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Fighting Hindu radicalism: Surviving as Muslim woman

So one talibani politician represents whole india for you ? You forget we represent gandhi , nehru, shastri , indira , rajiv , vp singh , chandra shekhar , ik gujral , pv nar si harao, , manmohan singh , all liberal secular leaders . We dont support talibani hindus .
It's not one. It is founded on an ideology and I have experienced the cruel, criminal, bigoted Hindutva ideology on social media. Even American professors have experienced it.
It's not one. It is founded on an ideology and I have experienced the cruel, criminal, bigoted Hindutva ideology on social media. Even American professors have experienced it.

We have come through many such difficult times , but we always remained secular , liberal and tolerant society , we will never become talibani society .

"Kuchh baat hai ki hasti mitati nahi hamari , sadion raha hai dushman daur e jama hamara ."
We have come through many such difficult times , but we always remained secular , liberal and tolerant society , we will never become talibani society .

"Kuchh baat hai ki hasti mitati nahi hamari , sadion raha hai dushman daur e jama hamara ."
You are placating and appeasing forces of hate saying the solution is intermarriage. That makes them think they are right and emboldens them. Need to set boundaries of respect and rights. You don't have to be married to somebody to be respected, besides marriages breakdown too.
Nah they should call 3 Khans. They will be able to help them out 😂

Why are u so mad?
Aren't these fools like super old now?

Nah he is throwing some tantrums that everyone should cry for Indian muslims and if you don't he'll bring your ethnicity to the mix, shit on em

Weirdo, he should go to India and fight with his brethren, why is he wasting our time here? crying like a bloody fool

Be careful he'll say not only bad Punjabi, Sindhi but with you he'll say bad Pashtun too and shit talk your people, in the end every Pakistani is bad cause they care more about Pakistaniyat, it's people than some people in faraway land who are also hostile to your nation and it's people...

Why should we shed tears for em than? If you want to- do it by all means but why are you forcing others to do so?
Take back the Hindus and Sikhs from West Punjab, Sindh, and Kashmir. I don't respect ethnic cleansing.
if they want, they are welcome- if they don't want and are happy (as Sindhi Hindus went to India even though there was barely any violence)
that's ok too
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Hindutva is just like taliban , but we don't support taliban , our struggle is going on and we will change the present nizam . Long live secularism .

Not at all. Hindutva are like ISIS. They are RSS followers of murder and terror.

Stop trying to whitewash RSS Hindutva!...
TALIBAN are not racists.
There are about 2.8 million Sindhi Hindus in India from Pakistan.
We have officially 3 million Afghan refugees, unofficially way more than that nor are we overcrowded to the brim
They'll slowly lose their culture in India though, other groups are fine

but of course it seems they are patriotic Indians, so there's no point to discuss here tbh
They are happy- so we are also happy for em
We have officially 3 million Afghan refugees, unofficially way more than that nor are we overcrowded to the brim
They'll slowly lose their culture in India though, other groups are fine

but of course it seems they are patriotic Indians, so there's no point to discuss here tbh
They are happy- so we are also happy for em
I am 100% for Ghar wapsi.
you should become Hindu than?
I am talking about ethnic cleansing - Ghar wapsi applies two ways. As far as faith obviously it is a human right to believe what they want to believe. Their religion is irrelevant. Besides, I am in my ancestral blood faith-identity which is Bihari/Vihari, it is ancient Muslim. You had Vihar on the Indus too.
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