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Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia

For Ukraine's gas debt. Do you believe that that all of the US politicians and Jo Biden's visit is only for moral support? The US throws billions of dollars to countries just to keep those countries in its sphere of influence. Ukraine is strategically for more important to the US and NATO then Pakistan or Egypt which the US has been bribing for years. US and NATO has been aggressively and relentlessly pushing closer to Russian borders, they have turned Russian allies or neutral countries against Russia. Case in point, the US and NATO will throw their own families under the bus just to sway Ukraine against Russia and set up a military presents within Ukraine's border. This is one of the main reason Putin took Crimea.

No way that 37 billion $s is a write off for Russia. The only play Russia has is to cut gas supplies to the Ukraine and freeze all those poor Russian speaking Ukrainians Putin cares so much about. Ukraine is now firmly in the western sphere of influence, the west don't have to pay Russia for it. The way I see it 37 Billion $'s, international isolation and a much stronger NATO is the price Russia paid for Crimea. Option 2 finish the job and invade Ukraine.
Voice of America is banned in America itself for b your mouth.eing propaganda. If Americans find their own propaganda so nauseating, why do they expect others to stomach it?

V.O.A. is NOT banned in the U.S. You talk out of an orifice other than your mouth.:usflag:
My family was never in the communist party. But please do keep calling Russia pathetic because the last time i checked Saudi Arabia is a beacon of freedom :lol:

What does " Freedom " have to do with this topic my fellow comrade.

The concept of Neo-Communism is far away from freedom, if it helps.
No way that 37 billion $s is a write off for Russia. The only play Russia has is to cut gas supplies to the Ukraine and freeze all those poor Russian speaking Ukrainians Putin cares so much about. Ukraine is now firmly in the western sphere of influence, the west don't have to pay Russia for it. The way I see it 37 Billion $'s, international isolation and a much stronger NATO is the price Russia paid for Crimea. Option 2 finish the job and invade Ukraine.

The west wanted Ukraine and now there is a price to pay. The west will not sit by and let Ukrainian gas supply get shut off, that would anger the small western minority in Ukraine that illegally took power in Kiev. Do you think that a Ukraine with no stable gas supply will ever join the EU or NATO?

As for your delusion of Ukraine being in western influence. The majority of Ukrainians do not support the government. Several Ukrainian politicians have called for a mass genocide against Russian speaking Ukrainians as well as "ethnic Russians", not to mention they tried to ban the Russian language which is native to Ukraine and a first language for many Ukrainians. The majority of the Ukrainian population is in the east and this is totally unacceptable to them. The illegal and repressive regime has no support. Security service building are occupied, so are police stations, many police and military either switched sides or have refused to use force against civilians. The west and the Ukrainian regime keeps blaming Russia for the mess in eastern Ukraine because it is humiliating to acknowledge that the government has no support and that the country is in revolt.

Lets see how friendly even western Ukranians will be when they find out the austerity conditions of their loan will slash pensions in half for some people, and fuel prices will rise by 40%.

What does " Freedom " have to do with this topic my fellow comrade.

The concept of Neo-Communism is far away from freedom, if it helps.

Freedom of speech, it's what the thread is about. Where have you been?
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...Freedom of speech, it's what the thread is about. Where have you been?

More like LACK of free speech in Russia. Don't be ashamed. Go and post your flags, the REAL ones. We need a good laugh.:usflag:
At the cost of destroying other nation and causing chaos there?! Dont get how these people sleep! :unsure:

That was my point .

If the US was pro democracy , then why did they overthrew the most democratically elected government in middle east in 1953 ?

Why did they bring Shah to power in Iran with force ?

Why did they create Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 80s ?

Why did they establish Zionist regime in middle east and removed a nation for that based on a wet dream ?

Why did they support Saddam's invasion in 80s ?

And so on , These are the reasons why people are not happy here but are happy in the US . In fact the US was built on innocent people's blood .
If i wanted a good laugh i would look at your 17 trillion dollar debt and Obama's foreign policy. :lol:

Come on.... put up the REAL flags. It has to be REALLY BAD if you're too ashamed. Like Zimbabwe or something.

Come on.... put up the REAL flags. It has to be REALLY BAD if you're too ashamed. Like Zimbabwe or something.

He is a certified Russkie -

@ptldM3 - How have you been pal?

We all laugh at fox news for its bias views and sheer none sense but when members of the UN blatantly lie to the entire world and make grave accusations that can lead to war and further sanctions then a line has to be draw. But we are used to western lies like weapons of mass destruction.

Today the UN members, including the US stated that its Russia's fault of the mess in Ukraine. They stated that the ragtag uniforms of militia which includes old men are "exactly the same as those in Crimea". Facepalm....

These blatant lies are crossing the line, anyone can tell the difference between the soldiers in Crimea sporting green digital camo between the rag tag militia in eastern Ukraine. Further, Russia was also accused of being responsible because the attacks were "well coordinated" Someone forgot to tell Samantha Powers that the gunmen claimed to be ex military but why bother with important details....it's the UN. Further, it was stated that because Ukrainians gunmen were supposedly using AK-100s, which don't even exist that it must be Russians. Even funnier the Ukrainian government is denying that Ukrainians are involved in the unrest, they simply blame everything on Russia and Russian special forces, i guess they are in denial that a large part of the country views them a illegitimate and wants nothing to do with them.
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