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Female warriors of Lurestan, Iran

please stop with your personal attacks and insults and racism

you think pothwaris and pandava bandars are humans and afghans and pathans are sub-human?

what filthy racism is this?

Afghanis are subhuman maulvi.
A big LOL @ OP. This is like reading stromfront shit. Claiming other peoples' legacy and history as your own is a habit of defeated and worthless people.

i dont think he did that. He has posted about Bakhtiari and Lur women warriors who participated in Zand Dynasty of Iran against Afghan attacks

Also, Afghanistan has deep cultural and historical connections with Iran, as they also share a language, and much of their history

Afghanis are subhuman maulvi.

i have visited Hayward in California, and LA, and met Afghan Americans

They are no different than Pakistani Americans. Normal people stuck in the rat race.

Didnt find anything sub-human about a human race
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i dont think he did that. He has posted about Bakhtiari and Lur women warriors who participated in Zand Dynasty of Iran against Afghan attacks

Also, Afghanistan has deep cultural and historical connections with Iran, as they also share a language, and much of their history

i have visited Hayward in California, and LA, and met American Afghans.

They are no different that Pakistani Americans. Normal people stuck in the rat race.

Didnt find anything sub-human about a human race

Afghanis spout so much hate at Pakistanis you have no idea. I beat down such a miserable cretin back in dubai. Eat, live, study and get money in my Pakistan yet they espouse hate? Well subhumans do such shit. Not humans.
When you call Pandavas "bandars", you're calling Jarrals and Janjuas bandar. I hope people belonging to one of these tribes are present on PDF :P

And I didn't say anything against Pakistani Pakhtuns. Afghanis though... Well how can someone like a race of pedophiles and homosexuals haha.

Btw, the fact that the darri speaking OP(a faggot) was calling Punjabis beghairat doesn't seem to bother you :P

And dude, if your childish didn't amuse me so much, I would have already put you in an ignore list.

Its not "Darri", it is Dari, a respectful beautiful dialect of Farsi close to Urdu. The OP is more humane than you and has more confidence and self-respect than you. Has no inferiority complex or need to prove the idea of not being from a bastardized culture like you do. He is straight-forward, honest, calls a spade as a spade, speaks his mind, critiques, doesnt make stories like you, claim other people's history like you, reads, discusses, and changes his mind. Neither is he a racist. And he is proud of his people, family, culture and history. He doesnt insult other races, other people's and if he does, tells why he is doing it.

and i never disrespected the jarrals and janjuas of today, so stop with your accusations
Which century does this Female Warrior belong to. Old fashioned gun and horses....
Which century does this Female Warrior belong to. Old fashioned gun and horses....

This is common in her area of Iran. You will be amazed by even the caps and attire they still wear in the mountains. I think she looks Bakhtiari

I have heard Bakhtiari are still holding on to these traditions today very strongly, as they have a tribal identity maintained, and the government in Iran has given them a whole province.
Sorry, I wrongly attributed something to Kipling. Kipling didn't talk of golden showered but mentioned wounded soldiers given to Afghan women to be tortured. He based this on reports that Afghan women would castrate and torture wounded soldiers. He mentions that in this poem: When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, and the women come out to cut up... - Rudyard Kipling at BrainyQuote

I mixed Kipling and the other shower source up. My bad.
Yeah im familiar with this poem of his but it isn't mentioned in here that the women urinated on their faces.
. . . .
no , you are sub-human .

go kill yourself you racist shyte .

good thing is , that you're a brownie . u would have bashed the world if u were white :lol:

i hate racism more than anything

Like i care.
. . .
"Luffy" never uses word "martial race", dont spread lies. Martial race is british word and is popular in indics, not pashtuns. Races are not martial....culture , enviroment and circumstances make you warrior. Physique and height doesnt matter, you need guts.
Pashtuns are warriors for thousands of years, did they need certificate of martial race from british?. Unlike punjabi musalman, sikhs and gurkhas, very small number of pashtuns were recruited by british. The total number of pathan soldiers in WW1 was six thousands while in WW2 the number was 18 thousands only. British were particularly fascinated by fighting skills of Afridis, they tried their best to recruit them in large number but due to high desertion rates and their reluctance to fight against their own people, they were excluded from enlistment in regular army and they were only recruited in khyber rifles. Pathans were rather troublesome enemy to british till the end, than useful servants.
Pathan sepoys were insignificant in british indian army. The most numerous in british indian army were punjabi musalman, and most favourite of british were gurkhas followed by sikhs).

Lol. Definitely Luffy. Reported.

@Jungibaaz. Sounds like Luffy. Seems to be a duplicate account. Look into it. Thanks.
"Luffy" never uses word "martial race", dont spread lies. Martial race is british word and is popular in indics, not pashtuns. Races are not martial....culture , enviroment and circumstances make you warrior. Physique and height doesnt matter, you need guts.
Pashtuns are warriors for thousands of years, did they need certificate of martial race from british?. Unlike punjabi musalman, sikhs and gurkhas, very small number of pashtuns were recruited by british. The total number of pathan soldiers in WW1 was six thousands while in WW2 the number was 18 thousands only. British were particularly fascinated by fighting skills of Afridis, they tried their best to recruit them in large number but due to high desertion rates and their reluctance to fight against their own people, they were excluded from enlistment in regular army and they were only recruited in khyber rifles. Pathans were rather troublesome enemy to british till the end, than useful servants.
Pathan sepoys were insignificant in british indian army. The most numerous in british indian army were punjabi musalman, and most favourite of british were gurkhas followed by sikhs).

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