of us have either been ridiculed for saying or have been wanting to say but have not for whatever reason (trying to be pc?), which is precisely why he will not get the Republican nomination. The Republican party has decided to try and garner minority votes (which won't work) instead of relying on their base voting block which is a block Trump is trying to channel in his bid. Since he is going against their new "strategy" the Repubs will try every trick in the book to derail his campaign, in fact he has received an equal amount of criticism from Republicans as he has Dems for the comments he had made earlier.

@Nihonjin1051 ,@KingMamba

Good day gentlemen

As a fellow Canadian across the border watching this debate and wondering that do you really believe that you guys elect your politicians. I mean Donald trump rightly pointed out that the electoral system is pretty much a capitalist marketplace for which president they want elected. After citizen united got the thumbs up from courts, everyone has these massive Super Pacs including jeb bush. Only bernie Sanders is the one standing on principles so I still do not understand how can american support either party's corporate bots and especially nihonjin with you supporting Jeb bush($100 mil raised already). Do you rationally believe that these politicians will look after your interest with all that money on table. Also looking from outside, Hillary appears to be doing the same just on a bigger scale so my question is can we even consider this election even legitimate as far seriousness goes?

Anyways I just wasted an hour watching this debate but God bless Donald trump(although a racist) as he actually pointed out the fact that he funded all these politicians when he was running his business. Also nihonjin, atlantic city has failed so you can't really blame trump for that.
Also nihonjin, atlantic city has failed so you can't really blame trump for that.

Sure, and as one who lives in New Jersey, and a frequent visitor to the Jersey Shore (Atlantic City, Ocean City, Sea Isle City etc) , one thing I've noticed in Atlantic City is that businesses are leaving Atlantic City and have been doing so for the past 8-10 years now due in part to the tax system in the city. There are large amounts of homeless in the city, they have an issue with sex tourism (prostitution) that really is bringing the wrong kind of demographic into Atlantic City. Why even the surrounding town outside Atlantic City, Galloway, is being affected by this social dynamic. Secondly, one of the reasons why the casinos are falling , my friend, is because of the rise of online casinos (in fact i have some friends who work in the New Jersey State Department Bureau of Gaming), which have reduced tourist activity into the city proper. This is why Trump Plaza , Revel, and other casinos have closed thus far.

As to your other points; yes they are valid. As to my stance regarding Bush, its based on how he answered the questions, and in my opinion, seemed like the most presentable candidate to lead the Republican Party this time around. Don't get me wrong, Walker did a great job as well. I felt that Marco Rubio underperformed; same goes with Rand Paul, and Christie.
As for centrist republicans on this page although I am a Canadian and will not be voting but I do want to let you guys know that the numbers that Honerable governor of Florida monseiur Jeb bush pointed out were skewed.

Here is a washington post debunking Jeb bush's job growth numbers with respect to the housing bubble:



So really anybody can ride a housing bubble and can economic success but what really counts is solid job growth which he did not deliver.

A housing bubble made Jeb Bush look great — and then it tanked Florida’s economy - The Washington Post
In regards to Bush, what I liked was he is in support of the "earned legal status" pathway for the illegal immigrants that are already in the United States, and I think that's a practical solution. I do agree with him how the country does need to fight back illegal immigration and do more in the border; and to emphasize more of the "legal" immigration aspect. Bringing in skilled and educated workforce from abroad should be continued.

As for Trump, i don't disagree with you at all; i agree with you on your analysis.

I know this is a blog but it pretty much hits on all the issues I have with Bush's amnesty plan. Enforcement, Then Amnesty, on Immigration | National Review Online
After you are done share your thoughts.
As for centrist republicans on this page although I am a Canadian and will not be voting but I do want to let you guys know that the numbers that Honerable governor of Florida monseiur Jeb bush pointed out were skewed.

Here is a washington post debunking Jeb bush's job growth numbers with respect to the housing bubble:



So really anybody can ride a housing bubble and can economic success but what really counts is solid job growth which he did not deliver.

A housing bubble made Jeb Bush look great — and then it tanked Florida’s economy - The Washington Post

Awesome, buddy, thanks for the quantitative data!!
@Nihonjin1051 ,@KingMamba

Good day gentlemen

As a fellow Canadian across the border watching this debate and wondering that do you really believe that you guys elect your politicians. I mean Donald trump rightly pointed out that the electoral system is pretty much a capitalist marketplace for which president they want elected. After citizen united got the thumbs up from courts, everyone has these massive Super Pacs including jeb bush. Only bernie Sanders is the one standing on principles so I still do not understand how can american support either party's corporate bots and especially nihonjin with you supporting Jeb bush($100 mil raised already). Do you rationally believe that these politicians will look after your interest with all that money on table. Also looking from outside, Hillary appears to be doing the same just on a bigger scale so my question is can we even consider this election even legitimate as far seriousness goes?

Anyways I just wasted an hour watching this debate but God bless Donald trump(although a racist) as he actually pointed out the fact that he funded all these politicians when he was running his business. Also nihonjin, atlantic city has failed so you can't really blame trump for that.

No I do not believe that we really elect our politicians, they are selected and then we get to pick the figurehead of their choice. No I do not consider it really legitimate but if Trump somehow gets a nomination I will vote for him, if Hillary gets the dem nomination I might still go out and vote against her just for the **** of it. Many people would vote for her just to be pc just like they went out to vote for Obama. How is Trump a racist though?
No I do not believe that we really elect our politicians, they are selected and then we get to pick the figurehead of their choice. No I do not consider it really legitimate but if Trump somehow gets a nomination I will vote for him, if Hillary gets the dem nomination I might still go out and vote against her just for the **** of it. Many people would vote for her just to be pc just like they went out to vote for Obama. How is Trump a racist though?
How about senator bernie senders on the democrat side because watching debate on issues tonight on the republican party really opened my eyes to how conservative folks truly are across the border. However you have to admit that american Reaganomics has largely failed and again I am not defending Hillary btw because she is a total sell out corporate bot. I do see some hope with bernie senders but I am not sure how you guys feel with his left wing views as far as economic policy is concerned.
Also what is so wrong with Obama care because I heard the candidates being upset about the program during the debate. Imagine in Canada if they ever passed obama care bill, he would be voted out for being a right wing extremist ;)
Personally one of the reasons why I like Bush so much is the sort of growth-centered policy and using immigrants as major economic driver.

People can say what they want about immigrants, but without them the US would be nowhere near where it is today. We often forget that there were more nativist groups against European immigrants 1880-1930 than there are anti-immigration movements in the US 2000-20XX and yet people now describe European immigrants as part of the "Greatest generation" of the 1940s.

While countries like Japan, Germany, China, and Russia will feel the economic effects of an aging population or a negative population growth rate in the future, the US will maintain a somewhat health population growth rate because of IMMIGRANTS.

And then we have some anti-US dudes right here on PDF say some BS like "lol whites won't be the top race anymore because of Hispanic immigrants" as if it actually means anything. IT DOESN'T MATTER what race is the majority in America. As long as we have AMERICANS willing to carry the baton for the United States of America into the future I could care less about their race.

There are AMERICANS of all races and nationalities born in all corners of the globe everyday, it just depends on whether they make it home or not.

As the famous Statue of Liberty quote goes:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

/end rant
I don't know what you guys see in Bush. He looks totally uncomfortable in the spotlight. Christie, Cruz, and Huckabee helped themselves tonight. Rubio, Carson, and Kasich had solid performances, but tended to get lost in the shuffle at times. Walker was forgettable, and Trump and Paul were both disasters. Fiorina had a great performance in the afternoon debate, so it'll be interesting to see if she moves up the pack.

Long way to go!
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lol bobby jindal etc at the "kids table" :P

. . .

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