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Fate of Pakistan in Punjab's hands once again

Acetic Acid

May 10, 2021
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Tomorrow is the most important day in the history of Pakistan and Punjab

Tomorrow, once again, the fate of Pakistan is in the hands of the people of Punjab, who can change the course of history just liek the last time they did.

In 1946 provincial elections Muslim league won the most seats in Punjab but Indian national congress and unionist party along with akli dal joined hands against Muslim league and formed their government.

It was a weak government like PDM with many parties united against 1 party.

The Muslim League launched a strong movement against this weak government and this government failed in a few months and riots started in Punjab and the fear of civil war increased to great folds.

This led to Britishers dividing British India 1 year ahead their planned exit.

So Punjab will decide the fate of Pakistan again tomorrow

1) This imported government will be gone constitutionally

2) This government will be removed forcefully by Public though protests or even war

3) This government will continue and we're doomed
بڑی امیدیں نا لگائیں فوج ابھی ختم نہیں ہوئی کہ ملک بچ جائے جب تک یہ فوج ہے اس ملک کی کوئی گارنٹی نہیں کہ بچ جائے یا نا بچے
I wonder why PMLN govt put containers on KPK and Punjab border and they want kick out all Panshtun leaders out of Punjab. Ali Amin Gandapur hold back to enter Punjab. Punjab commissioner ask Shibli Faraz provide NOC to stay in Punjab ..
I wonder why PMLN govt put containers on KPK and Punjab border and they want kick out all Panshtun leaders out of Punjab. Ali Amin Gandapur hold back to enter Punjab. Punjab commissioner ask Shibli Faraz provide NOC to stay in Punjab ..

These jahil politicians are digging their own graves. When KP wake up, and when Baluchistan wake-up. I will see who these thugs have to rule over. Pir karty rahy Punjab pe guzaara.
I wonder why PMLN govt put containers on KPK and Punjab border and they want kick out all Panshtun leaders out of Punjab. Ali Amin Gandapur hold back to enter Punjab. Punjab commissioner ask Shibli Faraz provide NOC to stay in Punjab ..
Not the first PMLN is doing thsi
Dividing Pakistan as usual and they have the support of army who believes everything is controllable
بڑی امیدیں نا لگائیں فوج ابھی ختم نہیں ہوئی کہ ملک بچ جائے جب تک یہ فوج ہے اس ملک کی کوئی گارنٹی نہیں کہ بچ جائے یا نا بچے
Pakistan is their source of income and they would never loose it
The rumor mill says the establishment will make sure the following:
  • PMLN 9 to 11 seats (enough to keep Hamza CM while weak enough so that he remains a pawn)
  • PTI 8 to 9 seats (enough so that it looks like a close call)
  • TLP 1 to 2 seats (we all know who controls them)
They can never let PTI win, the whole purpose of regime change will fail so they have to make sure PMLN retains CMship. Only time will tell
Tomorrow is the most important day in the history of Pakistan and Punjab

Tomorrow, once again, the fate of Pakistan is in the hands of the people of Punjab, who can change the course of history just liek the last time they did.

In 1946 provincial elections Muslim league won the most seats in Punjab but Indian national congress and unionist party along with akli dal joined hands against Muslim league and formed their government.

It was a weak government like PDM with many parties united against 1 party.

The Muslim League launched a strong movement against this weak government and this government failed in a few months and riots started in Punjab and the fear of civil war increased to great folds.

This led to Britishers dividing British India 1 year ahead their planned exit.

So Punjab will decide the fate of Pakistan again tomorrow

1) This imported government will be gone constitutionally

2) This government will be removed forcefully by Public though protests or even war

3) This government will continue and we're doomed
British colonist held free and fair elections

GOP and khotha biryani league won't
So basically the fate of Pakistan is sealed in the chest of doom
Tomorrow is the most important day in the history of Pakistan and Punjab

Tomorrow, once again, the fate of Pakistan is in the hands of the people of Punjab, who can change the course of history just liek the last time they did.

In 1946 provincial elections Muslim league won the most seats in Punjab but Indian national congress and unionist party along with akli dal joined hands against Muslim league and formed their government.

It was a weak government like PDM with many parties united against 1 party.

The Muslim League launched a strong movement against this weak government and this government failed in a few months and riots started in Punjab and the fear of civil war increased to great folds.

This led to Britishers dividing British India 1 year ahead their planned exit.

So Punjab will decide the fate of Pakistan again tomorrow

1) This imported government will be gone constitutionally

2) This government will be removed forcefully by Public though protests or even war

3) This government will continue and we're doomed
I wanted to ask some questions because I have heard things and wanted to get your opinion.

  1. My ancestors were Punjabi and I was told by a lot of people that Uttar Pradesh played a very important role in Partition, that it was Aligarh and not Punjab where things were planned, is it true? Or it was Punjab where Pakistan was created.
  2. Also was it the Punjabi people that crushed the rebellion/First freedom fight against the British? How is the story told there in Pakistan?
  3. Do Punjabi people have disproportionate influence and control in Pakistan and are they not liked by others?
  4. If yes were Punjabi behaviour, as many say that Punjabi people feel superior to other regions be it India or Pakistan, that alienated Bangladeshi people?
I am myself a Punjabi so all this is just to understand and get the opinion of people across the border. Thanks
In a free and fair elections PTI will win in Lahore hands down.

The fate of Pakistan is not in Punjab's hands but in the hands of a few generals.
Its the hands of its many peoples who are incapable both by lack of cohesion and by apathy to do anything about changing their fates. So in a sense they are in control of their fate by relinquishing control
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