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FATF listing: Asia-Pacific Group adopts Pakistan’s mutual evaluation report

If only we had gotten vote of Gulf and China.

China claims that there was reports in China that Gulf will vote against Pakistan so China voted against Pakistan too to secure votes for a higher position in FATF.

Unfortunately, Gulf is fast drifting away from Pakistan alliance. It's a shame they forgot Pakistanis sacrifice in Israel wars, terrorism wars, diplomatic supports, etc.
Suppose if there are sanctions after FATF blacklisting then will it come just after oct's meeting or wait for APG's report next year?

FAFT is just a political tool, world powers are playing chess, Pakistan is just a pawn. A pawn can become the Queen, but it depends on how Pakistan plays this game, in conjunction with the other players.

That is true...It is so weird that you will all the chits and thugs and terrorist will take asylum or resident in UK and Arab countries and people say that they have been given political asylum...Now when something happens in poorer countries like our region, we are brandes as not regulating cheaters...
I may have political view that goes against Pakistan due to obvious reason but it is also a fact that Pakistan is exploited and victimised by the same power who lure to support Pakistan against India..

This is the exact reason why i do not like st*** brits...They left South Asia in such a mess that it is difficult to come out of it...
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