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Fascist PDM Govt Bans Imran Khan's Speeches from Television

.... in a country mostly living in the thirteenth century. Makes perfect sense to bet on analog. :D

Bro you need to visit.

It's no longer analog.

Even the pendus are making tiktoks and sharing on WhatsApp.

My grandmother - a woman who can't use a traditional phone - wants a smartphone so the kids can put nasheed on YouTube for her.

It's a whole new world. Only pindi and PTV are stuck in the 80s.
We make smartphones now.
In the 2000's when home appliances started being locally manufactured, suddenly every idiot had a TV, a washing machine a fridge and a microwave.
Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone and a fucking internet connection.
Like the 2000's Aunties who were shocked that their maids had access to microwaves, our leaders are shocked that the idiots are watching on YouTube.
Same script different actors :sarcastic:

PML or any other political party has nothing to do with this Ban.
Aye true, but the same could be said for similar bans of their own politicians in the past. It's either estab orders and government complicity or government orders and estab complicity.
Pemra needs to ban tiktok, twitter, youtube, facebook etc as well, not just tv channels
You complained about IK's government pretty much non stop .. care to do side by side comparison now?
Aye, I complained then and I complain now. Pemra was running the same bs then. I'm being consistent here and objecting on the basis of principles, rather than support for a political party.

You should really ask this of yourself and PTI supporters, who either looked the other way or condoned people being banned from the air, or channels kicked off air. If it was wrong then, it's wrong now. And honestly, I don't have time to do side by side for you, why don't you do it for me and enlighten me? Thanks.
Bro you need to visit.

It's no longer analog.

Even the pendus are making tiktoks and sharing on WhatsApp.

My grandmother - a woman who can't use a traditional phone - wants a smartphone so the kids can put nasheed on YouTube for her.

It's a whole new world. Only pindi and PTV are stuck in the 80s.

ROFL. Just because the devices are 21st century does not mean the brains are not still in the 13th century. Please keep that in mind.
ROFL. Just because the devices are 21st century does not mean the brains are not still in the 13th century. Please keep that in mind.

If the brains are backward and medieval, kindly explain why there is a need to ban most popular news channel in Pakistan (ARY news) and restrict/censor the speeches of a leader (Imran Khan) who has highest seats in National Assembly and has a government in Punjab (biggest province in Pakistan) + 3 others (AJK, GB, KPK)

If you have a bit of shame left, kindly do not justify fascism.

--- The ratings/revenues of TV channels will drop because people will stop watching news channels completely. PTI brought political awareness in Pakistanis, if you restrict the voice of 220 million people, PDM govt is going to feel the heat from media house owners after the fascist ban on PTI coverage.
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If the brains are backward and medieval, kindly explain why there is a need to ban most popular news channel in Pakistan (ARY news) and restrict/censor the speeches of a leader (Imran Khan) who has highest seats in National Assembly and has a government in Punjab (biggest province in Pakistan) + 3 others (AJK, GB, KPK)

If you have a bit of shame left, kindly do not justify fascism.

--- The ratings of TV channels will drop because people will stop watching news channels completely. PTI brought political awareness in Pakistanis, if you restrict the voice of 220 million people, PDM govt is going to feel the heat from media house owners after the fascist ban on PTI coverage.

Simple. He lost the VoNC and therefore lost his job. Media in Pakistan traditionally follow only a rising sun, by divine order. This is nothing new, and everything will settle down again soon.
ROFL. Just because the devices are 21st century does not mean the brains are not still in the 13th century. Please keep that in mind.

Seems yours is still in 13th too! Or did the change in country, alcohol consumption, etc resulted in 21st software update?
Seems yours is still in 13th too! Or did the change in country, alcohol consumption, etc resulted in 21st software update?

But I am not the topic here, those who are protesting against not being able to see their chosen amir-ul-momineen on thier favorite channel need their software updated, and it will likely happen soon, if Mr Gill's experience is anything to go by.
The coward generals should be direct not be hiding behind by their PDM spawns, treacherous swines.. Mir Jafars institution needs the be dissolved and traitors hanged
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