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FIA takes journalists Amir Mir, Imran Shafqat in custody: sources


Sep 26, 2018
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The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has taken journalists Amir Mir and Imran Shafqat in custody, Geo News reported Saturday citing sources.

According to details, Amir Mir was picked up by FIA Cybercrime cell earlier today when he left his home for office. Sources said that the FIA personnel took the journalist along with his car.

Amir Mir runs a web channel nowadays. It was not clear on what charges they were taken into custody by the cybercrime wing.

This constant harassment of journalists needs to stop, the world is keenly observing us and incidents like these need to be curtailed. A lot of journalists will agree to the observation(Tweet) below.

The disappearance of two reputed journalists today is another blot on this hybrid regime. At a time when the country is in the eye of a gathering storm at home and in the region, why are we recklessly bent on portraying ourselves as a rogue regime?
These kinds of tactics were not even employed by the last Military regime we had. The last incident concerning a journalist, Asad Toor, where our nationalist lot was waiting for him to be exposed because they called it a drama, were all humiliated. It's been month and his 'drama' has still not been exposed.
This constant harassment of journalists needs to stop, the world is keenly observing us and incidents like these need to be curtailed. A lot of journalists will agree to the observation(Tweet) below.

The disappearance of two reputed journalists today is another blot on this hybrid regime. At a time when the country is in the eye of a gathering storm at home and in the region, why are we recklessly bent on portraying ourselves as a rogue regime?
They did a video on Pakistani Post. Pakistani Post filed a complain against them in FIA. FIA called them for investigation. They didn't showed up because the BS they were saying in their videos on YouTube didn't had any proof. So when they didn't showed they were picked up. They are formally arrested. They were not picked up some unknown group and beaten up.
These kinds of tactics were not even employed by the last Military regime we had. The last incident concerning a journalist, Asad Toor, where our nationalist lot was waiting for him to be exposed because they called it a drama, were all humiliated. It's been month and his 'drama' has still not been exposed.
Bother to study the case before commenting.
This constant harassment of journalists needs to stop, the world is keenly observing us and incidents like these need to be curtailed. A lot of journalists will agree to the observation(Tweet) below.

The disappearance of two reputed journalists today is another blot on this hybrid regime. At a time when the country is in the eye of a gathering storm at home and in the region, why are we recklessly bent on portraying ourselves as a rogue regime?

It becomes a journalist thing and international issue when FIA or any other institute apprehend the culprits. It's just that easy to blame before anyone knows the details for such an action. Had it been about targeting journalists, people like Hamid Mir, Taha or Gul Bukhari and many others who don't spare a minute to foul mouth against Pakistan, wouldn't be living freely. Therefore, let the institute conclude investigation and prove as why they are arrested. Asad toor was guoty of harassment and court found him involved. However, since it's about Deep Pockets and propaganda cells, he was supposedly an innocent and targeted for nothing.
In the coming days, don't be surprised if more of foreign assets and culprits using journalism cover, are apprehended. It's way deeper than merely journalists thing.
If their is any proof / evidence of breaking the law, then any agency, be it civil or military, shouldn't SHY away from declaring in public, the arresting of the suspects / criminals.

The trend of software updates are flawed because criminals / suspects should be prosecuted in public if they have committed a crime.

Only when you are going to follow the law, and air live criminal proceedings from the court room, only then will the public believe in the sanctity of the rule of law

Public hearings / recorded / live proceedings are held in the US, then why not Pakistan?

Is Pakistan following LAW OF THE JUNGLE?
They did a video on Pakistani Post. Pakistani Post filed a complain against them in FIA. FIA called them for investigation. They didn't showed up because the BS they were saying in their videos on YouTube didn't had any proof. So when they didn't showed they were picked up. They are formally arrested. They were not picked up some unknown group and beaten up.

Bother to study the case before commenting.

Nah... Such journalists wants to peddle their propaganda, makes baseless accusations and still don't want to be questioned.
Bro it's on both sides, the state is like a mother, should be fair to all of its children.

It's fair and equal wither with a so-called journalist or a common citizen. Why all the blames when journalists are questioned. None of the Sethis ever spoke for a commoner like this. It's just that elite mindset that they don't want their team mates to be touched or questioned. How come State can target such journalists without proof, knowing international concerns and attracting too much heat. There is in-fact a case against these guys and when we speak about fairness, needs to understand that freedom of speech does not mean to make allegations without proof or evidence. They claimed a lot, asked for evidence or proof and will face due course of cybercrime.
Bro it's on both sides, the state is like a mother, should be fair to all of its children.
It can't be fair to criminals. Journalists have right to a story but not a fake one. That is why in every country there is strong laws for suing someone. In Pakistan we need those laws. If they had proof why they were running from FIA like bunch of cowards.
There is in-fact a case against these guys and when we speak about fairness, needs to understand that freedom of speech does not mean to make allegations without proof or evidence.
This has been happening since Musharafs Era, why is the need to attract world flak now.
I listen to Imran Shafqat never found him going over the board, any example which I missed!
This has been happening since Musharafs Era, why is the need to attract world flak now.
I listen to Imran Shafqat never found him going over the board, any example which I missed!

There's a settled mindset that this has been happening without reason but for targeting. Let's FIA reveal what they did. Court is still there.
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