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FIR registered against PTM Gulalai Ismail for inciting Pashtuns against Pakistan Army


Feb 21, 2012
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FIR registered against PTM Gulalai Ismail for inciting Pashtuns against Pakistan Army
23 May, 2019



ISLAMABAD – A First Information Report (FIR) has been registered against Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) activist Gulalai Ismail for making an anti-state speech.

According to media reports, the case was registered in the jurisdiction of Islamabad’s Shahzad Town Police Station which also included Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act 1999 (ATA).

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It was stated in the FIR that Gulalai Ismail delivered an anti-state and hate speech during a protest rally organized in Islamabad against murder and alleged rape of 10-year-old girl Farishta.

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During her speech, Gulalai incited Pashtuns against the government and armed forces. According to the FIR, Gulalai Ismail used foul language against Pakistan and its institutions.

The rape-murder of Farishta has jolted the capital administration. The victim had gone out of her home last Wednesday but did not return, according to the First Information Report (FIR) lodged by her father, Gul Nabi; it is also alleged that the FIR was not lodged in time by the police which kept delaying it.

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Rape-murder of 10-year-old Farishta jolts Pakistan link

As the search was underway both by the law enforcers and the family, the mutilated body of the victim was found dumped in Chak Shahzad, five days after she had gone missing; her body was shifted to the Poly Clinic Hospital for a post-mortem report.

Farishta belonged to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Mohmand Agency district and her rape-murder prompted calls on social media for speedy arrest of culprits.

Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan took strong exception to the delay in arrest of the SHO, Shahzad Town, Islamabad, in the Farishta case, despite lodging of an FIR a day earlier and sought an explanation from the Deputy Inspector General (Operations) and Inspector General of Police.

PM Imran in action after Army condemns Farishta’s rape-murder in Islamabad link

The Superintendent of Police (SP), Islamabad has also been made an officer on special duty (OSD).

Pakistan military spokesperson, Major General Asif Ghafoor also condemned the brutal rape-murder in strongest words and offered assistance in the investigations of the rape-murder case.
I have noticed one strange thing that women in punjab are named after islamic women figures like Aisha, Fatima, Amna, Hifsa, Aasia, kausar, kulsoom, Rabia, maryam etc. but in KPK they seem to have mostly non-islmic names like Gulalai, farishta, gul makai, shandana, zartaj etc. even though they are supposed to be more "religious" than us in punjab.
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Good ... but this is not enough , these people deserve to be hanged

I have noticed one strange thing that women in punjab are named after islamic women figures like Aisha, Fatima, Amna, Hifsa, Aasia, kausar, kulsoom, Rabia etc. but in KPK they seem to have mostly non-islmic names like Gulalai, farishta, gul makai, shandana, zartaj etc. even though they are supposed to be more "religious" than us in punjab.
These are some kinda tribal names , i find them strange too
Good ... but this is not enough , these people deserve to be hanged

These are some kinda tribal names , i find them strange too

They are purely pre-islamic kafir names, it would be like a muslim woman in punjab having name like "Geeta devi", how ridiculous it would sound.
A real patiot does not hold any institution above the truth, justice and law. These institutions are there to serve the people not the other way around. No institution should be above the law no matter how powerfull. If the accusations against the army are unfounded then, the army have nothing to fear. Yes, there might be some foreign agencies trying to use PTM for their own interests but it doesn't make their cause any less worthy as long as PTM doesn't let itself get used. As long as it sticks to it's original demands of justice for Pashtuns, it will succeed.
They are purely pre-islamic kafir names, it would be like a muslim woman in punjab having name like "Geeta devi", how ridiculous it would sound.
Hahaha , take it easy or some pushtun will probably blame you for calling them kaffir , they are making dramas out of small things these days you know ...
I have noticed one strange thing that women in punjab are named after islamic women figures like Aisha, Fatima, Amna, Hifsa, Aasia, kausar, kulsoom, Rabia etc. but in KPK they seem to have mostly non-islmic names like Gulalai, farishta, gul makai, shandana, zartaj etc. even though they are supposed to be more "religious" than us in punjab.

Lol " Gulalai" simply means "flower like" in Pashto. Having a name in your native language is quite common like Persian names "Mahnoor" which means moon light and alot of Pakistanis have that name
Hahaha , take it easy or some pushtun will probably blame you for calling them kaffir , they are make dramas out of small things these days you know ...

Yes a non-islamic name is "halal" as long as it is sourced from persian or pashto but would be "haram" if it is sourced from punjabi or some other eastern language.
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PTM needs to be dealt with an Iron hand. Bohat ho gai yeh bakwas. How far will the state allow this foreign funded party to continue?

Judging from the previous handling of TTP, TLP, Lal Masjid, etc., the answer is "too far" --- after which, once the State and its people have suffered damages and disturbances, an order of magnitude greater effort (both in terms of blood and treasure) will be required to quell it.
A real patiot does not hold any institution above the truth, justice and law. These institutions are there to serve the people not the other way around. No institution should be above the law no matter how powerfull. If the accusations against the army are unfounded then, the army have nothing to fear. Yes, there might be some foreign agencies trying to use PTM for their own interests but it doesn't make their cause any less worthy as long as PTM doesn't let itself get used. As long as it sticks to it's original demands of justice for Pashtuns, it will succeed.
Go and tell this to your buddies India and Bangladesh..
A real patiot does not hold any institution above the truth, justice and law. These institutions are there to serve the people not the other way around. No institution should be above the law no matter how powerfull. If the accusations against the army are unfounded then, the army have nothing to fear. Yes, there might be some foreign agencies trying to use PTM for their own interests but it doesn't make their cause any less worthy as long as PTM doesn't let itself get used. As long as it sticks to it's original demands of justice for Pashtuns, it will succeed.

But if its a open threat to the state and its people

Then the state has the right to preserve its territorial integrity and destroy the hostile enemy
A real patiot does not hold any institution above the truth, justice and law. These institutions are there to serve the people not the other way around. No institution should be above the law no matter how powerfull. If the accusations against the army are unfounded then, the army have nothing to fear. Yes, there might be some foreign agencies trying to use PTM for their own interests but it doesn't make their cause any less worthy as long as PTM doesn't let itself get used. As long as it sticks to it's original demands of justice for Pashtuns, it will succeed.

but you have to be sure about their loyalty first, for example if its Imran Khan i wouldn't care what he says against institutions bcoz i believe he is loyal to Pakistan no matter what, he was against war on terror, his whole politics was whining against Generals/Army during Musharraf and Zardari regime, media even labelled him Taliban Khan.. but on the other hand ethno fascist pigs (legal heir of Abu Jehal), have always been involve in treasonous, malicious activities, their target was always ethnic dived and anti army agenda. so whenever someone from their lines talk about rights, its alarm bell for most of patriotic Pakistanis.
But if its a open threat to the state and its people

Then the state has the right to preserve its territorial integrity and destroy the hostile enemy

Asking for justice and human rights shouldn't be a threat to any state. PTM is a non violant peacefull movement and all their demands are valid and comply with the constitution of Pakistan. Manzoor Pashteen has never called for any violance or has any seperatiat ambitions. He just wants justice for the tribal people who he feels were treated unfairly. If every little grass root movement is a threat to integrity of Pakistan then God help you.

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