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Finnish Defence Forces



New Recruit

Jan 2, 2013
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FDFs primary goal is to defend Finland militarily, it is divided into 3 branches, Army (Maavoimat), Air Forces (Ilmavoimat) and Navy (Merivoimat).
War-time strenght currently is 350,000 men, but will be lowered to 230,000 after 2015 modernization programs, the Finnish army has 3 Readiness brigades, 2 jaeger brigades, 2 mechanized and motorized battlegroups, 1 helicopter battalion, 1 special jaegers battalion and an Air-defence unit. + there are regional troops, consisting on 6 infantry brigades, 14 battalions and 28 local defence troops (Similiar to National guard).

The air forces currently have 56 F-18C and 6 F-18D Fighter jets, that are being upgraded to have Air-to-ground abilities, making them multirole fighters.
Main trainers for the air forces are Bae hawk mk.51 and mk.66 jets.

During the 2012-2015 modernizations, Finland will also upgraded its tactics and air-defences, the Buk-m1 will be replaced with NASAMS-II, which will be operational by 2014, Buk will stay in service until 2016.

The following information was given by General Parkatti in a 2012 interview.

"The regional defence system will be retained, but its basic philosophy will be changed.
At present, defensive fighting is based on holding important positions in terrain. In the future, the forces will seek to inflict sufficient casualties on an attacker in a more dispersed, active, and flexible manner.
Brigadier General Parkatti says that the planning is for a more efficient use of intellectual resources, and the encouragement of personal initiative and cunning."

I noticed that i cant post photo links so i will edit this later ;P and this is only a fraction of the info i was planning on posting, but as my internet keeps cutting off, i will finish this tomorrow. :tongue:
Continues(wheres the darn edit button? :argh:) :
The Finnish navy operates a total of 46 vessels (Patrol boats and training vessels not included) and are getting 3 new mine countermeasure vessels, they will be in service by 2015.
The navy has not engaged in defensive combat since the Lapland war in 1945, the latest mission for the navy was in Operation Atalanta, counter-piracy operations, which the Minelayer Pohjanmaa succesfully captured 3 pirate boats and 18 pirates, along with assault rifles and RPGs.

The coastal defence is also one branch of the navy. Finland is one of the last countries with coastal artillery, but they are slowly being replaced with ASM systems, like the RBS-15 and the Eurospike ER.
OFF TOPIC - Man I LOVE scandinavian countries , in no particular order. One of my friend visited Oslo , she said it was very expansive.. considering the proce of a Pint of beer ;p .
How much does a pint cost in Stockholm?
Howe much tax on your income do You guys pay? Are Schools , Hospital visits free for you guys?
im only asking for my love for your countries , If I had a chance I wud anyday leave for Sweden , Norway or Finland (my X gf country ;p) .
OFF TOPIC - Man I LOVE scandinavian countries , in no particular order. One of my friend visited Oslo , she said it was very expansive.. considering the proce of a Pint of beer ;p .
How much does a pint cost in Stockholm?
Howe much tax on your income do You guys pay? Are Schools , Hospital visits free for you guys?
im only asking for my love for your countries , If I had a chance I wud anyday leave for Sweden , Norway or Finland (my X gf country ;p) .

Here in Finland, a pint of beer costs 5€ which is a lot for 0,5l, as you can buy a 12 pack of beer for 12€... now to the less important subjects ;) Education and healthcare are basically free. Tax % in my region is 20%, and then you add everything else to that. :P not the cheapest country to live in.
Finnish soldiers..... the first thing that gets in to my mind is this guy.: Over 700 confirmed kills :sniper:

Simo Häyhä= Most dangerous man EVER..........EVEEER!


Nicknamed ‘The White Death’

705 confirmed kills (505 with rifle, 200 with submachine gun)

Was a Finnish soldier who, using an iron sighted bolt action rifle, amassed the highest recorded confirmed kills as a sniper in any war…ever!!

Häyhä was born in the municipality of Rautjärvi near the present-day border of Finland and Russia, and started his military service in 1925. His duties as a sniper began during the ‘winter war’ (1939-1940) between Russia and Finland. During the conflict Häyhä endured freezing temperatures up to -40 degrees Celsius. In less than 100 days he was credited with 505 confirmed kills, 542 if including unconfirmed kills, however the unofficial frontline figures from the battlefield places the number of sniper kills at over 800. Besides his sniper kills he was also credited with 200 from a Suomi KP/31 Submachine gun, topping off his total confirmed kills at 705.

How Häyhä did all this was amazing. He was basically on his own all day, in the snow, shooting Russians, for 3 months straight. Of course when the Russians caught wind that a **** load of soldiers were being killed, they thought ‘well this is war, there’s bound to be casualties’. But when the generals were told that it was one man with a rifle they decided to take a bit of action. first they sent in a counter-sniper. When his body was returned they decided to send in a team of counter-snipers. When they didn’t come back at all they sent in a whole goddamn battalion. They took casualties and couldn’t find him. Eventually they ordered an artillery strike, but to no avail. You see Häyhä was clever, and this was his neck of the woods. He dressed completely in white camouflage. He used a smaller rifle to suit his smaller frame (being 5ft3) increasing his accuracy. he used an iron sight to present the smallest possible target (a scoped sight would require the sniper to raise his head for sighting). He compacted the snow in front of the barrel, so as not to disturb it when he shot thus revealing his position. He also kept snow in his mouth so his breath did not condense and reveal where his was. Eventually however his was shot in the jaw by a stray bullet during combat on March 6 1940. He was picked up by his own soldiers who said half his head was missing. He didn’t die however and regained consciousness on the 13th, the day peace was declared.

Once again total kills…. 505 sniper + 200 submachine = 705 total Confirmed Kills…all in less that 100 days.
Here in Finland, a pint of beer costs 5€ which is a lot for 0,5l, as you can buy a 12 pack of beer for 12€... now to the less important subjects ;) Education and healthcare are basically free. Tax % in my region is 20%, and then you add everything else to that. :P not the cheapest country to live in.

5 Euro for the Pint of Beer is decent. I know edu. is free in all of the western European countries, but is it free for everyone in universities and colleges too? or just school education? Or do you guys in college , Uni etc have to apply for Govt help to pay the fees or is it by default Free for everyone?
Do you guys pay for going to hospital GP visits? (here in Ireland if we go to GP or Hospital visit we hav to pay a standard 100€ fees , unless ofcourse you have a Medical card , for poorer families who cant afford going to Doc`s ). I m just inquiring coz I read somewhere that everyhting is free (school/health care) is free is Scandinavian countries!!

5 Euros for a F'ing pint of beer !

that is injustice.

Thats still decent mate , my X went to Oslo once and told me that she had to fork out 8€ for a Pint of beer and depending on the place in Norway , you can pay as much as 10 € for a Pint. :(

In france , in contrast, the price of a pint goes up in many restaurants depending where you are sitting in the same restaurant !! Overlooking a riviera can cost more in teh same restaurant/bar as compared to someone sitting in a corner . I mean fùck me :/
Talk about double standards ;p
There are many great soldiers of the winter war, one other example is Aarne "Terror of Marocco" Juutilainen, he had served 5 years in the French foreign legion. In the winter war, he was a lietunant, Simo Häyhä fought in his unit. Juutilainen has been told to be one of the bravest finns during the war, his famous quote: "Kollaa will hold, unless the orders are to run." he never backed down. Aarne was the brother of Ilmari Juutilainen.
Did someone asked my about my fav drink ? ;p ;p ;p
here it is ... Erdinger Weibier(?)

difference between beer and a Woman?
Ur beer will Always be Wet :p


Isnt she a Beauty ??
asks nothing i n return , Just say "Hold Me"
Almost forgot, The Guards jaeger regiment (Kaartin Jääkärirykmentti) formed in 1996, is a unit trained specially for urban combat, and they are responsible for defending the capital, the regiment is located in Santahamina, near Helsinki. They also conduct public duties, such as guarding the presidential palace. Guards jaeger regiment also posesses more rare weapons and equipment, such as heavy fragmentation vests, H&K GMGs and RK-95TP with Optical sights.
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