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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

@Sage you are not allowed to post bloody content. Plz take it down..

Horrific. One wonders what was the necessity for all of this by the afghans. Have they lost their mind. They have been at war for over 40 years and currently are undergoing a severe civil war and they want more war. What is wrong with that nation.
Okay ...
Don't interfere or start Conflict with Nuclear Armed State this is very humble request to Afghanis... you're extremely poor and India is using you as a second front against Pakistan but you're highly incompetent and living in damn pooor situation.

Lets send some loaded F16s and hit this NDS Terrorist headquarter in Kabul... re-engage Talibans and F***** this entire Kabully Tola..... don't test our patient... we know how to deal with superpowers lets aside this funded puppet neighbor regime who are not even capable to hold Kabul (80% of Afghanistan under control by Afghan Talibans)

Hello All
Good if we are taking extra precautions about these Ahssaan Framoshes(sorry to say) , but I will say we need to upgrade our FC we can have 10000FC men trainee as light commando battalion(Division) with modern eqm like IFVs and APCs and 150 Tanks (Al-ZARRAR or Upgraded T-69), we can deploy 10000 in KPK and 10000 in Baluchistan.
We can deploy them near border so we don't have to move them in any emergency .
These 20000 men in uniform with 300 Tanks will be enough for any misadventure from Afghanistan , and they will also take burden out from PA , give them some rest .
Thank you all

Dont worry... we have huge number of Groups who are enough to tackle entire Afghanistan... they numbers and manpower are more than entire Afghanistan population (hope you get my signal)
Afghan Military should be care full about gathering power in one place and taking on Pakistan head on.
Because they might lose 1/3rd of their total power against Pakistan. Like losing some key equipment. etc etc
Who will defend Kabul in next Taliban invasion?
It will be funny if Taliban take advantage of this lack of focus from Afghan Military and launch attack on any major city of Afghanistan.

That show will be worth watching............. lol :lol:
these begerat namak haram don't understand simple mathematics...oo laantyoon Kabul Afghanis... you're in the state of war since last 50 years and now fear of civil war with Afghan talibans... apnay liye bara kata khoolnay lagay hain with Pakistan ... they're literally idiots! Pakistan Armed forces and agencies will hardly take 24 hours to bomb kabul and NDS all main points... insaan day putar banoo don't **** yourself further... or we will send you this time from stone age to dinosaurs age...
India has started war with PAKISTAN from Afghanistan Simple.
according to Horus's signature
"India will fight Pakistan to the last afghan"

Stop your nuclear bull shit everywhere, you cant push anyone anywhere.
When US can intervene b/w Taiwan case against china where is your backward class standing ?
Bytheway Its a v small issue Afghanistan claim 1 to 10 km land inside where you are fencing They are not oppose to fencing just you are acquiring there land according to them it can be sorted out peacefully.
In Nuclear game you are gona the biggest looser having with 1990 era chinese missile technology at the time when everyday technology is progressing .
DO NOT intervene in our conflict, no one will emerge a victor if you try to meddle in our affairs, a war between Nuclear Nations is no joke. A conventional war with Afghanistan will not have negative effects, however if India decides to jump in, it will be catastrophic for you and for us. Do not underestimate an enemy, underestimations can kill the most brilliant of strategies
Pics from the Afghan side




its funny how pak members take pride in the death of muslims in the month of ramadan

ispr Lol
We'll kill anyone who tries to **** our border; Muslim or not.

ISPR only gives sources on Pakistan casualties.

Like i said earlier they are trying to divert world's attention from Orlando shooting and thats it. Its another thing that the world is not even paying a damn to what Kabul is doing at Torkham but yeah its more than evident that Afghans aint welcome in US anymore.
Pics from Afghan side; apparently 22 Afghan soldiers have died - one killed and 9 injured on our side



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