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Federal Minister stands up for women against regressive, anti-Islam practices

He has a complete right to express his views. Why should he shut up? How is a tweet taking away from his time in his ministry, where he has actually taken a lot of good initiatives.

You’re refusing to actually explain why his comments are wrong - that’s the topic of this thread, assuming you disagree with them.

Come on señor, you know better. Obviously girl getting married out of her choice is not an issue in Islam and actually we all support it. The issue is that of physical "affection" before marriage and that's haraam. Even worse is the fact of making your sin public for viewership.

The Lahore students were expelled not because the girl dared to marry out of her will. The problem was hugging n kissing by the guy and refusal to show up to disciplinary committee got them expelled.

Having said that, the issue isn't those kids per se here. The issue is Fawad and his incessant crusade against anything that aligns with normative Islamic morality. He ALWAYS tweets on these cultural issues from the liberal end...even when there is hardly a need for a minister to do so. That's why my and other folks' critique of that buffoon who keeps waging his liberal crusade on social media (remember him adoring Ranjeet Singh and putting down Pathans?)

Fawad is pulling a strawman that girl was expelled because of "marriage by choice"...which is obviously false. I am just surprised to see you falling for this strawman
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LMAO "bAckWaRD ExTreMIsT" views....are you a child? In your wanna be burger world, 95% of Pakistan is probably "bAcKWaRD n ExTreMist" because they dont approve of gay anal sex that you love to watch on po*rn sites? :lol:

Fawad Chaudhary was with Musharaff, then Zardari, then PTI. He's an urbanite vulture that will always go for his interests. Not a good pick for PTI (but then again, he's not the only one). I would not be surprised at all when Fawad Chaudhary joins Bilawal in the name of "progressive young leadership" or whatever trite euphemisms are the zeitgeist of the ruling elite at the time.

Keep your paindu takes to yourself tho.
Anyone holding politically moderate views apparently now correlates to "gay anal **** sex". Keep your search history to yourself.

You're an even bigger inbred degenerate than I thought.
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A federal minister should not be saying such a thing which looks like he is interfering in the university matters. PTI government stated position is that it will not interfere and we have seen PM never interfering in the working of departments or institutions. If federal minister has to speak, he can speak without putting the university in context.
مرضی سے شادی ہر لڑکی کا بنیادی حق ہے، اسلام عورتوں کو جو حقوق دیتا ہے مرضی کی شادی ان حقوق میں مرکزی حیثئیت رکھتی ہے یونیورسٹی انتظامیہ اپنے فیصلے پر نظرثانی کرے، لڑکیوں کو پراپرٹی سمجھنا اسلام کے خلاف ہے

why did you not translate the last sentence? where he said that treating girls as property is against Islam

do you know what the wide spread practice of watta satta is? it accounts for almost half of all marriages.

do you know what vani or swara is?

joke of the century
These degeneracies does not happen in my community or society.
They were penalised not for intent to marriage but for public indecent acts. I have always said these libtards are shameless, u can see many members here including a PDF Advisor (who identifies as an agnostic by the way) who are seen openly promoting secularism over Islam normally on this forum, trying to hide behind Islamic jurisprudence to promote there narrative , let that sink in, lol...... U can see how these liberals are convieniently trying to divert the attention from the actual issue and trying to justify it using another, textbook propganda, these students were penalised for public indecent acts not a marraige proposal. Where does Islam allow such physical intimacy between a man and a woman before Nikkah?,

PDF standards are at there lowest, People who are changing thread titles to suit their own narrative instead of letting truth bieng presented impartially have been promoted as Advisors. What gives this advisor the right to change thread title and present it in such a way that reeks of impartiality, bias and imposition of personal opinion. Is this the new standard of the PDF management.
He has a complete right to express his views. Why should he shut up? How is a tweet taking away from his time in his ministry, where he has actually taken a lot of good initiatives.

You’re refusing to actually explain why his comments are wrong - that’s the topic of this thread, assuming you disagree with them.
U promote Fawads right to free speech while u forcefully changed the thread title here to suit ur own narrative directly suppressing free speech on this forum, what kind of a hypocrite are u?
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“Marriage of one's own free will is the basic right of every girl. Islam gives rights to women. Marriage of choice is central to these rights. University administration should reconsider its decision”

Absolutely everything Fawad Chaudhry said was correct.

The only people maligning Pakistan and Islam are the ones criticizing him.

Thread title updated to accurately represent what Fawad Chaudhry said.
Where does Islam allow a man and a woman to publicly kiss and hug before nikkah?, why are u trying to use Islam to promote ur liberal agenda? have u no shame?
@The Eagle @waz @Irfan Baloch,@Horus this supposed Advisor Agnostic Muslim forcefully changed the thread title to suit his own personal narrative, the thread title now reeks of bias and extreme impartiality, the member who started this thread raised a valid question and his right to free speech was suppressed because this did not sit well with the very biased and selective personal opinion of the Advisor in question, is this the new standard on PDF, are u guys promoting such irresponsible individuals to administartion who are triggered when they see something contradicting their personal opinions and try to use there position to impose there views upon others and supress free speech? Please take notice of this openly injust Facist act. Thanks.
What did he say that was wrong and why?

Hurling foaming at the mouth abuse just because you’re triggered does not count as debate or a rational rebuttal of Fawad Chaudhry’s comments.

He said marriage is ones own will, to this argument i agree, AS I SAID ABOVE.
In the final lines he says that the uni needs to reconsider its decision, to wich i dont agree.
Let me explain you in simple words:
I guess the girl proposed the boy, so she could have chosen another location, why you want it in pubblic, especially inside a educational institute, give me a good reason. Not "mera jism, meri marzi"bs.
Secondly these type of acts are against uni rules. Before you say, uni rules are backward and stuck in '50, you should know that in most unis around the world ( your beloved Usa, eu including) these types of act are not tollerated, further more when uni admin tried to summon them, they decided not to come and defend their "rights". So this is why uni admin decided to expell them.
So to summirize i would say that the couple is nothing more than a attention seekers. I really hope they get married and live a long and healthy life, but i do not agree with thier cheap bollywood stunts, and it seems that you are triggered, not me.
If you have any valid and toughtfull argument please let me know and i will be more than happy to discuss.
@The Eagle @waz @Irfan Baloch,@Horus this supposed Advisor Agnostic Muslim forcefully changed the thread title to suit his own personal narrative, [...]
Please take notice of this openly injust Facist act. Thanks.
correcting illiterate hypocrites is "injust Facist act" ? if any of those whom you tagged take your side against him in this, that will prove my assertion that this here forum is nothing but a gigantic fraud
correcting illiterate hypocrites is "injust Facist act" ? if any of those whom you tagged take your side against him in this, that will prove my assertion that this here forum is nothing but a gigantic fraud
Branding those with a different opinion illiterate hypocrites, how very unfacist of u....
@The Eagle @waz @Irfan Baloch,@Horus this supposed Advisor Agnostic Muslim forcefully changed the thread title to suit his own personal narrative, the thread title now reeks of bias and extreme impartiality, the member who started this thread raised a valid question and his right to free speech was suppressed because this did not sit well with the very biased and selective personal opinion of the Advisor in question, is this the new standard on PDF, are u guys promoting such irresponsible individuals to administartion who are triggered when they see something contradicting their personal opinions and try to use there position to impose there views upon others and supress free speech? Please take notice of this openly injust Facist act. Thanks.
Jazak-Allah brother. This matter will now go to ghq as I free from work.
Fawad Ch loves a fazool panga. The university administration did not oppose anyone getting married, they kicked the students out for publicly embracing and kissing, which i assume is against university rules?! I know it's unislamic for unwed men and women to be kissing and hugging. I also know in a conservative country like Pakistan it's considered lewd to be doing so in public.

Whether we agree or not with the islamic principles, or the cultural conservatism is a separate debate. A govt minister has no business projecting false accusations against other institutes.
He has a complete right to express his views. Why should he shut up? How is a tweet taking away from his time in his ministry, where he has actually taken a lot of good initiatives.

You’re refusing to actually explain why his comments are wrong - that’s the topic of this thread, assuming you disagree with them.

He didn't say anything wrong, but what he was trying to insinuate was wrong. The university admin didn't kick anyone out for getting engaged.
he is 100% right pakistanis can not face truth . mixing own tribal culture with islam for your all bad deeds and blame it islam ? where islam said karo kari / watta satta/ wani / sawara / honor killing / torture of female is ok ?

1. Pakistani girls/women are not married of their own free will and thus every marriage is a forced marriage.
answer - yes more then half marriages are forced marriages . what elders decide girls have no choice but to shut up and take it .
2. People of Pakistan consider women their property.
answer - more then that they consider them not only proprty but also they kill them hundreds of female every year . throw acid on them .is another issue .

3. University expelled those students because of proposal and not because of PDA and the accompanying reluctance of both students to show after disciplinary committee.
answer -university should not have bother personal matters but pakistanis are mostly khudai faujdar . decipline ? lolllzz

4. The said act was unacceptable because a girl proposed a guy otherwise it would have been okay. While in reality if a guy proposed a girl even in more respectable way he would be called a creep, pervert and what not by these rented feminazis.

answer . whom proposed whom should not be matter of anyone let people proposed marred do whatever they want no one should bother them . paksitani's half problems will be solved if we just mind our business . taliban are here because they think they should imposed some kind of radical views on society that is why 70k pakistanis killed because a group of people want to imposed his agenda on masses . same can be said every islamist terrorsit group like ISIS alqaida boko haram .

Bhai, consenting to the will of the parents is NOT equal to parents forcing their daughters for marriage. Forced marriages would be a much lower ratio than what you have summoned out of thin air.

And people do not consider women their property but rather their responsibility and honor. Fathers, Brothers, Husbands, Sons would just as soon die trying to protect their women as they would take a life, all for the women in their lives.

And PDA is not only a taboo in our society but also against the very principles of Islam. Any respectable and decent proposal would have been appreciated not just by the University but by the entire country. Indecent acts, for fame and vulgarity are not acceptable.

P.S. 70k Pakistanis were killed because of political reasons and not because Talibaan wanted to impose Shariat.
seems like there is justice for poor.
people are obeying traffic rules.
there is peace and prosperity
children are not being molested by clerics
polio workers are not being shot
prices are fair. employment is high.
medicine and food are pure and clean.
justice is Swift terrorists are pacified. women are not being harassed at bus stops and work places.

and now we have time to fume and growl over a non event which shouldn't even take more than a minute of our attention.
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he is 100% right pakistanis can not face truth . mixing own tribal culture with islam for your all bad deeds and blame it islam ? where islam said karo kari / watta satta/ wani / sawara / honor killing / torture of female is ok ?

1. Pakistani girls/women are not married of their own free will and thus every marriage is a forced marriage.
answer - yes more then half marriages are forced marriages . what elders decide girls have no choice but to shut up and take it .
2. People of Pakistan consider women their property.
answer - more then that they consider them not only proprty but also they kill them hundreds of female every year . throw acid on them .is another issue .

3. University expelled those students because of proposal and not because of PDA and the accompanying reluctance of both students to show after disciplinary committee.
answer -university should not have bother personal matters but pakistanis are mostly khudai faujdar . decipline ? lolllzz

4. The said act was unacceptable because a girl proposed a guy otherwise it would have been okay. While in reality if a guy proposed a girl even in more respectable way he would be called a creep, pervert and what not by these rented feminazis.

answer . whom proposed whom should not be matter of anyone let people proposed marred do whatever they want no one should bother them . paksitani's half problems will be solved if we just mind our business . taliban are here because they think they should imposed some kind of radical views on society that is why 70k pakistanis killed because a group of people want to imposed his agenda on masses . same can be said every islamist terrorsit group like ISIS alqaida boko haram .
the savages first killed girls in KP because they appeared as audience in a wedding video and then killed all those who came forward as witnesses to those murders.
then we were told it was islamic and customary thing to do.

when people Idealise Osama, eat donkey meat, take brick dust for spices, drink gutter water mixed milk, use stolen electricity and pray on mosques built on usurped land behind a prayer leader accused of molesting kids, consider it a right to break laws and cheat to get their way, take false oaths on Holy Quran, hoard and inflate prices in ramzan, sexually assault women in work and public transport, troll independent single women online and offline then it becomes a national obsession to morally judge others with extremes.
Khawarij scum, lasker jhangvi, TTP and Daesh didnt just sprout out of no where, they came out of this same Pakistani pool.
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