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Finland to close embassy in Pakistan

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And you cant answer my question - come on Jamie stop being a queen - answer my question - what can they offer us and what can we learn?
Well as RazPak said, they have a very good education system, which I'm sure Pakistan could learn from.
They are a very peaceful country, which Pakistan can learn from considering the amount of conflict that happens there.
Their healthcare system, I believe, is very good and their life expectancy is pretty high.
I could go on...
Well as RazPak said, they have a very good education system, which I'm sure Pakistan could learn from.
They are a very peaceful country, which Pakistan can learn from considering the amount of conflict that happens there.
Their healthcare system, I believe, is very good and their life expectancy is pretty high.
I could go on...

well peace is something england and nato must learn from, pakistan is not the country who invaded afghanistan and started WOT, i hope finnish dont run like a dog to american masters

pakistan is not peaceful because of NATO you brainwashed BBC, museum kid
Their aid program in Pakistan might be stopped, apart from that don't think this is going to have any big impact.
We don’t really have too much going on with Finland. Finns (in fact most North Europeans) tend to keep to themselves, they would not even be too keen to let too much Americanism creep into their countries (they don’t like American food like McDonalds and other crap that’s for sure .. lol ) so it makes no difference to Pakistan that Finland has closed its embassy , it’s not like they have jumped into the American/Israeli camp and have pulled out of Pakistan.
sooo...who likes pie?? :)
Nokia is from Finland............. Its a important country and is big market for Pakistan too. Shame Pakistan just runs to big counrties....
thats got to be one damn poor country...is pakistan closing its embassy anywhere in the world in 2012? Finnish really seems "Finished"
Finland is a useless country and is of no importance to Pakistan and the world.
Nokia is from Finland............. Its a important country and is big market for Pakistan too. Shame Pakistan just runs to big counrties....

In Pakistan we have NSN , Nokia-Siemens Network .. Nokia and Siemens merged their telecom and data network divisions to form NSN , it very unlikely that they'll pull out of Pakistan , their investment in Pakistan it too big.
Wow.. how low some people are willing to go for ego satisfaction.

Europe is facing a financial crises... maintaining an embassy DOES take cash.
How many "cynical" ones actually read the news?
Here is an except
"The decision to shut the mission in Islamabad was part of a bigger scheme to trim the Nordic country’s network of embassies, with closures also announced in Caracas and Manila"

An embassy closure DOES NOT MEAN THAT PAKISTANIS CANNOT GO TO FINLAND OR VICE VERSA.The consulate will take over the duties.. even in the worse case scenario.. Finland will request another country to take up its visa duties in Pakistan.

The finns have contributed a lot to Pakistan.. and not just through Nokia.
Learn to take things objectively fellas.... instead of behaving like 5 year old girls.
New countries where Pakistani nationals have filed asylum applications include Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Denmark, Hungary, Malta, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Serbia (excluding Kosovo), Slovakia, Macedonia and Turkey.

Pakistanis are applying political asylums in Finland, the numbers are very low, there are Pakistanis living in Finland.
I think they will reopen their embassy once security situation or whatever reason improves.
Hi Jamie - tell me what we could learn from the great Finnish people - what do you reckon our nation can learn - enlighten us with your wisdom?

Finland has fought and won over Russian influence over the last one hundred years. It's quite an achievement and others could learn from it.
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