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FBI says two serving Pak officers had ties with Headley


Dec 6, 2009
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According to a senior source in the Union home ministry, Federal Bureau of Investigation officers who visited New Delhi [ Images ] shared vital information about two Pakistani serving army officers connected to Lashkar-a-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley, a Pakistani-American arrested in Chicago in October, now accused of criminal conspiracy in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks [ Images ].

The FBI officers are in Pakistan for further inquiry into the matter. The Pakistan officers who had been laisoning with Headley are army majors, the FBI officers told their Indian counterparts during the briefing.

FBI officers have extensively shared information with the Indian counterparts about the role of Headley and his associate Tahawwur Rana (also picked up in Chicago) in the Mumbai attacks.

However, if the information FBI has on Headley is correct then the Pakistani establishment will have a lot to answer to US and India [ Images ]. Headley has been charged on 12 terror-related counts and one of the counts is pertaining to six US citizens who were killed during the 26/11 attacks.

A home ministry source suggests that the information given by Headley raises serious questions about the role of serving officers of the Pakistan army [ Images ] in the Mumbai attacks. For long, Indian investigators have believed that such a huge and cold-blooded operation could not be planned and executed with such perfection without the backing of the Pakistani military establishment.

Interestingly, the FBI has told India that they are still 'negotiating' with Headley. The FBI officers have left for Islamabad [ Images ] where they expect to collect information about one 'Major Rahman' who is a serving officer with close ties to Headley.

If the FBI is able to establish Pakistan army's role in the Mumbai attacks then it will be the game changer for diplomacy over the attacks.

However, the home ministry source said that Pakistan is playing tough. They have so far not allowed US agents access to Lashkar mastermind Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi. It is unlikely that they would co-operate in case of serving officers.

When asked why the IB could not track Headley or Rana, a source dealing with internal security said, "We never doubted any US citizen of having terror links."

Now he says after learning about Headley and his movements in and out of India, "There could be many Headleys in India."

2 serving Pak officers had ties with Headley: FBI: Rediff.com India News
However, if the information FBI has on Headley is correct then the Pakistani establishment will have a lot to answer to US and India [ Images ]. Headley has been charged on 12 terror-related counts and one of the counts is pertaining to six US citizens who were killed during the 26/11 attacks.

A home ministry source suggests that the information given by Headley raises serious questions about the role of serving officers of the Pakistan army [ Images ] in the Mumbai attacks. For long, Indian investigators have believed that such a huge and cold-blooded operation could not be planned and executed with such perfection without the backing of the Pakistani military establishment.

This is serious....If this has any truth in it then Pak will be in tremendous pressure...I will wait for more news on this before jumping on the guns...However i have a questions for members here..

Lets for the sake of argument say that this is true(Serving Pak officer's are involved) what will be its implications under the Karry-Luger bill??? If i am not wrong there was/is this objectionable clause that if any Pak national is found guilty of promoting terror in any way then Pak govt. is bound to give access to him/her....

- Secondly will it vindicate India's stand that 26/11 was not a non-state actors job or the line would be those two were operating on their own??

- Thirdly if proved beyond doubt that this indeed is true what would/can GOI do??
Just for local Indian consumption nothing is going happen.

and btw the FBI team did not say serving officers are involved.

Above all the operation had been planned and well executed by CIA.

So ohh ahhh well what next
This news cannot be debated till we have a neutral link, that has been rule of this forum. Until them you will only see Indian media bashing.
Just for local Indian consumption nothing is going happen.

and btw the FBI team did not say serving officers are involved.

Above all the operation had been planned and well executed by CIA.

So ohh ahhh well what next

And the only proof of CIA's involvement is the statement of ZH or do you have any material evidence to support it.

You also told you are a journalist right, are you raising this issue in some newspaper or done that already.
Just for local Indian consumption nothing is going happen.

and btw the FBI team did not say serving officers are involved.

Above all the operation had been planned and well executed by CIA.

So ohh ahhh well what next

Gilani the partial non state actor and the other serving or non serving non state actor will be brought to book.
THESE ARE THE ELEMENTS HARMING INDIA...these r active too in Pakistan..giving logistic support and guidance to LET..their GHQ attack and all other high profile attacks are like wise planned...and who r the suffers poor citizens of either country !!
THESE DOGS SHOULD BE GIVEN ISLAMIC PUNISHMENT ie public flogging followed by stoning to death..and shown live on TV
And the only proof of CIA's involvement is the statement of ZH or do you have any material evidence to support it.

You also told you are a journalist right, are you raising this issue in some newspaper or done that already.

I think apart from taking LeT into consideration for the crime you should also check the fact that Headly was CIA agent.

You need to monitor who would want Indo-Pak tension at a time when War of Terror was going on???
Who had benefited out of Mumbai attacks??

Anyway lets see who is going to be punished and what would be the result but there are too many missing links.

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ----------

Gilani the partial non state actor and the other serving or non serving non state actor will be brought to book.

They should be. :)
I think international court of justice is best panel to decide this issue once for all. No Pakistani courts no Indian courts... All the evidences, dossiers etc. put in front of international arbitrators.

As far as linking two Pakistani majors in this is concerned this is first time i heard that FBI has accused two SERVING Pakistani officers, Now can we have any neutral link on this story?
New York: Some serving and ex-military officers are among five people arrested in Pakistan in connection with the LeT plot to carry out a major terror attack in India using American national David Coleman Headley, a media report said on Thursday.

"Pakistani authorities had arrested as many as five other people in connection with the (Lashkar-e-Toiba) plot in recent weeks, including some former or current Pakistani military officials," the New York Times reported.

The paper quoted an official, who has been briefed on the investigation, as saying that those arrested remain in custody, but it was unclear what role they played in the expanding plot.

Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, who were arrested last month by FBI are accused of plotting terror attacks on behest of LeT against India and a Danish newspaper.

"The arrests of Headley and Rana have widened into a global terrorism inquiry that has led to arrests in Pakistan and implicated a former Pakistani military officer as a co-conspirator," the paper quoted officials as saying.

The American intelligence officials believe that some Pakistani military and intelligence officials even encourage terrorists to attack what they see as Pakistan's enemies, including targets in India, it said.

Headley and Rana were accused in the FBI complaints of reporting to Ilyas Kashmiri, a former Pakistani military officer who has become a militant commander associated with both al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Toiba.

The case is one of the first criminal cases in which the federal authorities seem to have directly linked terrorism suspects in the US to a former Pakistani military officer, though they have long suspected connections between extremists and many members of the Pakistani military, the paper said.

A spokesman for the Pakistani Embassy in Washington, however, declined to comment on the arrests, citing the continuing inquiry.

Headley, according to the FBI charge sheet, was being used by the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) to target among others the National Defence College in New Delhi. The officials, who asked not to be identified because they were discussing a continuing inquiry, said that the FBI investigation has widened further in part because of the wealth of information supplied by Headley, the paper said.

The officials declined to name the other Pakistani military officer - who held the rank of colonel or brigadier general before leaving the army recently -- in the case, who is suspected as a co-conspirator, the NYT said.

"The officer was arrested earlier this past summer in Pakistan on unspecified charges and later released. However, another official said that the officer was discharged only after his associates pressured the Pakistani authorities to

free him," it said.

In the complaints against Headley and Rana, the officer is identified as an uncharged conspirator by the letters 'A' and 'B'. The complaints describe him as "associated with Kashmiri, as well as with Lashkar-e-Toiba."

---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------

5 Pak army officers linked to Headley, arrested
We have no extradition treaty with the US. The mere word of the US is not enough, they should be tried in Pakistan.
We have no extradition treaty with the US. The mere word of the US is not enough, they should be tried in Pakistan.

Hmmm... r u sure ? then how come some Pakistanis accused by US were extradited to Guantanamo bay ?
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