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Fire in LDA plaza, Lahore

The training and general equipment for 1122 is top notch...it's just that the equipment is not in numbers due to the funds issue.
The training and general equipment for 1122 is top notch...it's just that the equipment is not in numbers due to the funds issue.

Credit Pervaiz Elahi for setting up such vital service. Shahbaz Sharif should also be remembered. He expanded it from 3 to 33 districts of Punjab and allowed speedy service using Metro Bus lanes of Lahore




This was the Punjab Government Mi-17, no winch no nothing. They dropped down a rappelling rope and one person clinging onto it.

Then fortunately the Army Mi-17 came with rope ladder.
I agree with you. Shehbaz Sharif's governance has destroyed LDA many times. In the time of regime of PML-Q, LDA Plaza's maintenance was very good. PML-Q has benifit LDA officials many times. But in Shehbaz Sharif's governance, purchase of provincial offices were banned. Due to this, firefighting equipements were not upgraded.

When Najam Sethi took over, he hired his men in LDA. It's caretaker's responsibility.

According to many transparency agencies in 2007 (PML-Q tenure) termed Punjab the most corrupt province of Pakistan. Now the same people are saying it was the 'least corrupt' (under PML-N) in 2012...
When Najam Sethi took over, he hired his men in LDA. It's caretaker's responsibility.

According to many transparency agencies in 2007 (PML-Q tenure) termed Punjab the most corrupt province of Pakistan. Now the same people are saying it was the 'least corrupt' (under PML-N) in 2012...

We never saw Shehbaz Sharif's man in LDA Plaza, also not the man hired by Najam Sethi in the same office. They did everything what they were said to, but they did nothing right for the same office and the people of sme office. When Steno's protest for their upgration near PML-Q office near Davis Road, Lahore, Pervaz Elahi said I will do what ever I can.
What happend then..
Before Pervaz Elahi's effort, they upgraded all the stenos. But what about the upgration of DEOs, they didn't protest and nothing happend. Same happened in this case. File for firefighting equipments were in process. But now, where is the file? BURNT..
will someone explain to me, IF they had any Fire Exits in LDA? if not, whose fault is it? was there Fire Fighting equipment available in Plaza? who was the Fire Marshall? was any member of the staff trained for FF at all?
Now Army Mi-17 on the spot with a rope ladder...the crew chief has disembarked from the heli and is on the roof getting people on the heli.

Hail the democratic civilian institutions which are required by the constitution to safeguard the life and property of the citizen. All the civilian institutions are doing every thing as per the constitution to be at the service of the people and i would rate them good if not very good so i don't see the need of the military giving help.
will someone explain to me, IF they had any Fire Exits in LDA? if not, whose fault is it? was there Fire Fighting equipment available in Plaza? who was the Fire Marshall? was any member of the staff trained for FF at all?

There were firefighting equipments available in plaza, but I have head that they were all expire. Also, I have heard that someone (who was not trained with firefighting equipment) tried to get control over fire with fire extinguisher but failed.
Our media needs to be more responsible...all over the world news agencies broadcast these situations in a 5-10 second delay so that no gory scene is seen. But all the channels on media are showing two guys falling off the building again and again...this is totally unethical and especially painful for the families, seeing their loved ones fall off buildings like that.

Our media needs to learn something.

BTW, all people have been rescued now.

As i always say our media is non-professional in every aspect. Even the media of poor African nations are more professional than our's.

- People who do not know how to run a news channel are running news channels.
- News casters and reporters who do not know how to present news are presenting news.
- News editors who do not know how to select news for breaking news and normal news for showing on air are handling that department
- people who do not know how to write urdu are writing the news in urdu on TV channels.

need to say more about our free media?
As i always say our media is non-professional in every aspect. Even the media of poor African nations are more professional than our's.

- People who do not know how to run a news channel are running news channels.
- News casters and reporters who do not know how to present news are presenting news.
- News editors who do not know how to select news for breaking news and normal news for showing on air are handling that department
- people who do not know how to write urdu are writing the news in urdu on TV channels.

need to say more about our free media?

need to bound our media1
I have heard that LDA employees are protesting against what happened yesterday..
Is that true?
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