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fat boy on Goswami show

I heard the fisrt 5-7 mins of the video, all i heard him say was he condemns terrorism from paris to brussels to Mumbai, where did you get condemnation?
He didn't condemn the Indian atrocities in Kashmir in recent months Indian forces used buckshot shotgun shells to blind Kashmiri youth and innocent children so that they can't protest against the aggression and barbaric act of oppressor forces.
He didn't condemn the Indian atrocities in Kashmir in recent months Indian forces used buckshot shotgun shells to blind Kashmiri youth and innocent children so that they can't protest against the aggression and barbaric act of oppressor forces.
So anyone who doesn't share your views is a swine as per the OP?
"Adnan's father started his career in the Pakistan Air Force but later went on to serve as a distinguished diplomat having served as diplomatic Ambassador to 14 countries around the world and a highly decorated grade 22 bureaucrat having served as Federal Secretary."

Source: Wikipedia

Heard that fathers sometimes say "I am ashamed of my son, I disown him". Never heard a son saying that "I am ashamed of my father". May be this is the time his son comes forward and disown him.
So anyone who doesn't share your views is a swine as per the OP?
Abuses should not be used and I am against it but since I witness many Indians members who call freedom fighter pigs, swine and whatever again they are terrorists for you (Indians) but they are fighting long back since DOGRA Raj and unfortunately British left this issue unsolved So they poor people of Kashmir still fighting the war of independence, You can say they struck in the past just imagine 90 days and curfew, Indian forces few days back burn the corps of Kashmiri farmers.

This is Adnan Sami's father Arshad Sami Khan, who once served in the PAF and earned the gallantry award of Sitara-e-Jurat for his tour of duty during 1971 war. Today he will be turning in his grave since as a pilot he showed plenty of love for Indians by being credited with one aircraft,15 tanks and 22 vehicles destroyed and 8 tanks and 19 vehicles damaged and 2 heavy guns destroyed.... job well done, the Indians can give all the sloppy kisses to his son.
I heard the fisrt 5-7 mins of the video, all i heard him say was he condemns terrorism from paris to brussels to Mumbai, where did you get condemnation?
Before you make any judgement I suggest you watch the video in its entirety.Kudos
Abuses should not be used and I am against it but since I witness many Indians members who call freedom fighter pigs, swine and whatever again they are terrorists for you (Indians) but they are fighting long back since DOGRA Raj and unfortunately British left this issue unsolved So they poor people of Kashmir still fighting the war of independence, You can say they struck in the past just imagine 90 days and curfew, Indian forces few days back burn the corps of Kashmiri farmers.

It's actually quite simple and this has been my take since I have been on this forum.

You pick up arms against any republic in the modern world, you are signing your own death sentence. Terrorism has been in focus today more than it has been in the past. If there is freedom movement, it better be non-violent, if it there is violence, the nation has the right to respond.
As I support Pakistan's military movement against Taliban, in the same breathe I support India's actions against terrorists in north and north east and their affiliates elsewhere . If you pick up arms against the Union of India, all Indians in the same breathe will decry decimation of such forces, state or non-state. (with the exception of off course students and teachers of Jawaharlal Nehru University- New Delhi)
What a thread... The servers hosting PDF must be feeling so sorry.
This time could be better spent by fanboys reading Dabiq.
It's actually quite simple and this has been my take since I have been on this forum.

You pick up arms against any republic in the modern world, you are signing your own death sentence. Terrorism has been in focus today more than it has been in the past. If there is freedom movement, it better be non-violent, if it there is violence, the nation has the right to respond.
As I support Pakistan's military movement against Taliban, in the same breathe I support India's actions against terrorists in north and north east and their affiliates elsewhere . If you pick up arms against the Union of India, all Indians in the same breathe will decry decimation of such forces, state or non-state. (with the exception of off course students and teachers of Jawaharlal Nehru University- New Delhi)
Rubbish.......the Talibs are terrorists who have regional aspirations ie they want to take over Afghanistan and Pakistan besides Pakistan army is operating on territory which is according to the UN it's OWN land whilst the ******** are fighting indigenous people on disputed territory, whatever force you guys want to project on the other 20 insurgencies you have is your business as it is an internal matter for Hindia however Kashmir is disputed land according to UN, a plebiscite will determine its future.
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