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Female lawyer defends client in court


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Last updated: Friday, November 01, 2013 11:58 PM


Bayan Zahran

JEDDAH — For the first time in the Kingdom's history, a female lawyer has appeared in a Saudi court to represent a client as a licensed lawyer. Bayan Zahran, who was issued a license to practice law in the Kingdom recently, had been working for years as a legal consultant and had represented dozens of people in criminal and civil cases as well as family disputes. But for the first time on Thursday, she appeared at the General Court in Jeddah to defend a client. Zahran described the moment as "overwhelming". “I haven’t started my own law firm yet, as I’m still recruiting the managerial staff,” Zahran said excitedly. “I’m planning to take up labor case and business disputes but I’ll also dedicate my time to women’s cases. I believe female lawyers can contribute a lot to the legal system.”


@al-Hasani thanks for the facepalm thingy... and good luck with such reforms..

Thanks for starting a trolling feast and given your Farsi friends a field day despite them having nothing to brag about themselves let alone having any entitelment to talk about rights. Nor is KSA or the Arab world really their business. I even recall you saying that Iran was a oppressing state that oppressed your own people (Baluch) whose land they ironically also occupy.

Also this single element (female lawyers) does not meassure anything crucial about your society.

KSA is a modern welfare state with a thriwing economy (one of the biggest in the world and advancing) and a G-20 major economies members.


The GDP per capita in KSA is higher than that of any other big Muslim country in the world and higher than the average found in the EU.


Saudi Arabians are also one of the happiest people in every survey if you use google.
The crime rate is very low, among the world biggest investment projects, building projects etc. are happening in KSA, reforms are slowly arriving, the population are one of the most educated ones in the ME and Muslim world, 100.000's of Saudi Arabians have studied abroad since the late 1950's and thousands are doing this right now etc.

Saudi Arabia is not a perfect society but for an practicing Muslim or person wanting to make a good, safe and comfortable living then KSA is really good. Hence why KSA is the preferred destination for Muslim immigrants.

And believe me women are part of the society on every level and play a big role. Increasing by each day.

Most of your fellow countrymen who have actually lived in the country and socialized, mingled, travelled across the huge and diverse country that KSA is etc. have mostly only positive things to say no matter their sect, ethnicity, personal beliefs etc. I am talking about your very own countrymen on this forum!

Quite frankly it is annoying to see all the trolling from people who really don't have a clue about what they are talking about, who have not even have visited KSA, who are very ignorant about it etc. What you call trolls.
Anyway I wanted that this thread discussed the actual topic but your comment unfortunately made me comment on your comment and you are likely to reply and the outcome is that the thread is destroyed.

Anyway the moderators will clean this thread up and also do something to the two Farsi trolls that are "thanking" my posts.:lol:
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Thanks for starting a trolling feast and given your Farsi friends a field day despite them having nothing to brag about themselves let alone having any entitelment to talk about rights. Nor is KSA or the Arab world really their business. I even recall you saying that Iran was a oppressing state that oppressed your own people (Baluch) whose land they ironically also occupy.

Also this single element (female lawyers) does not meassure anything crucial about your society.

KSA is a modern welfare state with a thriwing economy (one of the biggest in the world and advancing) and a G-20 major economies members.


The GDP per capita in KSA is higher than that of any other big Muslim country in the world and higher than the average found in the EU.


Saudi Arabians are also one of the happiest people in every survey if you use google.
The crime rate is very low, among the world biggest investment projects, building projects etc. are happening in KSA, reforms are slowly arriving, the population are one of the most educated ones in the ME and Muslim world, 100.000's of Saudi Arabians have studied abroad since the late 1950's and thousands are doing this right now etc.

Saudi Arabia is not a perfect society but for an practicing Muslim or person wanting to make a good, safe and comfortable living then KSA is really good. Hence why KSA is the preferred destination for Muslim immigrants.

And believe me women are part of the society on every level and play a big role. Increasing by each day.

Most of your fellow countrymen who have actually lived in the country and socialized, mingled, travelled across the huge and diverse country that KSA is etc. have mostly only positive things to say no matter their sect, ethnicity, personal beliefs etc. I am talking about your very own countrymen on this forum!

Quite frankly it is annoying to see all the trolling from people who really don't have a clue about what they are talking about, who have not even have visited KSA, who are very ignorant about it etc. What you call trolls.
Anyway I wanted that this thread discussed the actual topic but your comment unfortunately made me comment on your comment and you are likely to reply and the outcome is that the thread is destroyed.

Anyway the moderators will clean this thread up and also do something to the two Farsi trolls that are "thanking" my posts.:lol:

Calm down my frnd... not mocking you (okay yes a little :lol:) but i genuniely think this is a good step... as for "GDP, advanced country.destination for immigrants" etc...well to be honest... its coz oil was discovered in ur country... otherwise not so long ago ... the al saud family were robbing hajjis.....

As for "no discrimination against ethnicities n sects" etc.. sure man... Its like me say "we dnt face terrorist threats" etc.... although even they recieve funds from rich individuals in gulf.. apart from other sources...

Long story short... good luck... hopefully u will let them drive soon aswell?
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Calm down my frnd... not mocking you (okay yes a little :lol:) but i genuniely think this is a good step... as for GDP, advvanced country.destination for immigrants etc...well to be honest... its coz oil was discovered in ur country... otherwise not so long ago ... the al saud family were robbing hajjis.....as for no discrimination against ethnicities n sects etc.. sure man... its like me say "we dnt face terrorist threats" etc.. the elements financing etc them is another matter...

Long story short... good luck... hopefully u will let them drive soon aswell?

Just trolling but whatever. Not different from most of your fellow Shias here I guess.

Yes, just like any other country in the world and past civilization that got rich due to natural resources or resources they conquered from others. Same with the West. Big deal. Gonna bitch about that? Sure we have been blessed with a very rich country, a diverse and big one. It is up to us to make it like we want it and to advance which we are doing at a fast rate. As reality shows. And it's not the only reason.

Edited: avoid trolling
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Just trolling but whatever. Not different from most of your fellow Shias here I guess.

Yes, just like any other country in the world and past civilization that got rich due to natural resources or resources they conquered from others. Same with the West. Big deal. Gonna bitch about that? Sure we have been blessed with a very rich country, a diverse and big one. It is up to us to make it like we want it and to advance which we are doing at a fast rate. As reality shows. And it's not the only reason.

Regarding your comments about the Al-Saud then that is pretty laughable. LOL. Where did they teach you that? Some Iranian Wannabe Arab Mullah state-sponsored school in Pakistan?

Well I guess your country has the same issues maybe even more. Or you were talking about Iran? Can't tell.

Yes, and good luck to your people (Baluch) and their struggle against Iranian oppresion and stealing of land.

Do the highlighted parts even make any sense? :rofl:
Do the highlighted parts even make any sense? :rofl:

Well knowing your previous posting in relation to Sunnis who form 90% of all the worlds Muslims, your past comments about KSA, Arabs etc. then you do the match. It's not like we are blind.

Anyway now you are here then once again good luck to your people (Baluch) and their struggle against Iranian oppresion and occupation of Baluch land. You seemed to have ignored that. At least a few months ago you made no secret of those issues to me and other users but now you need to watch out closely not to make your two troll friends angry here I guess.

Tough luck.

And I guess not any different from your first trolling post that started it all?
Well knowing your previous posting in relation to Sunnis who form 90% of all the worlds Muslims, your past comments about KSA, Arabs etc. then you do the match. It's not like we are blind.

You guys are sunnis? lmao... Dude my paternal family is sunni... i know abt the difference between sunnis>salafis>wahabis... sunnis ....As for me.. yes its my personal belief.... and unless im (my beliefs) not hurting urs .. i wonder why you would have any issues abt it?

As for my past comments about KSA n Arabs.. sure go ahead post a few posts of mine? but hell yeah i hate those fat shieks financing n exporting terrorism.. all over the world...

Anyway now you are here then once again good luck to your people (Baluch) and their struggle against Iranian oppresion and occupation of Baluch land. You seemed to have ignored that. At least a few months ago you made no secret of those issues to me and other users but now you need to watch out closely not to make your two troll friends angry here I guess.

Tough luck.

And I guess not any different from your first trolling post that started it all?

Yes i did tell you tht there was an insurgency in sistan etc... and id love to see a united baluchistan (who wouldnt .. dnt arabs want to see a united arabia?).... which realistically speaking is not possible..
Just trolling but whatever. Not different from most of your fellow Shias here I guess.

Yes, just like any other country in the world and past civilization that got rich due to natural resources or resources they conquered from others. Same with the West. Big deal. Gonna bitch about that? Sure we have been blessed with a very rich country, a diverse and big one. It is up to us to make it like we want it and to advance which we are doing at a fast rate. As reality shows. And it's not the only reason.

Regarding your comments about the Al-Saud then that is pretty laughable. LOL. Where did they teach you that? Some Iranian Wannabe Arab Mullah state-sponsored school in Pakistan?

Well I guess your country has the same issues maybe even more. Or you were talking about Iran? Can't tell.

Yes, and good luck to your people (Baluch) and their struggle against Iranian oppresion and occupation of Baluch land.
Your post has absolutely zero relation to the topic at hand.

The topic is that for the first time in the history of that country a woman has been allowed to appear in court.
A country where women are not even allowed to drive.

Talking about the GDP or against Iranians does not change the fact that this news signifies that this country is trying hard to enter the 20th century, whereas the world is already on 21st century.

Deal with it.
You guys are sunnis? lmao... Dude my paternal family is sunni... i know abt the difference between sunnis>salafis>wahabis... sunnis ....As for me.. yes its my personal belief.... unless im not hurting urs .. i wonder why you would have any issues abt it?my past comments about KSA n Arabs.. sure go ahead post a few posts of mine? but hell yeah i hate those fat shieks financing n exporting terrorism.. all over the world...

Yes i did tell you tht there was an insurgency in sistan etc... and id love to see a united baluchistan (who wouldnt .. dnt arabs want to see a united arabia?).... which realistically speaking is not possible..

Yes, Sunni Islam and not only that but nearly all other Islamic sects happens to originate from KSA. No, I am just saying that your posts are no different from those Shia trolls on this forum and their well-known views. Well you know your own posting better than all others. You should be able to answer that post. Then you most also hate those fat Wannabe Arab Iranian Mullah's doing the same…

No, not only that but that you hate Iran's current "government" and that they oppress your people and have stolen your peoples land.

And no, I am not sure most Arabs want a united Arab world. Would be too much a hassle. Lands from Morocco in the West (Atlantic Ocean) to Oman in the East (Arabian Sea). Syria in the North to Comoros in the South. But anyway I am surprised that you are in favor of undermining Pakistan's territorial integrity.


How cute that all the Farsi trolls have rooted themselves together after talking in their little pathetic section trying to get me banned. I wonder when they get banned for insulting Arabs again and again in their shitty little teenage chat-section. Let us see what the moderators will say about that or their trolling in threads about Arab matters.

We can also clearly see in this thread who started the trolling and writing posts of no value.


I suggest looking at their little section and constant provocations, meddling etc. Also their comments against Arabs (insults towards Arabs, Arab users here) in their section constantly and talking about various users in Farsi without having the guts to tell it directly. Typical coward behavior from their likes. The Iranian moderator @Serpentine is not doing anything about it but probably only encourages it.
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How cute that all the Farsi trolls have rooted themselves together after talking in their little pathetic section trying to get me banned. I wonder when they get banned for insulting Arabs again and again
in their shitty little teenage chat-section. Let us see what the moderators will say about that or their trolling in threads about Arab matters.

We can also clearly see in this thread who started the trolling and writing posts of no value.
In case you did not know - I am Indian.
I dont care about any Sunni or Shia or Iranian or Martian rivalry.
In case you did not know - I am Indian.
I dont care about any Sunni or Shia or Iranian or Martian rivalry.

And Indian that happens to be fiercely anti-Muslim and anti-Arab. Yes, I have come across your little user and useless posts before. No need to tell me. Now again you are meddling in issues that do not concern you with the only intention of stiring trouble up.

Obviously I was not referring to you anyway but let us leave that aside. You are the one quoting my posts.

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