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Fire breaks out at Iranian nuclear facility, no damage occurred, say officials

Not inside but outsioutside and the other one is in centrifuge assembly and test facility
Two mysterious explosions with days of each other....one in Tehran missile complex and one in Nuclear facility.

There is a shadow war going on right now. Iran is hiding it.
It’s good. This only helps Iran learn the tricks these global powers employ. Better for them to waste these tricks during times of peace than to unveil in times of war.

Personally I would just keep key scientists and engineers guarded and never near materials that could put them at risk. Tehrani Moghadaam death can not be ruled out to sabotage. However, there is no shortage of deaths in the development of BMs in the history of mankind. Even Russia recently had a missile explosion during an a test.

The thing is we haven't learned anything. They assassinate our scientists, they sabotage our nuclear program (stuxnet), they instigate riots, they airstrike us in Syria, they assassinated our national hero, they bomb our facilities. (This have been going on for years and is nothing new), we do nothing.

To be honest, I think Iran is just trying to avoid confrontation by all means. You can argue that there is a greater plan that Iran is working on, and that these are just minor bumps on the road, but I don't buy that. I honestly am starting to believe that if US were to do a nuclear strike on our nuclear sites, we would just respond with "If you attack Tehran, then we will attack you back"
The thing is we haven't learned anything. They assassinate our scientists, they sabotage our nuclear program (stuxnet), they instigate riots, they airstrike us in Syria, they assassinated our national hero, they bomb our facilities. (This have been going on for years and is nothing new), we do nothing.

To be honest, I think Iran is just trying to avoid confrontation by all means. You can argue that there is a greater plan that Iran is working on, and that these are just minor bumps on the road, but I don't buy that. I honestly am starting to believe that if US were to do a nuclear strike on our nuclear sites, we would just respond with "If you attack Tehran, then we will attack you back"

Agreed, your sentiment is quite illuminating given all that's gone on during this past decade. Personally I'm beginning to come around to the idea that Iran might be doing more than just "biding its time" or "playing the long-game". This might indeed be a case where, as you've said, Iran is trying to avoid confrontation by any means necessary. Although I would like to believe Iran is just trying to buy more time in order to prepare for the inevitable war to come some time in the future or not (this is what I think anyways).

It really can't be stated enough just how many times Israel has quite literally whacked Iran in Syria and all Iran did was give hollow lip-service as a response. I hate saying these things but it's the truth and we all need to accept certain realities for as dismissing them will do us a greater disservice than simply ignoring them.
Global Village Space |
An “incident” damaged an under-construction building Thursday near Iran‘s underground Natanz nuclear enrichment facility, though it did not affect its centrifuge operations or cause any release of radiation, a spokesman said.

The affected building, described as an “industrial shed,” was above ground and not part of the enrichment facility itself, said Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. However, both Kamalvandi and Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi rushed after the fire to Natanz, which has been targeted in sabotage campaigns in the past.

Outside experts, however, said a building seriously damaged in the fire appeared to be a newly constructed centrifuge construction facility. The state-run IRNA news agency quoted Kamalvandi as saying there was “no need for concern” over the incident.

Fire near underground nuclear enrichment facility: Iran downplays the ‘Incident’
Iranian officials downplayed the incident – the third prominent industrial accident in the country in recent days – though the BBC’s Farsi service said it received an email before the news of the fire was made public from a purported dissident group taking credit for what it said was an attack.
US satellite data showed an explosion or fire large enough to be detected from space breaking out at a building above the underground Natanz nuclear enrichment facility in central Isfahan province just after 2am.

Iran’s top security body said Friday it had determined the cause of an “accident” at a nuclear site but declined to release details, citing security reasons. “Investigations by relevant bodies have accurately determined the cause of the accident at… Natanz nuclear complex,” said a spokesman for Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, referring to one of the country’s main uranium enrichment plants.

“Due to certain security concerns the cause and details of this accident will be announced at the proper time,” state news agency IRNA quoted Keyvan Khosravi as saying.
Read full article...
Iran nuclear ‘incident’: cause identified but Iran refuses to release details
Agreed, your sentiment is quite illuminating given all that's gone on during this past decade. Personally I'm beginning to come around to the idea that Iran might be doing more than just "biding its time" or "playing the long-game". This might indeed be a case where, as you've said, Iran is trying to avoid confrontation by any means necessary. Although I would like to believe Iran is just trying to buy more time in order to prepare for the inevitable war to come some time in the future or not (this is what I think anyways).

It really can't be stated enough just how many times Israel has quite literally whacked Iran in Syria and all Iran did was give hollow lip-service as a response. I hate saying these things but it's the truth and we all need to accept certain realities for as dismissing them will do us a greater disservice than simply ignoring them.
I used to believe this too. But let's not kid ourselves, we will not start a war and go head to head with the US. If they want a war with us, why would they wait until we grow stronger? Does that make any sense to you?

I think all the death to US, death to Israel BS is to distract us from our internal problems, and make us believe our suffering now is for a greater cause in the future. US is happy as long as we underperform and remain sanctioned. Our leaders are happy as long as they can stay in power.
I used to believe this too. But let's not kid ourselves, we will not start a war and go head to head with the US. If they want a war with us, why would they wait until we grow stronger? Does that make any sense to you?

I think all the death to US, death to Israel BS is to distract us from our internal problems, and make us believe our suffering now is for a greater cause in the future. US is happy as long as we underperform and remain sanctioned. Our leaders are happy as long as they can stay in power.

Fair position to take, can't really argue against it since I find myself increasingly viewing things that way as well...
It seems that Iranian nuclear program is deeply infiltrated by western and Israeli agents there is no other explanation for these repeated incidents over the years.
Sabatoge has happened throughout history of world military powers. During WW2 a briefcase bomb nearly killed Hitler in a top meeting of Nazi brass. If the suitcase was not put against the leg of the table, it likely would have killed Hitler, but the leg of the table deflected/absorbed a big portion of the blast. You are talking about nations that have sabotaging each other for hundreds of years, Iran is a relative infant in this game as it was largely irrelevant banana country for much of the last 250 years.

Also for over 5 years, Iranian intelligence agents were killing far more US soldiers in Iraq than Israel has inflicted on Iran in Syria in last 5 years. Does that mean US was weak because it didn’t respond to Iranian aggression? Does that mean Israel was weak during Lebanon Civil war when early prototype Hezbollah and IRGC committed countless attacks on Israeli occupation forces?

The rules of the game are different when you fight on neutral territory (Syria). Iran is a foreign power on neutral land, that opens you up to external enemy attacks by your rivals (just look at Libya, Yemen, etc as other examples for foreign powers on neutral territory).

There isn’t much Iran can do without taking war to Israel. Israel unlike Iran doesn’t have troops in Syria nor any other country in Middle East that Iran has relative ease of access. This is just like there wasn’t much US could do to Iran without taking war to Iran during the Iraqi insurgency of 2000’s.
It seems that Iranian nuclear program is deeply infiltrated by western and Israeli agents there is no other explanation for these repeated incidents over the years.
If that is actually the case then they`ve been stunningly unsuccessful considering the minuscule results that they`ve been able to achieve over the last 2 decades....and thats putting it mildly.Ultimately its been irans own past and present governments that have been far more effective at retarding or outright halting irans nuclear progress than any western or zionist spy or saboteur could ever have dreamed of,and thats the sad truth of the matter.
Sabatoge has happened throughout history of world military powers. During WW2 a briefcase bomb nearly killed Hitler in a top meeting of Nazi brass. If the suitcase was not put against the leg of the table, it likely would have killed Hitler, but the leg of the table deflected/absorbed a big portion of the blast. You are talking about nations that have sabotaging each other for hundreds of years, Iran is a relative infant in this game as it was largely irrelevant banana country for much of the last 250 years.

The plot to assassinate hitler was done by Germans who were planning a military coup. US directly assassinated our top commander, thats like IRIAF airstriking the US top commander while he is on a diplomatic mission in Mexico.

Also for over 5 years, Iranian intelligence agents were killing far more US soldiers in Iraq than Israel has inflicted on Iran in Syria in last 5 years. Does that mean US was weak because it didn’t respond to Iranian aggression? Does that mean Israel was weak during Lebanon Civil war when early prototype Hezbollah and IRGC committed countless attacks on Israeli occupation forces?

We haven't killed any Americans in Iraq, we were behind those attacks, but the attacks were through Iraqi proxies. Same way US, Turkey and the GCC arabs were behind killing Iranians in Syria by supporting ISIS.

The rules of the game are different when you fight on neutral territory (Syria). Iran is a foreign power on neutral land, that opens you up to external enemy attacks by your rivals (just look at Libya, Yemen, etc as other examples for foreign powers on neutral territory).

The problem is, it doesn't only happen on neutral territory. They have assassinated our scientists in Iran, they sabotaged our nuclear reactors in Iran, they have blown up tens of missile and ammunition depots in Iran, they have instigated a couple of riots in Iran, they are supporting terrorist groups in Iran.
Higher resolution photos of the attack at Natanz.....Damage is substantial.


Higher resolution photos of the attack at Natanz.....Damage is substantial.

View attachment 648298
View attachment 648299
those shacks are flimsy the photo sow an explosion that happened inside the building and do the damage to one side of it so i say it was not explosives what ever it was it moved toward north and west and then the photo shows after the explosion a fire breakout inside the building and made farther damage ,but whatever it was the fire damage is limited to the building and didn't scorch the earth around it.
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