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Finally, Iraq's Fallujah Is fully liberated

Fan fact. In 2010 the elections were won by Irakiyya block which was lead by a shia but had also considerable sunni influence. The shia sectarian parties rejected the idea of a prime minister who would work for both shias and sunnis and instead promoted Al Maliqi who was purely sectarian.

Iyad Allawi is Sunni, the reason for the Shi'ite tag is to enable him to take role of prime minister which by the quota rule is only reserved for Shiites, the President role if for a Kurd and the speaker is reserved for a Sunni.

This quota of appointing leaders based on religious/ethnic background is the root of many issues, they're working to undo it but it hasn't been pushed through yet.

Then Maliqi started to condemn to death sunni moderate politicians like Tariq Al Hashimi.
tariq is a muslim brotherhood terrorist who is now sleeping with erdogan.

So yeah the Baghdad government is sectarian and cares only about shias. No wonder why Baghdad controls only half of Iraq(sunni lands including Kurd lands are not controlled by Baghdad).
Yes it is sectarian given that it operates on quota rule but not in anyones favor, the term 'Shiite led government' is false. I see they control Fallujah so you're wrong on that.

If you think that by capturing a city 50 km outside of the capital you have solved the problem then you are deluded just like Americans were deluded when they cheered after the capture of Fallujah in 2004.

I also love how you promote an idea of colonising sunni lands with shias short of like Israel does against Palestinians
Did I not just say that capturing the city (military operation) is not a solution?

There's no such thing as Sunni or Shiite land, it's a cancer that has to be fought.
So whats the plan now? Killing each other till the Islamic end times? This butchering serves only western and Israeli interests.
Do you know what you deserve? An endless war between shias and sunnis. If i were America i would sell weapons to both sides and inflame sectarianism and then sit down and watch you massacre each other. You deserve no better
And why.

Iraq was destroyed after an illegal invasion. To be reunited Baghdad must do a combination of fighting and compromise. You cannot reunite Iraq only with bullets(its impossible). But what i see is only hatred which is sad since in the end what will happen is that the west will leave shias and sunnis blead to death for years and then dismember their countries
^^ you're the one with hatred

Do you know what you deserve? An endless war between shias and sunnis. If i were America i would sell weapons to both sides and inflame sectarianism and then sit down and watch you massacre each other. You deserve no better

Anyways it's useless to argue, great operation, it restored the image of the ISF.
So whats the plan now? Killing each other till the Islamic end times? This butchering serves only western and Israeli interests.
I don't understand why you so conern about Iraq issues.

If not The others stop sticking their nose in our affairs if baathist don't support takfirees if not sunnis stop looking at us as kuffar who should be eliminated and humiliated there will be no rest we defend our selves our families our rites.

^^ you're the one with hatred

Anyways it's useless to argue, great operation, it restored the image of the ISF.
This will be in my ignore list he is so spiteful.
To avoid sectarianism in the region and revengeful activities of Iraq army against the people of Falluja, these should be handed to peace keeping forces. A peace keeping force consisting of forces from neighbouring countries like UAE, KSA, Qatar, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan should take charge of the area. They should help in building and rehabilitation of the country until normalcy is returned. It can be under OIC and UN umbrellas.
I don't understand why you so conern about Iraq issues.

If not The others stop sticking their nose in our affairs if baathist don't support takfirees if not sunnis stop looking at us as kuffar who should be eliminated and humiliated there will be no rest we defend our selves our families our rites.

This will be in my ignore list he is so spiteful.

The sectarianism in middle east is a disgrace for the muslim world. The fanaticism there makes any muslim feel shame
To avoid sectarianism in the region and revengeful activities of Iraq army against the people of Falluja, these should be handed to peace keeping forces. A peace keeping force consisting of forces from neighbouring countries like UAE, KSA, Qatar, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan should take charge of the area. They should help in building and rehabilitation of the country until normalcy is returned. It can be under OIC and UN umbrellas.

You just suggested a peace keeping force from countries led by dictators who are sectarian to the core.. to avoid sectarianism.
You just suggested a peace keeping force from countries led by dictators who are sectarian to the core.. to avoid sectarianism.
There role will be to maintain peace. So they will do their job.
Iraqi people have suffered a lot through this turmoil. First the people found themselves being alienated by the sectarian policies of the puppet Iraqi govt, They were totlly cornered and that actually led to the popularity of the ISIS to which the people saw as their saviours but later they found out the truth....They extremely cruel....no less than the Iraqi government rather more cruel . Then they suffered through the airstrikes by US and Russia warplanes. I hope they get some respite as this current Iraqi regime is totally bigoted.

Watch the documentary and then take off your own sectarian googles. You will see the picture a bit different from what you are presenting. The problem with the Iraqi government is that it is weak. The PMU are the fighters that under the Saddam regime faced regular torture and executions. They were ruled under an iron fist which is why the vast majority were prosperous until the Iran Iraq war. If you think Saddam was fine for Iraq and Assad is not then you have not taken off those glasses I told you about. The future for Iraq has to be a strong and an all inclusive government needs to be formed which can control the religious troublemakers.
Watch the documentary and then take off your own sectarian googles. You will see the picture a bit different from what you are presenting. The problem with the Iraqi government is that it is weak. The PMU are the fighters that under the Saddam regime faced regular torture and executions. They were ruled under an iron fist which is why the vast majority were prosperous until the Iran Iraq war. If you think Saddam was fine for Iraq and Assad is not then you have not taken off those glasses I told you about. The future for Iraq has to be a strong and an all inclusive government needs to be formed which can control the religious troublemakers.
Which documentary? and for God sake these are just sunglasses and these have nothing to do with sectarianism.
Congrats to the Iraqis. No one expected the result so soon. Everyone said it would take months. A huge victory for the Iraqi army.

Assad should send his generals to Iraq to take lessons.
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