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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

Under construction Torkham border gate is 37 meters inside Pakistan: ISPR
Last Updated On 14 June,2016 10:27 am

The border gate will check movement of terrorists, Pak Army stated in a press release.
TORKHAM (Web Desk) - A day after clash between Pakistani and Afghan security forces at Torkham border, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) released an image showing that the under constructiongate at Torkham border is 37 meters inside Pakistan.


"This gate is considered essential to check and verifty documentation of all border crossers. Will check move of terrorists," the ISPR stated.

Earlier on Monday, Afghan Charge d’Affaires was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to convey Pakistan’s strong protest over unprovoked firing by the Afghan forces at Pakistani forces on Torkham border crossing. At least fourteen people including two soldiers have been injured in the firing incident.

The Afghan Charge d’Affaires was told that the firing incident was contrary to the spirit of friendly relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Afghan side was urged to thoroughly investigate the incident and share the findings with Pakistani authorities. It was further emphasized that all steps should be taken for avoiding recurrence of such incidents in the future.

"The firing was aimed at disrupting the construction of a gate well inside Pakistani territory at the border. The gate is being constructed to facilitate the cross-border movement of people and vehicles. It was conveyed to the Afghan side that the regulation of movements at Torkham is part of government’s policy to strengthen border management. Therefore, Afghan government’s cooperation was needed as it would enhance mutual security and help combat the threat of terrorism," the Foreign Office spokesperson said.

The Pakistan-Afghanistan border has long remained porous and disputed. Afghanistan has blocked repeated attempts by Pakistan to build a fence on sections of the roughly 2,200-km (1,370-mile) long frontier, rejecting the contours of the boundary.

Last month, Pakistan build a border post between Pakistan’s South Waziristan and Afghanistan’s Paktika province and handed it over to Afghan officials.

Hours later, Afghan authorities shut the post, saying that the actual border lay about a kilometer inside Pakistani territory.
NASR is nuclear missile.....
Our conventional forces and weapons enough to annihilate the entire Afghan army.

I knew it, they deserve it.

See America drop nukes on Japan killing millions and still he talks about humanity and label others as terrorist.
Why PAF on standby only? Why they not bombing these bastards out yet? Oh wait I forgot who is going to authorize such strikes when there is no PM .
fruit of indian foreign policy in afghanistan. teach these indian backed afghans the same lesson which TTP has learnt in past couple of years. seal the border and send every afghani either to india or afghanistan.
Indians think they are masters of the subcontinent, and firmly believe. But it is clear that the Indians have forgotten the USA...
A clown, lowly rantings. Even in his apparent display of patriotism, to appease certain crowd, he is saying "we Pashtoons" will do this and that. Pakistanism demands listening to Jinnah, and Jinnah was very insistent that Pakistanis should come out of "we Pakhtoons" " we tees maar khan" mentality and should only be calling themselves Pakistanis. This clown, cleaning floors in Saudia, is obviously ignorant about messages of baba-i-qaum
Resolution against Afghan forces' unprovoked firing submitted in Punjab Assembly

The resolution demanded federal government to raise the issue with Afghanistan.
LAHORE (Dunya News) - Resolution against the unprovoked firing of Afghan forces at Torkham border has been submitted in the Punjab Assembly today (Tuesday).

The resolution submitted by Pakistan People’s Party’s (PPP) Punjab Assembly member Faiza Malik strongly condemned Afghan forces’ firing.

It was demanded in the resolution that Afghanistan must stop conspiracies against the peace in the region and should not hold shelling on Pakistani security forces and areas immediately.

The resolution urged federal government to raise the issue with Afghanistan and summon its ambassador.

Indiscriminate firing by Afghanistan forces is intermittently continuing on the second day while Pakistan’s ambassador was called to lodge protest a day after Foreign Office summoned Afghan diplomat. Curfew imposed in Landi Kotal has been lifted but the imposition maintains in other surrounding areas.

Major Ali Jawad has lost his life while under treatment a day after he was injured the firing.

The neighbouring country resorted to coercive methods during construction of a gate at Torkham border which is aimed at keeping a check on cross-border movement in light of different terror attacks across the country by terrorists that entered Pakistan through the route.
Why PAF on standby only? Why they not bombing these bastards out yet? Oh wait I forgot who is going to authorize such strikes when there is no PM .
The custodian on the State...i.e President.

He can call the Joint session of the Parliament as well and the Parliament can legalise his action...After all it comes under Emergency Provisions.
@WebMaster @Horus

Just received some graphics in one of which at least 8 Afghan soldiers' bodies are lying down. Due to forum policy I can't post but if anyone wants for personal information you can inbox
I wont be surprised if Afghan forces are suffering very heavy casualties in these clashes....they are very loose and undisciplined. In the recent videos that i watched, their soldiers were referring to their officers as "Haji saib" "ameer saib" etc, and there was no alertness in their body language.
A clown, lowly rantings. Even in his apparent display of patriotism, to appease certain crowd, he is saying "we Pashtoons" will do this and that. Pakistanism demands listening to Jinnah, and Jinnah was very insistent that Pakistanis should come out of "we Pakhtoons" " we tees maar khan" mentality and should only be calling themselves Pakistanis. This clown, cleaning floors in Saudia, is obviously ignorant about messages of baba-i-qaum

It obviously wasn't a serious post . He was emphasizing on pashtuns because afghanistan keeps on insisting that durand line doesn't exist and that lands in KPK are part of afghanistan . No Pakistani pashtoon is delusional enough to have some sort of spiritual connection to afghanistan or its people . Cross border ethnicities live in alot of countries its only afghanistan that's bitching over it . That's why We have to keep on reminding them that no Thankyou there is absolutely no long lost love between us . Kabalay is slang in Pakistan and especially in KPK for afghans . When you see someone dirty , illiterate you are instantly reminded of the word kabalay .

What's wrong with cleaning floors?He is working hard and earning money ? try getting born in a poor family .
Local have seen some cobra and gun ship heli heading towards the border.

  1. Reports are suggesting that our forces have captured many important Afghan posts such as the Shiraz fort.

    0 retweets0 likes
  2. Reports are coming from # Torkham that the Pakistani forces are consonantly infiltrating Afghan territory forcing them to retreat.

**************@ ******8
Pakistan captured Shiraz Fort. # Torkham

A convoy of reportedly 25 Tanks heading towards the border.



Credits: @Windjammer


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I wont be surprised if Afghan forces are suffering very heavy casualties in these clashes....they are very loose and undisciplined. In the recent videos that i watched, their soldiers were referring to their officers as "Haji saib" "ameer saib" etc, and there was no alertness in their body language.
You have no clue my friend. There life revolves around Hashish and pounding each other corn holes in ANA camps. I am not joking either.

I hope common sense prevails soon as this is a really shameful incident in the month of Ramadhan. All the keyboard warriors on both sides are having a field day on social media but its the poor people on both sides who will suffer the most. There should be dialogue and an immediate ceasfire and thorough investigation and stupid people who started this brought to justice.

The picture the Afghan media giving is that one of the Afghan border police went over to the Pakistani side to ask them to stop the work as they were not aware a gate was being built but the Pakistani side said they have orders from Islamabad to finish the work. Things got heated and the Afghan border police was either insulted or shot at whcih started the fight. Now this is the story from the Afghan media and might not be true at all.
The Pakistani side of the story is that the workers working on the gate were shot at without any provocation.
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