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In your dreams :lol:

Lmao.. u should be happy afterall they are ur relatives... lol...

Only savagely barbarians would think of such thing that way.


Iraq was invaded for a pretext of possessing WMDs. While Afghanistan was invaded because the Taliban offered safe heaven to Al-Qaida, not to mention killing your people, if it helps. :lol:

And the shyt storm started after osama = 9/11

Also US went to war with afghanistan to get al qaeda..

Your daddy is the best, again. :yay:


Here I must stop by to have a HUGE laugh at you :lol:

A- The Ottoman couldn't capture Arabia.

B- As they failed to do so, they chose to play the " Clinet " tactics, which failed :azn:


That isn't what your mother said isn't an insult. It means that was not the way your mother brought you up.

My bad.. i apologise...

Mister Baluch. Those areas were ruled by local Arab rulers who only happened to pledge their allegiance to the Caliph/Sultan. Before the Ottomans "took" the throne from us Arabs in the early 1500's by proclaiming themselves as Caliphs we had ruled the Islamic world for nearly 1000 years as Caliphs. And the Ottomans adopted many Arab customs, copied the system, adopted Arabic language and alphabet etc. And by far most of Najd and Eastern Province was never part of any foreign power.

Osama bin Laden was half Yemeni and half Syrian. Only born in KSA. And unlike your Shia Wannabe Arab Iranian Mullah's who talk about the destruction of Israel, USA etc. each Friday and what all those clowns talk about in general he managed to strike fear into the worlds only superpower. I am just saying it. Have to give credit where it is due. Much like Hitler and some of his "achievements". Not always pretty but affective. Not that there are any comparisons between them.

But at least we stripped him off his citizenship 17 years ago and guess where he was found and where he got killed? It was surely not KSA, Yemen or Syria.
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Regarding the map you attached, Kingdom of Mecca was ruled by the Shareef Family under the cloak of the Ottomans, which means the Kingdom of Mecca is one state and the Ottoman Empire is an empire which harbors & protects the Kingdom of Mecca.

Lmao.. u should be happy afterall they are ur relatives... lol...

No base in here, which means the only bases are in your dreams. Sure, I'm proud of my American heritage as much as I'm proud of the other half, unless you think it is a shame then that's your opinion

Also US went to war with afghanistan to get al qaeda..

Yes, that's what I'm saying o_O

My bad.. i apologise.

Apology accepted. Even though you chose to attack me personally.

Lmao.. u should be happy afterall they are ur relatives... lol...


And the shyt storm started after osama = 9/11

Also US went to war with afghanistan to get al qaeda..


My bad.. i apologise...
Regarding the map you attached, Kingdom of Mecca was ruled by the Shareef Family under the cloak of the Ottomans, which means the Kingdom of Mecca is one state and the Ottoman Empire is an empire which harbors & protects the Kingdom of Mecca.

No base in here, which means the only bases are in your dreams. Sure, I'm proud of my American heritage as much as I'm proud of the other half, unless you think it is a shame then that's your opinion

Yes, that's what I'm saying o_O

Apology accepted. Even though you chose to attack me personally.

Exactly bro, and I should know since I happen to be a Makkawi Hashemite. The Grand Sharif of Makkah and Madinah and Amir was second to the Caliph in terms of respect and importance. Even the Caliph revered each one of them and often invited them to his court in Istanbul. Hell, even intermarriages took place between the House of Osman (originally nomadic Turks from current day Turkmenistan).

Where in Texas do your relatives live bro? On a traditional Texan ranch? Or just in Dallas/Austin/Houston or the other big cities?

Mister Baluch. Those areas were ruled by local Arab rulers who only happened to pledge their allegiance to the Caliph/Sultan. Before the Ottomans took the throne from us Arabs in the early 1500's we had ruled the Islamic world for nearly 1000 years as Caliphs. And the Ottomans adopted many Arab customs, copied the system, adopted Arabic language and alphabet etc. And by far most of Najd and Eastern Province was never part of any foreign power.

Same was our case our states were ruled by us ... not fukin colonials... and this so called occupation laster less than a decade or so.. with constants wars with them.. there is a reason those colonials said "Respect the Baluch"... u kill kill a baluch,torture him .. but you can never break his spirit... and he will take revenge no matter what..

Osama bin Laden was half Yemeni and half Syrian. Only born in KSA.

Who cares... also arent u half yemeni urself.. and ur boasting abt how yemeni n saudi are the same people ? lmao.
And unlike your Shia Wannabe Arab Iranian Mullah's who talk about the destruction of Israel, USA etc. each Friday and what all those clowns talk about in general he managed to strike fear into the worlds only superpower. I am just saying it. Have to give credit where it is due. Much like Hitler and some of his "achievements". Not always pretty but affective. Not that there are any comparisons between them.

Never knew those clowns wanted to be arabs (bs as usual) but who cares atleast the have the balls to say do so? unlike the house of saud:


Also atleast i have the gutts to call a spade a spade unlike our little wahabi armerican wannabe frnd here.. :lol:

But at least we stripped him off his citizenship 17 years ago and guess where he was found and where he got killed? It was surely not KSA, Yemen or Syria.

Guess too late for tht huh? along with the 9/11 hijackers who were also saudi? lmao. 
Regarding the map you attached, Kingdom of Mecca was ruled by the Shareef Family under the cloak of the Ottomans, which means the Kingdom of Mecca is one state and the Ottoman Empire is an empire which harbors & protects the Kingdom of Mecca.

And who was ruling our states? fuckin colonials? lmao.. we also had our own kings,nawabs,khan etc

No base in here, which means the only bases are in your dreams.

Yeah right:


Apology accepted. Even though you chose to attack me personally.

I honestly misunderstood..
Same was our case our states were ruled by us ... not fukin colonials... and this so called occupation laster less than a decade or so.. with constants wars with them.. there is a reason those colonials said "Respect the Baluch"... u kill kill a baluch,torture him .. but you can never break his spirit... and he will take revenge no matter what..

Who cares... also arent u half yemeni urself.. and ur boasting abt how yemeni n saudi are the same people ? lmao.

Never knew those clowns wanted to be arabs (bs as usual) but who cares atleast the have the balls to say do so? unlike the house of saud:


Also atleast i have the gutts to call a spade a spade unlike our little wahabi armerican wannabe frnd here.. :lol:

Guess too late for tht huh? along with the 9/11 hijackers who were also saudi? lmao.

Yes, sure they did. Which is why you have a country today? Oh, wait.

Yes, is that why they use Arab names, Arabs surnames and all claim to be Sadah? Yeah, right. Nice joke. Or wear those fake "black turbans". It's like every Iranian Mullah man or every twice one.:lol:

And your country are not friends of the US? LOL. Rather be an American friend than a friend of the Ruskies like your heroes in Mullahistan are.

Sorry to tell you this but from what I know about then @Yzd Khalifa is an atheist. You have to ask him though. Nice try, though.
Is kissing on the mouth not an Iranian thing, LOL?

Yes, sure they did. Which is why you have a country today? Oh, wait.

Oh sorry coz we fought the british unlike you... remember?

Yes, is that why they use Arab names, Arabs surnames and all claim to be Sadah? Yeah, right. Nice joke.:lol:

U will also find "sadahs" in chechnya... those people are from tht family... who probably settled their hundreds of years ago..

And your country are not friends of the US? LOL. Rather be an American friend that a friend of the Ruskies like your heroes in Mullahistan are.

Its funny to see a saudi wahabi talkin abt mullahistan? :rofl: Ironic..
Oh sorry coz we fought the british unlike you... remember?

U will also find "sadahs" in chechnya... those people are from tht family... who probably settled their hundreds of years ago..

Its funny to see a saudi wahabi talkin abt mullahistan? :rofl: Ironic..

Many Arabs thought the British and actually kicked their ***. Read about the Iraqi Arab uprising for starters.

Yes, the difference is that every Mullah or every second Mullah in Iran happens to be a Sadah, LOL. A fake one that is. And at the same time a Azeri Turk, Turkmen, Farsi etc. Makes sense indeed.:lol:

Our country is not a theocracy ruled by Mullah's Rafidah (using your own logic).
Sorry to tell you this but from what I know about then @Yzd Khalifa is an atheist. You have to ask him though. Nice try, though.
Is kissing on the mouth not an Iranian thing, LOL?


Not iranian .. dnt even care... kinda gay though... but the pious saudi king kissing bush.. LMAO.. tht double WTF kinda funny..
Not iranian .. dnt even care... kinda gay though... but the pious saudi king kissing bush.. LMAO.. tht double WTF kinda funny..

Not that I would ever kiss him LOL but are you sure that is not the angle of the picture that makes it look like they are kissing? Abdullah of all people and all his offspring don't strike me as being the G word. One the other hand some of those Iranian Mullah's give me some creepy impressions.


Look at all those posters. LMAO.
And who was ruling our states? fuckin colonials? lmao.. we also had our own kings,nawabs,khan etc

The British empire stripped all over the subcontinent, I'm not ready yet to have an X vs Y debate.

Yeah right:

You said a bigass base, I see nothing but rubbish. :lol:

Why would the CIA need a drone base in southern KSA to hunt Al-Qaida when they already have a massive one in Oman already.

Many Arabs thought the British and actually kicked their ***. Read about the Iraqi Arab uprising for starters.

Now ur claiming the history of iraqis? what abt u saudis?

Yes, the difference is that every Mullah or every second Mullah in Iran happens to be a Sadah, LOL. A fake one that is. And at the same time a Azeri Turk, Turkmen, Farsi etc. Makes sense indeed.:lol:

Yeah right... most people are proud of who they are unless they are piss poor and having nothing n are looking down .. they might try to change their identity.. but all not.. turks themselves have a proud history..

Our country is not a theocracy ruled by Mullah's Rafidah (using your own logic).

Sure whatever makes u happy... 
The British empire stripped all over the subcontinent, I'm not ready yet to have an X vs Y debate.

Read abt it again... it might have been true abt the modern day india.... but modern day Pakistan was a tribal society... u will find several princely states.. eg: bahawalpur,swat,kalat,FATA n parts of KPK(Again always independent),states in sindh,lasbela,makran etc etc..

You said a bigass base, I see nothing but rubbish. :lol:

Why would the CIA need a drone base in southern KSA to hunt Al-Qaida when they already have a massive one in Oman already.

To kill ur frnds in yemen + saudi bordering areas.
Now ur claiming the history of iraqis? what abt u saudis?

Yeah right... most people are proud of who they are unless they are piss poor and having nothing n are looking down .. they might try to change their identity.. but all not.. turks themselves have a proud history..

Sure whatever makes u happy...
Well I have ancestral ties to Iraq. Still relatives living there. Could mention you the Algerians who kicked the *** of the French - at that time the 3 most powerful military and actually GAINED their freedom. Like all the occupied Arab countries did ultimately.

Anyway the comparison does not hold ground. We were never a Western colony to begin with.

So why all those fake Sadah families then? Do you have them in Baluch lands too or are they actually genuine ones? Or have you killed them due to them being Arabs originally? Just joking in case you could not see it.

Make your point. It's either the King or the "Grand Ayatollah". Can't be both although you can argue that the "Grand Ayatollah" in Iran is just a King without the title of King. At least he rules it all…… At top of being chose by God apparently (BIG LOL).
Not that I would ever kiss him LOL but are you sure that is not the angle of the picture that makes it look like they are kissing? Abdullah of all people and all his offspring don't strike me as being the G word. One the other hand some of those Iranian Mullah's give me some creepy impressions.


Look at all those posters. LMAO.

Again these clowns are still better than the saudi clowns thts for sure... export terorism everywhere.. while in bed with the americans and israelis (not tht i care) at the same time.. :lol: 
Well I have ancestral ties to Iraq. Still relatives living there. Could mention you the Algerians who kicked the *** of the French - at that time the 3 most powerful military and actually GAINED their freedom. Like all the occupied Arab countries did ultimately.

Lmao.. Algerians are berbers.. and sorry to disappoint u the PDF algerians dnt really love u very much @Ceylal ?
Anyway the comparison does not hold ground. We were never a Western colony to begin with.
So why all those fake Sadah families then? Do you have them in Baluch lands too or are they actually genuine ones? Or have you killed them due to them being Arabs originally? Just joking in case you could not see it.

No unlike arabs .. we are a tolerant community.. secular in values... and we dont run around yelling jihad in other countries while kissing american n israelis..
Make your point. It's either the King or the "Grand Ayatollah". Can't be both although you can argue that the "Grand Ayatollah" in Iran is just a King without the title of King.

Again shamelessly ranting the same thing again and again.. have some shame..although a gutless man hardly has any..

At least he rules it all…… At top of being chose by God apparently (BIG LOL).

Again these clowns are still better than the saudi clowns thts for sure... export terorism everywhere.. while in bed with the americans and israelis (not tht i care) at the same time.. :lol:

Well, the biggest terrorist exporter is Iran. Mullahistan is sponsoring terrorist groups as a state while KSA is actively fighting them in Yemen. Let alone having defeated the Al-Qaeda branch in KSA after a years long battle with them. At most it is only private individuals who support various groups. Know the difference.


The Farsis try to meddle everywhere but get defeated everywhere. (their proxies because they can't fight on their own it seems). Arabs need to fight their wars.

Israel? Nice one. We are not the country that has the biggest Jewish minority in the ME nor are our leaders meeting with Jewish religious leaders and kissing with them. Nor have we a history of being the best friend of the Jews like the Iranians were when they were ruled by the officer-son ("Shah") 35 years ago, LOL.

But yeah, we know that you love your peoples oppressors (Mullahs). What a sad case.

Thanks for posting fake news that was denied and which turned out to be untrue. LOL. Now also a Child-Murderer (Al-Assad) supporter and that of his propganda. HAHA. Hilarious.
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