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Fazlur Rehman gives PM Imran 2 days to dissolve the govt

as long as malaun is stuffed on sarkari food and shelter, its happy. Deny it and it becomes treacherous. its time to end this malauns snake like vice on Pakistan.
Fazlu: Imran, I give you two days to resign.
Establishment, I give you warning to stay away.
To himself, Last chance saloon to me, otherwise, how would I survive another 4 years without the share in he spoil of governance. This damn Imran has just kicked me to the kurb. Two days to commit suicide, if all fails.
Is it bigger than what we saw during PTI protests?
We can't compare PTI protests with Mal'oon Fazlu's march.

PTI supporters used to gather in the evening after having lunch and supper, listen to what IK had to say, and then go back to their homes for dinner. There was no money required to pull such a crowd.

Mal'oon Fazlu's supporters do not enjoy this luxury. They are coming from far away areas and they will have to return after a few days once the financiers of this march stop the supply of money.

That's why Mal'oon is giving a couple of days notice.. to government as well as terrorists..

His hidden message for terrorists is that, you have two days to take full advantage of the situation.. after that people will not be closely packed and the resulting attack will not kill many.
PTI supporters used to gather in the evening after having lunch and supper, listen to what IK had to say, and then go back to their homes for dinner. There was no money required to pull such a crowd.
Not to forget: Most of supporters were locals of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, areas with huge PTI support.

Mal'oon Fazlu's supporters do not enjoy this luxury. They are coming from far away areas and they will have to return after a few days once the financiers of this march stop the supply of money.
They will soon run out of money, then the real dharna will start among his followers. :D
Crowd is reasonably big. After 2 days things will be interesting. Looks like it will end up in a clash.
combined strength of 5 political parties, and out of those four 2 are federal level parties have formed their governments multiple times in the country, JUI itself is the second largest so called 'religious' political party of Pakistan ....

So if this is the level of their combine strength than they should be ashamed
This march will have no positive benefit for the country, only unnecessary instability. I don't care if the country's economy is in bad shape right now, it's temporary. But these people are corrupt and can't be trusted, so no point in supporting giving any relevance to them.
IK would be held responsible for all the "gay" activities, which would be conducted tonight and during coming nights, in the protest ground.:lol:
Who the **** is this terrorist mulla lock his *** up what is the govt waiting for ?
Who the **** is this terrorist mulla lock his *** up what is the govt waiting for ?

What charges are you putting on him to get him jailed?

They have not attacked the parliament, ptv nor the supreme court as of yet.

Ground reality:


There are reports of another close to lynching of PTI leader, some where in Karachi.

Most of these people are holed up in Islamabad and do not go to their localities.
I expect much more backlash by the people and its just friends n family friendly opposition that is only helping the government escape the wrath of common people on the streets of Pakistan.
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