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FC arrest Shahzain Bugti in Quetta, seize heavy arms

I had a talk with a close relative of shanzain about this..not sure if i should post the chat here? He said that this one particular man is crazy beyond limits and is hell bent on starting a massive intra-tribal blood feud. He should be in jail or mental hospital or anywhere else but not roaming around free with weapons.

These feudals derive their strength from the insecurities of the people.They have been shielding behind this cloak of insecurities of Baluchistan, and they are not wrong,we fu**ed up in Baluchistan big time. All is still not last though,we have to eradicate the very thing that gives them strength, poverty.Once that is done, they will have no choice but to either assimilate themselves with the rest of the masses or be buried in those mountains up there. But as long as the people are dependent on them for their three meals a day,the Sardars will be mightier than the pharaohs.

I would like to recount an incident here, which happened to an acquaintance who happens to be from the Marri tribe.He got selected for the CSS, but did not join. On my inquiry, he said that the sardar has told me not to join until he orders me to do so.I was baffled, and said to him that why are you even listening to him, to which he replied that he is the sole bread earner of the family, and if he joins without the consent of the Sardar, either his family will be killed or starved to death because the agriculture land that they live off, has been leased to them by the Sardar.

This incident really shows us that people are not up in the mountains by choice, they have been forced to.They see no other way out. When we are pushed against the wall , and there is no room left, we push back as hard as we are able. These people are simply pushing back after years and years of repression. Give them hope,show them an alternative instead of blindly killing them.

When a cause is just, people will find means to keep it going,. no matter what. Kashmir is a textbook example of that.The people who I have talked to, find it audacious that after what they have been through, instead of understanding and trying to solve their issues, we advocate to just kill them all. That strengthens their belief that the state of Pakistan is against them.

No matter how much animosity they harbor for us, deep down inside what the really expect of us is a sincere heartfelt apology, and then concrete steps to address their grievances.They have taken up arms as a symbolic gesture to show that they have had enough,they have done it to to kick us out of our slumber and arrogance,to stop us from making statements like "kill them all".I have talked to them ,and that is how the majority feels.This does not mean that there are no devil's advocates between them, there are people who are simply instigating and manipulating people for their own vested interests, but they can be handled easily using Imran Khan's formula for FATA. Draw out the people who have sided with the extremists due to our ill policies,promise them a better future and then deliver it.The hardcore extremists left behind should be allowed to chose between reconciliation or extermination,whatever makes them happy.
A picture of Baluch fighters....Someone said those such weapon doesn't belong to them...but infact they have it and using against Pak forces..

Anyone caught with military hardware needs to be thoroughly investigated to find out how Russian origin Arms are being provided and who is funding them, plus how are they getting them across the border. All the terrorist infrastucture needs to be destroyed and dismantled.

the supplier is the same as for TTP and the route is Afghanistan
the supplier is the same as for TTP and the route is Afghanistan

I have said this before here and do strongly believe that the mandate of ISI needs to change to a more aggressive posture and response in a manner best suited. Countries which target Pakistan, directly or indirectly should also be targeted through insurgencies in their countries, if that meaning, say a bomb goes off in the economical powerhouses, then so be it..........it will most definately alter their mindset swiftly...........

And before we get a tirade of diarohea coming out of anyones mouth about how we will crush PA and Pakistan and :blah::blah::blah: crap, one should always take into account, that Pakistan will most definately loose alot in any confrontation, however the enemies infrastructure will most definately be distroyed, therefore a clear choice to make, go for the full monty or scale back on our operations against Pakistan in the hope that Pakistan too will not target us, that way, there economy takes a punch rather then an unreversible crash from a destruction of their infrastructure....

These groups are trying to destablise the region as has occurred in the past, each time India seems to have a presense and support of the Afghan regime, this sort of behaviour occurs..........

like I said before.............ISI needs to respond more on the front foot NOW
Caches, convoys and conspiracies – The Express Tribune

The arrest of Shahzain Bugti, the provincial chief of the Jamhoori Watan Party (JWP) and grandson of the late Nawab Akbar Bugti, has raised the temperature in Balochistan by several degrees. The icy winter winds of Quetta are insufficient to lower it. The JWP has called a strike and stated a long march, from Kashmore to Dera Bugti, to press for the return of displaced Bugti tribesmen. Shahzain was to have led the march. The central president of the JWP, Talal Bugti, says he was ‘set up’ by intelligence agencies in a bid to prevent this. Both Shahzain and Talal Bugti hold that the huge cache of illegal weapons allegedly found in a convoy of vehicles, which included one belonging to Shahzain as he returned from Chaman to Quetta, was actually planted, with other vehicles carryings rocket launchers, guns and other arms suddenly joining Shahzain’s vehicles as they approached Quetta.

Such actions have been carried out before by agencies. It is not beyond them to devise such a plot. This is especially true in the context of Balochistan. It is hardly surprising that the JWP has expressed a lack of confidence in the probe ordered by the interior minister and sought an independent judicial investigation. There appears to be no harm in ordering one. The matter needs to be investigated so that there is no further acrimony with JWP leaders and other nationalists in the province.

It is ironic that the grandsons of the late Nawab Bugti should count among nationalists. For most of his life, he had stayed aloof from nationalist politics. From one perspective, the one already adopted by the Frontier Corps which arrested Shahzain, the affair can be regarded as a criminal act which deserves to be punished. This is true. But given the delicate situation of Balochistan, it is necessary to try and take leaders from the province along and avoid adding to existing tensions within the federation.
^^ so what is the point?
TTP also says they have money to buy Pakistani tribes and they stated they have more money than available at their disposal than in Pakistan Forex reserves.

Plots, funds dispensation and target killing is the name of Pakistan's democracy.
A picture of Baluch fighters....Someone said those such weapon doesn't belong to them...but infact they have it and using against Pak forces..


State security has captured them red handed and the connection of RAW and bugti's is not a secret.

The strategic location of Baluchistan and foreign interest to slash it off Pakistan is also no secret.

it does not matter if the kill Pakistanis with heavy wepons or pistols.
If they blow up gas pipelines and electricity towers with rockets or crackers, they are bunch of traitors and enemy of state and their punishment is death.
^^ what is your point?
He shall explain his source of income first.

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