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Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

You misunderstood me. I'm just trying to compare the cost of launching satellites. But after doing more research, I discovered that Space X rocket that its launching tomorrow do not directly compete with this rockets from India as the Indian rocket is a light weight launch vehicle. I'm just a big fan of Elon Musk.

SpaceX also have a major launch tomorrow. I hope Indians would congratulate them if they are successful


Same class as GSLV mk 3
But space X has launched the rocket 3 times. India still do not schedule a real launch with MKIII until 2017, isn't it?

The heaviest communication satellites being built by ISRO weigh 4 tonnes,So gslv mk 3 is enough for us.Will do with Ariane till its available
Well done India. But I still believe that ISRO and Indian government lack vision for Indian space research. India should definitely join the ISS and launch a man in space as the next missions.
You misunderstood me. I'm just trying to compare the cost of launching satellites. But after doing more research, I discovered that Space X rocket that its launching tomorrow do not directly compete with this rockets from India as the Indian rocket is a light weight launch vehicle. I'm just a big fan of Elon Musk.
For now, Yes, they are in different weight categories.
But this was the first successful GSLV launch using Indian Cryo Engine. The carrying capability would be ramped up now as the Engine has proven to be successful.
The GSLV Mk 2 (current version) would be tested once again before they start the Mk 3 (Heavy version).

The Mk 3 would be in the same category(2016) as the Space X business.

SpaceX also have a major launch tomorrow. I hope Indians would congratulate them if they are successful
Well done India. But I still believe that ISRO and Indian government lack vision for Indian space research. India should definitely join the ISS and launch a man in space as the next missions.
instead we should improve our iconomy first....what u think?
instead we should improve our iconomy first....what u think?

What has ISRO got to do with economy. You better leave them to do what they do best. Lets leave improving the economy to policy experts in the government and the industrialists. Lets not mix things up.

If we are going this route, should I stop exercising to improve the economy?
Dont know why Solomon is butt hurt tho. Isreal is a friend US is a friend What seems to be the problem rofl And OTOH Chinese members congratulating :D
Someone explain me plz

Its mentioned there are 4 boosters but only 1 vikas engine to power them. Hot it is possible? so where the vikas engine to power all 4 boosters are located?
Congrats, India. You are now fifty years behind the U.S., which developed the "Centaur" hydrogen-fueled upper stage in the mid-1960s.

I wonder why US is keen to partner with India ....despite it being 50 years ahead it ???

Has the most hypocrite country in the world has suddenly become magnanimous ....?

Nopes ...Indian mission made landmark discovery in very first attempt ....what likes of US couldn't all those 50 years of head start siphoning trillions of dollars ....

and guess what the classic US hypocrisy showed up when NASA quietly tried to usurp the Chandrayaan mission's success ...!!!

India has mastered cryogenic technology despite technology denial , sabotage and conspiracies by CIA to forestall development of Indian cryogenic technology ....

Thanks mean minded US ...we have arrived there at our own pace and our own terms ....

Historically whether you had head start of 50 years or 500 years does not matter ...

Rome was once ahead of many contemporary civilizations ...it's arrogance , moral decay lead to ultimate self destruction ... It would be good if American empire can take lesson of Roman empire seriously ...

Frustrated, self obsessed Americans like you don't spell good future for America ... !!!
I wonder why US is keen to partner with India ....despite it being 50 years ahead it ???
Probably because most Americans thought of India as nice people. That impression is changing, fast.

Has the most hypocrite country in the world has suddenly become magnanimous ....?
It's the difference between what things ARE and what they are CALLED. You're far from the only person with this problem; sadly, too many afflicted are eager to embrace it.

Rome was once ahead of many contemporary civilizations ...it's arrogance , moral decay lead to ultimate self destruction ...
Something for Indians to think about, too.

Frustrated, self obsessed Americans like you -
Frustrated? And if I was "self-obsessed" I would scarcely bother to hang out here, would I?

really? never saw any outrage from faking wars to grab oil to extrajudicial killings to torture of foriegn prisoners, time to get off that high donkey my friend....
No, I think we Americans deserve to be on the high-horse. We have all those checks and balances, you see. The phony charges of wrongdoing are important to corrupt ruling classes 'round the world who know they themselves don't measure up and seek to distract their populace while they raid the till.
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