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FATA Situation

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If the militants did not wish to fight the Pakistan army, then they would not have used the Lal Masjid excuse to start suicide bombs, they would not have used the "Check Posts" to start attacks, killings and beheading. The militants may say whatever they want - their actions indicate the opposite. As a nation we have a responsibility to stop people like Abdul Aziz from taking the law into their own hands. As a nation we have a responsibility to stop people from using our country to attack other nation's.

The militants were wrong - nothing proves that better than the recent elections, because it undermines their entire argument that change cannot come unless their violent method is followed. I hope you are correct that peace in the Tribal areas will be achieved without the need for more operations. But also remember that such a change came about not because people started believing in "Shariah Law" or a Khilafat or Islamic Government - such change came about because of Democratic elections, and Secular, liberal parties were voted into power.

We will accept whatever the GoP decides to do in FATA, it is for the Mullah's and conservatives to accept without violence that Pakistan is goign to be a moderate Islamic country, with liberal laws, run by liberal parties - for now at least.

I can accept an live with it. The question is, can you and the Mullah's?

Yes I do agree.... and I hope that Mullah's will also agree..... I am not saying that it all happened due to Shariah law or something else.... all what I am trying to say is.... fighting is not the solution......there are other means to solve this problem.... Our country is messed up coz of some wrong decisions.... or in other ways to the extent we c operate in this war on terror..... We all know America is going to pull out and then again we have to face.... the consequences.....

Today I see that both of our borders are not safe.... east side we got the Indians.... and on the West side we got the Anti Pakistani Northern Aliens... Taliban... well whatever said and done.... they were not anti Pakistan.... they did not to what the current Afghan Government is doing.... allegations and propaganda campaign against us.......

I hope you guyz try to understand what I am trying to say here.... I am repeating again I am not against the Pak Army... and I am not against the militants too..... There is a way which can sorted out between both.... and I am sure it will be very soon....

Mr Ahmad,

You are wasting your time on your second trip to this board.
And what does that mean MR. MASTAN KHAN (MAJOR) ???....

I think we all have the right to express here and its quite normal if people have differents paths towards an issue.....

In case expression is not allowed.... please block my account Mr. Administrator OR Webmaster...... don't want to be part of a community where people call u INDI... then someone comes and claims a second visit......

Mr Ahmad,

It is not a right to express over here, but it is with the priveledge granted by the webmaster that we can post over here.

What you are trying to bring out has been repeated over and over---without any substance---you want answer from everyone---why don't you answer my question---parts of this mosque were knowingly built on a property that was no the mosque property---it was built with deceit in mind---that once the mosque is enlarged and land taken over---the owners will be forced / blackmailed in the name of religion to sell the land to the mosque.

As the mosque is haram---so are preachers and the people praying it it are committing haram---so endavouer taken out of this mosque would basically be haram---the maulvi brothers were basically liars and land grabbers---they were also manipulators of young children's minds---nowhere did the parents tell them to make them into jihadis---the maulvi brothers hijacked the little childrens minds---they brainwashed these girls and boys---and came up with an army of children---an army which was ready to kill for the maulvis and put up a defence for him and lay their lives.

A mini army created within a nationc of the children who came to school to study---how is that possible---threatening the govt with suicide bombings if anyone came in the compund---sickening.
Pakistan troops die in gun battle

At least three security personnel have been killed in a gun battle triggered by an attack by dozens of militants on a checkpoint in north-west Pakistan.
Police said up to 60 suspected Islamist militants had fired rocket launchers, machine-guns and hurled grenades at the post in Mattni village, near Peshawar.

Police and paramilitary troops then retaliated, sparking a 90-minute clash.

Hundreds of people have died in recent months in battles between the security forces and pro-Taleban militants.

At least 70 militants and 13 soldiers were killed in the nearby town of Dara Adam Khel last month after militants occupied a Japanese-built road tunnel.

In holding the tunnel, the militants blocked the main route between the city of Peshawar and the volatile Afghan border area and stranded hundreds of vehicles on both side.

Correspondents say the border areas of North West Frontier Province are a hotbed of militancy and a feeding ground for the Taleban and al-Qaeda, and have seen growing violence directed at Pakistani government forces.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan troops die in gun battle
And what does that mean MR. MASTAN KHAN (MAJOR) ???....

I think we all have the right to express here and its quite normal if people have differents paths towards an issue.....

In case expression is not allowed.... please block my account Mr. Administrator OR Webmaster...... don't want to be part of a community where people call u INDI... then someone comes and claims a second visit......


:) dont be part of it if you do not want to.

Rest your avatar with picture of Baitullah Mehsud speaks volumes for your Identity and Agenda.

Good day Mr ----------
Nawaz asks US to clearly define terror war

By Ahmed Hassan

ISLAMABAD, Feb 25: Pakistan Muslim League-N chief Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has asked the United States to come up with a clear definition of the global war on terrorism.

Addressing at a joint Press conference with Jamaat-i-Islami chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed at the latter’s residence, Mr Sharif said: “So far the war on terrorism has not been clearly defined to make it acceptable for everyone and we would like that this war should not be fought with the gun alone and the option of dialogue should also be used.”

Mr Sharif had been asked whether the new coalition government, of which his party may be an active partner, would continue the policy of supporting the US-led so-called war on terror.

He avoided answering a question about PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari’s statement that the war on terror would be continued as had been repeatedly stated by Ms Benazir Bhutto.

Qazi Hussain Ahmed said that the APDM would extend full cooperation to the new coalition government to give it a chance to implement its agenda for which the people had voted these parties to power.

“We boycotted the elections because in our view any election under an illegitimately elected president was illegal and unconstitutional, but we have decided to give up our agitation for the sake of restoration of democracy in the country.

The PML-N leader said nothing when his attention was drawn towards PPP leader Makhdoom Amin Fahim’s statement that the new government would work with President Musharraf instead of impeaching him because he (Mr Musharraf) had been elected by the previous assembly.

Mr Sharif said that the new government should first reinstate the deposed judges so that they could decide about the eligibility of President Musharraf to run for the presidency.

When asked how would the new coalition government get rid of President Musharraf, he said: “We want restoration of the deposed judges as we think Musharraf is an unconstitutional and illegal president.”

He said that a joint meeting of Pakistan People’s Party, Pakistan Muslim League-N, Awami National Party and other groups would be held on Wednesday to discuss the issue of President Musharraf.

Also on Monday, US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson called on Mr Sharif at the Frontier House and congratulated on the victory of his party in the elections.

“Through the electoral process, the Pakistani people have expressed their views and we respect their choices,” Ambassador Patterson said. “We are ready to work with whatever coalition is formed. It is up to those elected to form a government.”

During her first meeting with Mr Sharif after the elections, the US ambassador had reiterated President Bush’s commitment to democracy in Pakistan.

She also informed him about the “shared interests of the US with Pakistan” and continuing US economic assistance and military cooperation.

Nawaz asks US to clearly define terror war -DAWN - Top Stories; February 26, 2008
Missile hits South Waziristan; 13 suspects dead

PESHAWAR (updated on: February 28, 2008, 09:09 PST): A missile strike early on Thursday killed at least 13 people, most of them Arabs, in South Waziristan officials and residents said.

Residents in Azam Warsak village in South Waziristan told AFP that a house was destroyed by a missile fired from a pilotless drone and the loud blast was heard miles (kilometres) away in the rugged valley.

US drones have launched several previous strikes on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region targeting militants from Osama bin Laden's network, although there was no immediate confirmation from Pakistani forces.

A spokesman for the US-led coalition force based in Afghanistan said neither it nor the separate Nato-headed force were involved in the strike.

"We have no reports that any of our forces are involved," coalition spokesman Major Chris Belcher told AFP.

Security officials said they had received a report that a "guided missile" fired from neighbouring Afghanistan had hit a house belonging to a local tribesman at about 2:00 am Thursday (2100 GMT Wednesday).

"The death toll is now 12 to 13 people -- three of the dead appear to be from Punjab (central Pakistani province where several militant groups are based) while the rest are Arabs," a security official told AFP.

At least five people were also injured in the attack, officials added.

The security officials said they had no information on who could have been targeted in the attack.

Pakistani officials do not confirm US strikes against al Qaeda-linked militants on its territory because of political sensitivities over sovereignty.

Libyan militant and Osama bin Laden's operational number three Abu Laith al-Libi was killed in a missile strike on January 29 in the neighbouring Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan.

Al-Qaeda number two Ayman Al-Zawahiri vowed to avenge al-Libi's death in a videotape message broadcast on an Islamist website on Wednesday.

Thousands of al Qaeda and Taliban militants fled into Pakistan's tribal belt after the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.

Missile hits South Waziristan; 13 suspects dead : Business Recorder | LATEST NEWS
WANA: A missile struck a house and a madarssah in South Waziristan early on Thursday, killing at least 12 people and injuring several others.

Sources said that the missile targeted a house and a madarssah in Azam Warsik area of South Waziristan killing 12 and wounded several. Most of the dead were Afghan students and also some foreign extremists.

According to sources, the missile was allegedly fired from US predator plane.
Does the US want Pakistan to declare war on them or something? Why are they being stupid.
A big problem is that when FOREIGNERS are killed in US strikes.

Pakistan just has nothing to say or Protest about to US.

Since US would definitely say what the hell the foreigners are doing in Pak.

I think the new gov should try to convince the Local Tribes and the Taliban to expel the foreigners .

once this is happened.

If then the US violates pakistani sovereignty and kills PAKISTANI CITIZENS the there sould be :guns::guns: from our side toooooooo.
A big problem is that when FOREIGNERS are killed in US strikes.

Pakistan just has nothing to say or Protest about to US.

Since US would definitely say what the hell the foreigners are doing in Pak.

I think the new gov should try to convince the Local Tribes and the Taliban to expel the foreigners .

once this is happened.

If then the US violates pakistani sovereignty and kills PAKISTANI CITIZENS the there sould be :guns::guns: from our side toooooooo.

yes,i think your point is right!
Bomb kills 35 at Pakistan funeral - Yahoo! News

Bomb kills 35 at Pakistan funeral

By RIAZ KHAN, Associated Press Writer
39 minutes ago

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - A suicide bomber attacked the funeral for a slain police officer in Pakistan's volatile Swat Valley, killing at least 35 people and wounding 62 others, police said.

The attack occurred at a government high school in Mingora town while funeral prayers were being held for Javed Iqbal, who was killed in a roadside bombing earlier in the day.

About 800 people were at the funeral, including civilians and police officials, said Shahbuddin, an assistant inspector of police who was at the funeral on security duty and who uses one name.

The explosion occurred just as the pallbearers lifted the coffin to carry it toward the grave, he told The Associated Press.

"As the coffin was lifted I moved toward the gate but suddenly a big explosion took place, which dashed me against the gate ... It was hell. Everybody was crying for help," said Shahbuddin, who was slightly injured in the attack.

Mingora, in Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan, is 105 miles from Peshawar, a town at the border with Afghanistan.

President Pervez Musharraf sent thousands of troops to the scenic Swat Valley earlier this year to quell an uprising led by a pro-Taliban cleric. The army claims it has dispersed thousands of his militant followers, but attacks persist. Last week, a roadside bomb hit a wedding party, killing 12 people.

Iqbal, the deputy police chief of the Lakki Marwat district, and his driver were killed in a roadside bomb Friday morning. By the time his body was brought to his hometown of Mingora for the funeral, night had fallen.

"Because it was dark, the suicide bomber was able to mingle among the people easily," Shahbuddin said.

He said he later went to the hospital where the injured were taken.

"I have seen 35 dead and over 60 injured in the hospital and am now completing the paperwork," said Shahbuddin.

Dr. Fazal Wahab, who was treating the injured, said the hospital has been overwhelmed by the high casualties.

"We have treated a large number of injured, some in very critical condition," he told the AP.

Taliban militants have stepped up attacks and taken control of tracts of northwestern Pakistan bordering Afghanistan in the past several years. Before militants took root last summer, Swat attracted tourists because of its fine mountain scenery.


Associated Press Writer Zarar Khan in Islamabad contributed to this report.
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