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FATF listing: Asia-Pacific Group adopts Pakistan’s mutual evaluation report

exactly what i said ..Enhanced Followup.. Basically now Pakistan has to report 4 times an year on its progress in curbing terror finances in the country, as against annually before. A result of not being able to convince that it is indeed making progress in this area

I dont know whether it will be demoted to blacklist in October, but sans a miracle, coming out of grey list in october, is now impossible
Your second sentence seems to contradict your first. So you admit that it is not the actual blacklist in the second sentence, but in first you suggest we are ignoring or denying it?
I seriously miss the 'facepalm' emoji on this forum.
Dont think China is on enhanced followup

It has been in the past. Same with Denmark and Norway. Few other countries too that were never put on the blacklist. Looks like bharti media is making a big deal out of nothing. And it's literally nothing, not even something that could be considered "minor".
exactly what i said ..Enhanced Followup.. Basically now Pakistan has to report 4 times an year on its progress in curbing terror finances in the country, as against annually before. A result of not being able to convince that it is indeed making progress in this area

I dont know whether it will be demoted to blacklist in October, but sans a miracle, coming out of grey list in october, is now impossible

I was pointing out to those head lines which stated pakistan was black listed.
Will you shove up it up your mouth, since that's what you seem to be doing in this entire thread?
I actually explained everything properly in my post even regarding the publication of decision but if you can't comprehend the issued, its not my fault.
And no my statements are not contradictory. First statements highlights the reaction of Pak authorities at the time of grey listing by FATF and draws parallel to today's developments.
Second statements acknowledges that, since APG, a sub group of FATF, has put pak on expedited list whether its unofficially called black list of this group or not, does complicate things for Pakistan in the upcoming meeting in october.
What was so hard to comprehend in this? I think its you who needs everything to be shoved down your throat.
I actually explained everything properly in my post even regarding the publication of decision but if you can't comprehend the issued, its not my fault.
And no my statements are not contradictory. First statements highlights the reaction of Pak authorities at the time of grey listing by FATF and draws parallel to today's developments.
Second statements acknowledges that, since APG, a sub group of FATF, has put pak on expedited list whether its unofficially called black list of this group or not, does complicate things for Pakistan in the upcoming meeting in october.
What was so hard to comprehend in this? I think its you who needs everything to be shoved down your throat.

My issue is that you have made conclusion on what will happen in October, whereas no one else besides you sees it. Let's say we go back a year ago and the same thing happened, i.e. Pakistan was put on grey list after 2 months. You are saying just because that happened, same thing must be happening this time. You are merely speculating and you don't actually know what will happen.
The FATF psy-ops and political tooling to enforce Pakistan for some other services aside; the Indian media rants are lovable like they were merely hiding in holes & waiting for a moment to come out while screaming indiscriminately.

FATF in fact will keep pushing Pakistan to the point either we succeed to get rid of this after lot of lobbying or we must prepare to be called Iran or North Korea.

I actually explained everything properly in my post even regarding the publication of decision but if you can't comprehend the issued, its not my fault.
And no my statements are not contradictory. First statements highlights the reaction of Pak authorities at the time of grey listing by FATF and draws parallel to today's developments.
Second statements acknowledges that, since APG, a sub group of FATF, has put pak on expedited list whether its unofficially called black list of this group or not, does complicate things for Pakistan in the upcoming meeting in october.
What was so hard to comprehend in this? I think its you who needs everything to be shoved down your throat.

How does it matters to Pakistan either in follow-up or not, especially for India since yourself been violating UN resolutions as well as denying access to UNHRC groups to Indian occupied Kashmir. On next day, be it FATF or not; either the platform has to act in right direction or we are merely looking at wider conflicts starting from within region. FATF tool will always be used as a hammer as & when US especially needed unconditional Pakistani services but that doesn't make us agreeing to everything. Just yesterday, Trump said that India did nothing to fight terrorism---Yes, Nothing -Nada-Zilch so expect better return on next meeting.
It has been in the past. Same with Denmark and Norway. Few other countries too that were never put on the blacklist. Looks like bharti media is making a big deal out of nothing. And it's literally nothing, not even something that could be considered "minor".
Do you have a list of countries that were put on grey list and then on enhanced followup ? I dont think either of the 3 countries you mentioned had that situation. Do share any backups that you have to that effect.


No mention of China, Norway Denmark. Though Pakistan is figuring on one or the other risk , off and on since 2009
My issue is that you have made conclusion on what will happen in October, whereas no one else besides you sees it. Let's say we go back a year ago and the same thing happened, i.e. Pakistan was put on grey list after 2 months. You are saying just because that happened, same thing must be happening this time. You are merely speculating and you don't actually know what will happen.
Let me put it in terms you can relate to.
Remember how in school after mid term exams your teachers will show you your answer sheets so you know how many marks you obtained and yet the report card would be handed out week or two later? Now did the marks on your report card magically differed from the ones you saw on your answer sheet? No.
Same thing here.

Pakistan was put on grey list after 2 months
I.e decision was made 2 months before in discussions as news reports stated. I hope you remember that.
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