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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers


Nov 1, 2010
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The world’s two most populous countries are prepared to dispatch forces to the Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh regions.

Relations between the two nations have been strained since war between the superpowers broke out over the disputed areas in the 1960s.

But a source within the Chinese military told the South China Morning Post the People’s Liberation Army will aim to limit any conflict to the level of skirmishes.


He said: “The PLA will not seek to fight a ground war with Indian troops early on.

“Instead it will deploy aircraft and strategic missiles to paralyse Indian mountain divisions stationed in the Himalayas on the border with China.”

The source added that top military officials in China could control the conflict and not allow it to spill over into any other territory along the 1,242 mile border between the two Asian giants.

It would be similar to the tense situation in Kashmir – a region claimed by Pakistan and India.

Responding to growing fears Indian Defence Minister Arun Jaitley said: “I agree that some challenges are still there. Some people are targeting our country’s sovereignty and integrity.

“But I am fully confident that our brave soldiers have the capability to keep our country secure, may it be challenges on the eastern or western border.”

This is what I had imagined.

Now the war is certain, so is Indian defeat.
Actually, our plan is to escalate to multimegaton MIRV nuclear firestorm on Delhi in the first hours of the war. For now, we let Indians believe the spanking will be modest to make them miscalculate.
“Instead it will deploy aircraft and strategic missiles to paralyse Indian mountain divisions stationed in the Himalayas on the border with China.”

This is what I have been saying as well. Ground fight will not achive the strategic impact where as air campaign and missile strikes can be captured on video, satellite imagery shown to the rest of world similar to what America did in desert storm. This creates the shock and awe impression on global level. So basically China will cane India while creating the impression for "someone else".

Expect something similar to this.

a third super power in war will be a bonus prize for the first super power India.
so make it war of 3 nuclear nations.
Start Praying Allah for the defeat of India. Let us see whether Allah listen to your prayer or not.

india's defeat will come but it has to be permanently defeated and further partitioned from the north east(under chinese control soon)

china can simply strike india nuclear plants too
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