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Finally, Iraq's Fallujah Is fully liberated

@500 and @2800
is it possible to contain your mutual political disagreements?
your respective ideologies are awesome in your own worlds so chill out.

re ISIS.. evil is evil .. who is lesser or more evil is a mater of opinion.

explain please?
rest in piece to the ISIS?
it will be more like rest in peaces for them.

whatever your political or religious view.. please make an effort in your posts to make them worthy of this forum. its not a chat box for a single phrase or a one liner.

thanks for your understanding
This is Zionism: The World's First Suicide Bombers

Jewish Reaction To Massacre

Jews said: ~ 'We are at war, and Arabs are our enemies. If the British are Arab allies, then they must die too'. The bomb at the British Officer's Club was especially despicable.

List of Jewish atrocities on the British.

14 Feb 1944. Two British policemen fatally wounded.

2 March 1944. British Police Constable shot.

23 March 1944. Chief clerk and two constables murdered at Tel Aviv district HQ. Threepolice constables murdered in the bombing of the police HQ at Haifa. One British policesuperintendent murdered in Jerusalem.

8 August 1944. During the attempted assassination of the British High Commissioner,Ten British policemen were murdered.

29 August 1944. Senior police official assassinated on his way to work.

29 Sept 1944. Assistant police superintendent murdered.

25 April 1946 Seven British soldiers murdered in their sleep in Tel Aviv.

22 July 1946 King David Hotel, housing the offices of the Secretariat of the PalestinianGovernment as well as British Army HQ was bombed, allegedly with the connivance ofDavid Ben-Gurion’s ‘Jewish Agency’. 91 Dead.

13 Nov 1946. Two British policemen murdered in bombing attacks.

18 Nov 1946. Five British soldiers murdered in bomb attacks.

21 Nov 1946. British government offices bombed. Nine casualties.

2 Dec 1946. Four British soldiers murdered in a mine blast.Christmas 1946. Police HQ bombed. Six dead.

26 Dec 1946. Four British citizens abducted and flogged.

29 Dec 1946. Three British soldiers abducted and flogged.

12 Jan. 1947. Two British policemen murdered in bomb attack.

I March 1947. Officers club in Jerusalem bombed, and other terrorist attacks resultingin 18 dead and 85 injured.

18 April 1947. British military hospital in Nathania attacked. One dead.

20 April 1947. A number of British soldiers injured in the bombing of a Red Crossdepot.

22 April 1947. Attack on a train bound for Haifa. Five Soldiers murdered, twenty-threeinjured.

26 April 1947. British policeman murdered in Haifa.

9 June 1947. Two British policemen abducted and flogged.

31 July 1947. British Sergeants Paice and Martin found hanged. Their bodies mutilatedand booby-trapped.

August 1947. Three British policemen murdered.

26 Sept 1947. Four British policemen murdered.

29 Sept 1947. Nine British policemen and four civilians murdered in Haifa.

Jan 1948. One soldier murdered and four injured.

Feb 1948. Twenty-seven British soldiers and airmen murdered, and thirty-fiveinjured in an attack on a train at Rehovath.

23 Feb 1948.Two British policemen shot in their sickbeds at Wallach hospital, andone policeman murdered in another attack in Jerusalem.

King David Hotel: 91 killed in terrorist outrage. [ Menachim Begin & his Irgun terror group admitted responsibility for the bombing.]

Official sanction.

That this terror campaign was at least sanctioned by the Jewish Agency, the official representative body of the Palestinian Jews, is beyond question. The collusion between the agency and the Stern Gang was confirmed in the British Colonial Office White Paper on Palestine (cmd.6873). The Chairman of the Jewish Agency at the time was David Ben- Gurion, who was later to become the first Prime Minister of Israel. Indeed, it has been alleged that Ben-Gurion himself approved the bombing of the King David Hotel. Shamir and Begin never attempted to hide their past as ‘freedom fighters’, basking in the glory of the campaign to rid Palestine of the hated British.

When the Union flag was lowered for the last time at Government House in Jerusalem on May l4”~. 1948, Ben-Gurion became Prime Minister.

Just week’s prior to this event, however, the lrgun and the Stern Gang turned their attention to new targets with a vengeance. On 10th April 1948 the people of Nasr el Din were massacred. On May 5t11, it was the turn of men, women, and children from the village of Khoury. The very day before the British mandate ended, the villagers of Beit Drass were slaughtered.

At the village of Deir Yassin, the Irgun murdered 250 Arabs in an unprecedented orgy of barbarity. Britain’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, speaking in the Commons on April 12th, 1948, stated, “This barbarous aggression was a proof of savagery. It was a crime that added to a long list ofatrocities committed by the Zionists to this day, and for which we can find sufficient words of revulsion...

Towards the end of 1948, the Stern Gang assassinated the United Nations mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadette. His ‘crime’ being concern for the Palestinian Arabs.

Infamy and treachery.

It should be borne in mind that both the lrgun and Stern Gang included Britons amongst their numbers. Some, allegedly, had fought as part of the communist ‘International Brigade’ during the Spanish Civil War. Others, shamefully, were former British soldiers who were turning their weapons on their former comrades. It should also be remembered that many of these murderous acts against British servicemen were being carried out at the same time as the British army was liberating concentration camps in Hitler’s Europe.

Throughout this campaign of terror can be witnessed the hands of men who were to become senior Israeli figures, and indeed national heroes. Another figure who made his name as ‘The Butcher of Beirut’ long after the British withdrawal was Ariel Sharon, who also went on to become IsraeliPrime Minister. It seems the lineage continues, a fact that does not bode well for today’s Palestinians, or for any chance of peace in a part of the world that has known too much suffering and bloodshed over the centuries.

Palestinian Leaders

Palestine was considered a sacred area to the Muslims, dotted with shrines and mosques. The Haram Al Sharif, where Mohammed ascended to heaven, sits in Jerusalem.

There was a thousands of years of their history here.

Today Palestinians drink out of ditches, theirchildren get shot, and their daughters are molested at checkpoints.

Pioneers of terrorism

Facts about the founding fathers of israel
Below are some rarely-mentioned facts about the relationship between Zionism and modern-day terrorism:

1. The first aircraft hijacking was carried out by Israel in 1954 against a Syrian civilian airliner.

2. Grenades in cafes: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Jerusalem on 17 March 1937.

3. Delayed-action, electrically timed mines in crowded marketplaces: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Haifa on 6 July 1938.

4. Blowing up a ship with its civilian passengers still on board: first carried out by Zionists in Haifa on 25 November 1940. The Zionists did not hesitate to blow up their own people in protest at the British policy of restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine. The ship, Patria, was carrying 1,700 Jewish immigrants.

5. Assassination of government officials: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Cairo, when on 6 November 1944 Lord Moyne was assassinated by the Stern Gang. Yitzhak Shamir, a member of the Irgun and later leader of the Stern Gang and Israeli prime minister, was behind the plan.

6. Use of hostages as a means of putting pressure on a government: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv on 18 June 1946.

7. Blowing up of government offices with their civilian employees and visitors: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946. The toll was 91 Britons killed and 46 wounded in the King David Hotel. Menachim Begin, who masterminded and carried out the attack and later became Israeli prime minister, admitted that the massacre was coordinated with and carried out under the instruction of the Haganah Zionist gang.

8. Booby-trapped suitcases: first used by the Zionists against the British Embassy in Rome on 13 October 1946.

9. Booby-trapped cars in civilian areas: first used by the Zionists against the British in Sarafand (east of Jaffa) on 5 December 1946.

10. Beating of hostages: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv, Netanya and Rishon on 29 December 1946.

11. Letter bombs sent to politicians: first used by the Zionists against Britain when 20 letter bombs were sent from Italy to London between 4 and 6 June 1947.

12. Murder of hostages as a reprisal for government actions: first used by the Zionists against the British in the Netanya area on 29 July 1947.

13. Postal parcel bombs: first used by the Zionists against the British in London on 3 September 1947.

14. The massacre of Qibya, northwest of Jerusalem, was carried out by Unit 101, under the command of Ariel Sharon on Wednesday 14 October 1953. The attack was the bloodiest and most brutal Zionist crimes since the infamous Deir Yassin massacre. Forty-two houses as well as a school and a mosque were dynamited over their inhabitants. Seventy-five women, men and children were killed.

Must See also

Israel Sacred Terrorism
Zionist Prime Monsters Quotes
A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes
A thread meant to celebrate Iraq's victory over ISIS ( an evil organization that we all curse and know their atrocities all too well) has gone somewhere else. Let's get back on topic and congratulate on this amazing victory and their well aimed punch at the khawarij. As well as understand the next step Iraq will take. The anbar province is nearly fully liberated and sinjar and Mosul are on target.

Hmm you know....

@Malik Alashter @2800 after you retake Mosul and drive out the khawarij, how will you deal with the Kurds who have basically created a nation over there with their own govt. Will you attack to set state writ, negotiate an agreement where they will be an autonomous region based on a federation style with foreign affairs and defence under state control or will you let them be and make it a sovereign state... Iraq must be thinking on this issue as well.
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This documentary shows how ISIS is dealt with once the Iraqi army takes over a majority sunni village. It also shows how some PMU units are unprofessional dealing with the population. There have been incidents of torture mostly while interrogating the male population of captured areas by the PMU. Some must have happened if you try acting like a boss or act on some unverified rumors.

Iraqi people have suffered a lot through this turmoil. First the people found themselves being alienated by the sectarian policies of the puppet Iraqi govt, They were totlly cornered and that actually led to the popularity of the ISIS to which the people saw as their saviours but later they found out the truth....They extremely cruel....no less than the Iraqi government rather more cruel . Then they suffered through the airstrikes by US and Russia warplanes. I hope they get some respite as this current Iraqi regime is totally bigoted.
Under no circumstances will sectarianism be tolerated!

Of Course !

Quote 1 :

‘We are desperate’: Iraqis flee Fallujah, only to find another nightmare

By Loveday Morris
June 21, 2016

Families fleeing the combat in the Iraqi city of Fallujah have been forced to sleep in the open desert for almost a week, with aid agencies warning that people are at risk of dying as supplies of tents and water run dangerously low.

More than 85,000 people have escaped the city and its surroundings in recent weeks as Iraqi security forces battle to recapture the city from the Islamic State. About 4.4 million people in the country are now internally displaced, one of the highest totals of any country.

The United Nations said the pace of new arrivals caught it off guard, even though tens of thousands of people were known to be trapped in the city before the operation began last month. The Iraqi government, meanwhile, under political pressure to launch an offensive quickly, appears to have prepared little assistance for the fleeing families.

In one hastily expanded camp 15 miles west of Fallujah near Habbaniyah, Mihal Adnan and her four children sat next to their meager belongings. It was their fourth day without shelter of any kind, exposed to dust storms and temperatures in excess of 110 degrees.

Adnan cradled her 13-year-old disabled son, massaging his cramping muscles as he cried in pain. He had soiled himself, but there were no latrines or water tanks installed that she could use to wash him. The family had missed out on a recent government tent delivery and complained that with supplies running low, priority is given to those with money or connections.

“We’ll sleep here tonight,” she said, indicating the one gray blanket they had between them. “What else can we do? We are desperate. We don’t have anything.”

Nearby, men scuffled over a pack of bottles of water as a truck drove around, throwing them out to families.

“We’ve been treated like dogs,” said 72-year-old Mohammed Jassim Khalil. “What’s my guilt in all this?”

His family had been sleeping out for six days and had just managed to get a tent.

“I wish a mortar shell had landed on my house in Fallujah and killed me,” added Ismail Mohammed Hussein, 51. “It’s better than living like this.”

The Norwegian Refugee Council said conditions in the camps are getting worse. Pregnant women, children, the elderly and those with disabilities are particularly vulnerable, with some collapsing from exhaustion, relief workers say.

“The situation is deteriorating by the day, and people are going to die in those camps unless essential aid arrives now,” said Nasr Muflahi, the organization’s director in Iraq. “What we’re seeing is the consequence of a delayed and heavily underfunded response with an extreme toll on the civilians fleeing from one nightmare and living through another one.”

The United Nations says it is severely underfunded as it deals with an unprecedented number of people displaced globally, with 1 out of every 113 people in the world unable to safely return home.

Iraq has claimed victory in Fallujah, but only a third of the city has been cleared of the militants, according to the U.S.-led coalition, and no one knows exactly how many people remain trapped inside. The United Nations has warned that more may flee as Iraqi forces advance, adding strain in the already underserved camps.

U.N. officials have appealed for $17.5 million in emergency funding.

Families arrive at the camps with harrowing stories of life under the rule of the Islamic State militants who controlled the city for nearly 2½ years.

Food supplies were low for months, with the city besieged by security forces and bombarded with artillery and airstrikes. The journey out was a perilous one; Islamic State gunmen initially shot at those leaving.

Falah Hussein Ali held up his arms to show the deep bruises that he said resulted from being whipped with electric cables.

He said he was in an Islamic State prison when the operation began and was freed by Iraqi security forces. He said he was arrested and held for 20 days as men in the Nazzal neighborhood were rounded up after an Iraqi flag was raised in the area overnight.

“We didn’t want [the Islamic State] there,” he said. “But they brought us from one death to another kind of death. What kind of life is this?”

Ghassan Abou Chaar, an emergency coordinator for Doctors Without Borders, said that the toll in the camps is both physical and mental.

“People are at breaking point,” he said.

Adding to the stress for families is that all men of fighting age are detained for security screening, leaving women and children to cope by themselves until male family members are released.

Adnan’s husband and 17-year-old son are still in detention.

“If the government can’t help us, they should at least release our men,” said one woman from the Mualimin neighborhood of Fallujah, declining to give her name as she criticized the government response. “We ran away from Daesh, from the bombing, from the hunger, and we find this,” she said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.

Many complained that they are not allowed to leave Iraq’s Anbar province, even for medical treatment or even if they have family in Baghdad, 40 miles east. With residents from the largely Sunni province considered a security threat, access is severely restricted.

In a more established camp outside the nearby town of Khaldiyah, families are given a cooked meal each day, and there were limited latrines and water tanks.

Some families said that despite the hardships, life was better than it was under the Islamic State.

“Life here is like a prison,” said 94-year-old Mehdi Saleh Abed, sitting in the shade of a tent. “But living here in the dust is better than Daesh.”

An aid group was delivering 100,000 pounds of food supplies, with dust whipping through the barren rows of tents as people lined up to collect it — but families did not have basics such as portable stoves to make use of the sacks of flour and rice that were being handed out.

“It’s a complete disaster,” Jeremy Courtney, founder of the Preemptive Love Coalition, the aid group that was doing the distribution, said of the level of planning. “The government and the international organizations failed to do what they needed to do.”

Facing mass street protests against his government in Baghdad, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi unexpectedly announced a Fallujah operation in late May in what some analysts said was an attempt to distract from his political problems.

But despite the fact that the battle was launched as a “hasty face-saving exercise” that caught everyone off guard, it was obvious there would be mass displacement as soon the operation was announced a month ago, giving groups time to prepare, Courtney said.

Out of the 85,000 people who have fled, some 60,000 arrived in just three days last week, overwhelming aid agencies.

“No one can be prepared for such a magnitude,” said Bruno Geddo, the Iraq representative for the United Nations’ refugee agency. U.N.-administered camps can house just 16,830 people, he said. Though government camps and large temporary tents that sleep 30 families are making up some of the shortfall, 20 camps are still needed, he said.

On Saturday, three days after the influx began, Abadi said he had ordered a fleet of drinking-water tankers to the camps and asked the Ministry of Health to create an “accurate plan” for how to allocate medics to the area.

The slow response raises concerns about what will happen in the aftermath of a planned offensive to retake the much larger city of Mosul from the Islamic State. The United Nations expects between 600,000 and 1.2 million people to be displaced in that operation.

“I lose sleep over Mosul,” Geddo said.

Mustafa Salim contributed to this report.

The Washington post

I am very calm. I made very short factual comments without any personal attacks. Unfortunately I cant say same about my opponents. This is the first suicide terror attack:


you guys live in the cradle of the civilisation and all I can think of is our late's Spock's wish

"Live long and prosper".

I feel fatigued and exhausted reading the arguments and counter arguments. he who values life and doesn't discriminate in this regard has my best wishes.
Would it be a 'sectarian' idea to let an amount of southern Iraqis settle in Fallujah to prevent the next battle of Fallujah in 2025?

That's what should be done to win the battle, a military OP is just 1 phase. Fallujah is different from other cities, it's population are IS, those who fled to ISF controlled area's either learned their lessons or are pretending they're innocent to stay alive.

Nowadays 'sectarian' has become a tool to use against ISF/Iraqis countering terrorism in any way. Back in 2013 and 2014 IS uprisings in the country were disguised as tribal revolutionary fighters/protesters. The army could not intervene having it's arms tied by politics, this allowed for IS to establish in Mosul and many other area's.

The more 'sectarian' we are the more effective we are against IS, this is one of the reasons why it's so important to have groups like Kataib Hezbollah & AAH. Arab media used to call the ISF for Maliki forces/Abadi forces until they saw the alternative.
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April 2013 | Anbar, IS uprisings which the army did not act against for obvious reasons.


Would it be a 'sectarian' idea to let an amount of southern Iraqis settle in Fallujah to prevent the next battle of Fallujah in 2025?

That's what should be done to win the battle, a military OP is just 1 phase. Fallujah is different from other cities, it's population are IS, those who fled to ISF controlled area's either learned their lessons or are pretending they're innocent to stay alive.

No, why stop only in Fallujah. We can do the same thing for the entire northern and western part of Iraq starting from Baghdad like this :



Would it be a 'sectarian' idea to let an amount of southern Iraqis settle in Fallujah to prevent the next battle of Fallujah in 2025?

That's what should be done to win the battle, a military OP is just 1 phase. Fallujah is different from other cities, it's population are IS, those who fled to ISF controlled area's either learned their lessons or are pretending they're innocent to stay alive.

Nowadays 'sectarian' has become a tool to use against ISF/Iraqis countering terrorism in any way. Back in 2013 and 2014 IS uprisings in the country were disguised as tribal revolutionary fighters/protesters. The army could not intervene having it's arms tied by politics, this allowed for IS to establish in Mosul and many other area's.

The more 'sectarian' we are the more effective we are against IS, this is one of the reasons why it's so important to have groups like Kataib Hezbollah & AAH. Arab media used to call the ISF for Maliki forces/Abadi forces until they saw the alternative.

Fan fact. In 2010 the elections were won by Irakiyya block which was lead by a shia but had also considerable sunni influence. The shia sectarian parties rejected the idea of a prime minister who would work for both shias and sunnis and instead promoted Al Maliqi who was purely sectarian. Then Maliqi started to condemn to death sunni moderate politicians like Tariq Al Hashimi. So yeah the Baghdad government is sectarian and cares only about shias. No wonder why Baghdad controls only half of Iraq(sunni lands including Kurd lands are not controlled by Baghdad). If you think that by capturing a city 50 km outside of the capital you have solved the problem then you are deluded just like Americans were deluded when they cheered after the capture of Fallujah in 2004.
I also love how you promote an idea of colonising sunni lands with shias short of like Israel does against Palestinians
Fan fact. In 2010 the elections were won by Irakiyya block which was lead by a shia but had also considerable sunni influence. The shia sectarian parties rejected the idea of a prime minister who would work for both shias and sunnis and instead promoted Al Maliqi who was purely sectarian. Then Maliqi started to condemn to death sunni moderate politicians like Tariq Al Hashimi. So yeah the Baghdad government is sectarian and cares only about shias. No wonder why Baghdad controls only half of Iraq(sunni lands including Kurd lands are not controlled by Baghdad). If you think that by capturing a city 50 km outside of the capital you have solved the problem then you are deluded just like Americans were deluded when they cheered after the capture of Fallujah in 2004.
I also love how you promote an idea of colonising sunni lands with shias short of like Israel does against Palestinians
You greek and you don't know nothing about Iraq situation.

No, why stop only in Fallujah. We can do the same thing for the entire northern and western part of Iraq starting from Baghdad like this :



They are lucky not got shot dead for their treason to their country.

Imagine if the Shiite in the eastern region took guns and stand against alsaud killing army soldiers police and civilans imagine what alsaud will do.

You are the last one who talk about sectarianism since you are dripping that like a poison.

A thread meant to celebrate Iraq's victory over ISIS ( an evil organization that we all curse and know their atrocities all too well) has gone somewhere else. Let's get back on topic and congratulate on this amazing victory and their well aimed punch at the khawarij. As well as understand the next step Iraq will take. The anbar province is nearly fully liberated and sinjar and Mosul are on target.

Hmm you know....

@Malik Alashter @2800 after you retake Mosul and drive out the khawarij, how will you deal with the Kurds who have basically created a nation over there with their own govt. Will you attack to set state writ, negotiate an agreement where they will be an autonomous region based on a federation style with foreign affairs and defence under state control or will you let them be and make it a sovereign state... Iraq must be thinking on this issue as well.
Honestly I can't answer that as long as the same constitution ruling.
They are lucky not got shot dead for their treason to their country.

Imagine if the Shiite in the eastern region took guns and stand against alsaud killing army soldiers police and civilans imagine what alsaud will do.

You are the last one who talk about sectarianism since you are dripping that like a poison.

Honestly I can't answer that as long as the same constitution ruling.

Do you know what you deserve? An endless war between shias and sunnis. If i were America i would sell weapons to both sides and inflame sectarianism and then sit down and watch you massacre each other. You deserve no better
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