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Female Saudi Arabian student invents nanotechnology vest


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

The nanotechnology vest weighs only 2.9 kilograms allowing soldiers and security personnel to move easily. — Courtesy photo
Saudi Gazette report

TAIF — A Saudi woman obtained a doctorate for using nanotechnology to invent a vest that would provide effective protection for security officers, Al-Sharq daily reported.

Hind Abdulghaffar, a Taif University student, discussed her invention at Umm Al-Qura University’s design college last week in order to obtain her doctorate. She explained the importance of using modern technological developments and praised the role of the Military Industries Corporation (MIC) for contributing to her success.

The discussion lasted for three hours, during which the student explained the protective properties of the material used in manufacturing vests.

Abdulghaffar noted that all the materials used are petroleum-based and can be manufactured in the Kingdom to produce better and lighter vests.

She pointed out that the vest she has invented weighs only 2.9 kilograms, allowing soldiers and security personnel to move easily. "Military research receives the most support in advanced countries and I hope that this will materialize in the Kingdom," she said.

She said her thesis on using nanotechnology in vests was the first of its kind in the Arab world.

At the end of the discussion, the committee decided to award the student her doctorate with honors and recommended that the thesis be published.

Female Saudi student invents nanotechnology vest | Kingdom | Saudi Gazette

Saudi Arabian women are one of the most educated group of people in the ME and Muslim world and Saudi Arabian women make up the fourth highest number of foreign female students at universities in the US. They are doing really well academically abroad and at home as well.

It's not all doom and gloom as some propagandists and Western sensationalist "newspapers" such as The Sun etc. try to make it out.

Of course neither perfect but there is a big potential.

Historically us people from the ME once dominated the field of science for thousands of years and we were leading in that field not THAT long ago during the Islamic Golden Age as well but for the past many centuries we have been in a bad, bad state.

Islamic Golden Age | Islamic History | Islamic History

As has most of the Muslim and non-Western world until recently. I cannot speak for other countries in the ME but I do like the fact that the emphasis on science related subjects is growing for each year in KSA. That's the way forward.

KSA can do much better than 39th place but the future prognosis place the country in the top 25 which is about right for a country with a native population of about 25 million and certain laws that are a disadvantage and cultural/religious norms.

SJR - International Science Ranking

In terms of patents KSA leads in the Arab world and is among the leading Muslim countries.

Kingdom tops Arab patent list | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
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That is awesome. :woot:

Only 2.9 kilograms as well, that is going to provide a whole lot of extra flexibility.

Maybe multiple layers of Carbon fibers, or some composite linked with carbon nanotubes.

Send them to Palestine immediately.

Do you know, even if you wear a vest, the kinetic energy of the bullet can rip your bones apart, specially when fired at the rib cage region.
Maybe multiple layers of Carbon fibers, or some composite linked with carbon nanotubes.

Do you know, even if you wear a vest, the kinetic energy of the bullet can rip your bones apart, specially when fired at the rib cage region.

Okay, then send MLRS missiles to Palestine.
The world needs the healthy competition, it is good to see that the Islamic civilization is back on track.

Not yet my friend. Still a lot of work to do.

Once we ME people were dominating science for thousands of years and during the Islamic Golden Age we were the centers of learning from Al-Andalus in the West (modern-day Iberia - Spain and Portugal) to Baghdad in modern day Iraq and many other Arab cities in the ME. Together with China and others.

Since the time the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258 and basically ended the Islamic Golden Age that had lasted for 500 years another dark period of the ME history emerged and since that time the West have been far ahead of us all.

China is obviously a different animal all together considering the huge population, achievements and potential but less than that would do good for the Muslim world.;)

It's really been a bad, bad state for centuries. Deeply pathetic compared to our past.

This is why China is a model to follow for us. A country that had a similar ancient past with proud traditions but who for various reasons fell of their position just to return back on top in the last few decades.

We are far behind as of now but maybe it will one day all return? Not sure but small steps like those are a pleasant sight.
Not yet my friend. Still a lot of work to do.

Once we ME people were dominating science for thousands of years and during the Islamic Golden Age we were the centers of learning from Al-Andalus in the West (modern-day Iberia - Spain and Portugal) to Baghdad in modern day Iraq and many other Arab cities in the ME. Together with China and others.

Since the time the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258 and basically ended the Islamic Golden Age that had lasted for 500 years another dark period of the ME history emerged and since that time the West have been far ahead of us all.

China is obviously a different animal all together considering the huge population, achievements and potential but less than that would do good for the Muslim world.;)

It's really been a bad, bad state for centuries. Deeply pathetic compared to our past.

This is why China is a model to follow for us. A country that had a similar ancient past with proud traditions but who for various reasons fell of their position just to return back on top in the last few decades.

We are far behind as of now but maybe it will one day all return? Not sure but small steps like those are a pleasant sight.

A Chinese model is basically a United States of Arabia with a strong authoritarian government.
Do i see resemblance.!!!

I bet her "wajayjay" & other curves would show through the tight trouser she's wearing BUT thank goodness her hair are covered very well. Now she's safe from evil eye of men.:tup:

Do I see an clown with too much time? The answer is definitely yes.

No she must be very busy person, & she does not look like a clown to me.! But definitely looks like spermHead. Learn some tolerance to criticism & sarcasm.
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