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Females in Pakistan Rangers

Good move. Women are generally more dedicated to any function than their average male counterpart and in any event they moan and b!tch much less than the average male when given a task to complete. Hopefully the border security on both sides would be entrusted more to women and the hostility would simply be on the level of whose shoes shine better or whose uniform looks better or whose hairdo outshines the others instead of all the unnecessary cross border firings
Not married are you?:)
Well i used to date (long time ago ) a cadet officer , she was no better than my wife when it comes to complainants :)

My father (a retired general) ensured that I stayed away from the girls in the military. After 4,5 years of marriage, my wife is more like a sergeant-major even though she never had a days military training. Hence my suggestion that women would make good soldiers :D
. Hopefully the border security on both sides would be entrusted more to women and the hostility would simply be on the level of whose shoes shine better or whose uniform looks better or whose hairdo outshines the others instead of all the unnecessary cross border firings
Amen to that

Indian BSF Women for Pakistan Ranger ?
I think he‘ll pass (no thanks)
you got NO idea.
so you don't count salwar kameez wearing and holding a G3a ranger,this figures how only two rangers were died when BSF killed 4
Actually BSF lied to you guys. It killed two in a cowardly attack in a flag meeting but claimed 4 just to give a much needed spin to that act of cowardice.

That didn't spin didn't work on the border though. We avenged the death of our two soldiers very well by giving you 4 dead bodies in return. 2 from BSF and 2 from Gurkha Rifles.
so you don't count salwar kameez wearing and holding a G3a ranger,this figures how only two rangers were died when BSF killed 4

There are things like ceremonial uniforms... tryin look at your camel riddin guys with weird turbans... and combat uniforms child.

As for BSF killing 4 rangers...child you better keep shut you are breaking the record of retardedness today...

Invited Rangers for a flag meeting and ambushing them how brave? and what did you get in return? double the number of dead BSF troops? fortunately we dont target civilians unlike mighty BSF... hence not much civilian deaths on your side.

Actually BSF lied to you guys. It killed two in a cowardly attack in a flag meeting but claimed 4 just to give a much needed spin to that act of cowardice.

That didn't spin didn't work on the border though. We avenged the death of our two soldiers very well by giving you 4 dead bodies in return. 2 from BSF and 2 from Gurkha Rifles.

Hes an idiot .. just search his recent posts.
@DESERT FIGHTER bro these are rangers?


My father (a retired general) ensured that I stayed away from the girls in the military. After 4,5 years of marriage, my wife is more like a sergeant-major even though she never had a days military training. Hence my suggestion that women would make good soldiers :D
Ah!!! an army brat like my self i see:) My dad also retired as the CO of a Battalion , Also was on Gen Sunderji staff.
And after almost 10 yrs of marriage i can safely say there is little difference between my dad and my wife:lol:
I agree
girls will be much better in these pictures

but then again imagine the scandals of Pakistani female rangers running away with Indian BSF personnel and Indian female BSF girl running away with a Pakistani ranger

good subject for a movie

as I was saying think of a possibility of cross border forces luv


Movie---talk about the songs that will be written.
Good to see more women in uniform.
But according to an article posted in 2013 female rangers have not been recruited after 2008.
"Of the 30 or so female Rangers living on base at the Punjab Rangers headquarters, majority of them are still on the Sepoy ranking. In the last five years, only a handful have been promoted to the Sub-inspector position. The duties these women perform vary from protocol for female VIPs, duty at the Wagah and Ganda Singh Border and administrative work. “One wonders why there has been no recruitment since 2008,”

Pakistan's female Rangers: Life on the base - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

I hope the situation has improved after 2013.

What you trying to prove here by pics ?
Though I appreciate Pakistan effort to bring the gender parity in armed forces......
The same old...same old.
Dont expect anything better from him.
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