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FAQs on India's Massive 34% Hike in Military Spending

india may spend whatever it likes on it defence provided it doesnt starve its citizen during the process.

How much exactly would india require to beef up its defences if it religiously conducts a reality check as regards to its enemies?

We care a damn if india spends everything that it has on defence, but what concerns the region in particular and the world in general is the unnecessary expenditure on defence which could have not been a requirement had india resorted to a sane foreign policy.

Why would india create enemies all around? india has issues with Pakistan, alright (though even these can be resolved if india really has a will to do so) but then what's the obsession with China? What's the inferiority complex when india talks about becoming an asian super power? Why wouldnt india solve long standing issues like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek etc so that we all can live in harmony? Why would india undertake adventures like it did in '71? What's the need to harbour terrorists like the LTTE (though gone for guud now)? Why would india play a dirty game in Afg? Why would india keep pushing Nepal against the wall?

Why wouldnt india just feed it citizens?

what an insane arguement.. But as a gesture I will not counter this today because of the few moments of hilareous enjoyment that you have provided me with the bolded sentence in your post above. For the 1st time, I have found the phrase pot calling kettle black so grossly insufficient...:rofl::rofl:
what an insane arguement.. But as a gesture I will not counter this today because of the few moments of hilareous enjoyment that you have provided me with the bolded sentence in your post above. For the 1st time, I have found the phrase pot calling kettle black so grossly insufficient...:rofl::rofl:

i am not surprised as you have again ducked from countering my claims in entirety and instead has resorted to rhetoric and rant. Here, as appetizer read the following:
.......Members of this branch are not drawn from the fighting wing of the LTTE, as their identities would have been recorded and available to law enforcement and counter-intelligence agencies by India’s RAW, who had helped train many Tiger Cadres in the early 1980s....
Overseas Terrorism in Canada

And next time you open your beak, you better talk with sanity!
We do feed our citizens :) You can consider our citizens effectively fed. However if we fail to do so, it is none of your business.

We can do whatever the **** we want with our money, it's also none of your business. Not that our budget isn't easily justified to anyone except Pakistanis. Do note that YOU started AND lost all the Indo-Pak wars.
Abusive rant.

You know most people would commend India for ending a genocide, not you obviously.
And would the world commend us for ending the genocide by india in Kashmir?

Also India hasn't created an enemy in Pakistan, you created an enemy in India. India is looking after her interests and will continue doing so at the expense of Pakistan, get used to it, it's never going to change.

Oh..so you dont believe in 1 Muslim=10 hindus nor do you believe in 'india nay hum ko abhi tak tasleem he nahi kiya?'

You can screw around anywhere and that becomes 'guarding your interest' and when others do the same you term is aggression and terrorism, how convenient!!

The LTTE were harboured by RAW, they didn't represent the official position of India, and if RAW believed this 'harbouring' was justified for India's interests, then I commend them.

Ok, guy, so we have a terrorist supporter among us. Watch out buddy!

We tried to solve these 'outstanding' issues, only to have events like Kargil, Mumbai.
Wow, i like that, are you actually so shameless or you just pretend to be one? By occupying an independent state you claim to 'solve' the issues, how not so true!

The obsession with China is that we have a large, well armed neighbour with whom we have border issues, who also happen to be Communists and have think tanks producing articles like 'split up India'.
'Large armed neighbor'..lolz..who dont have one?

BTW, not all of them not all of them have fingered them and got a bloody nose as you did in '62 :lol:

Asian superpower. Mm kay? We don't aim so low, India wants to be a global superpower, however long that may take to achieve.
Feed your mal-fed before you even start thinking as such! Also you might like to liberate those 22o districts from naxalites before you start taking the super power route.

Not to mention the slums and poor literacy rate!

P.S. Rant on!
i am not surprised as you have again ducked from countering my claims in entirety and instead has resorted to rhetoric and rant. Here, as appetizer read the following:

And next time you open your beak, you better talk with sanity!

See.. you are getting flustered again. And frequent occurances of that is the 1st step towards the lack of sanity which you are blaming me of...:azn:

Sir.. make no mistake.. I will counter your claims.. Its just that I am in a good mood right now and dont want to dive into the cesspool of Taliban, Al queda and instances/indications of Pakistan's support for them..Till then read about the Pakistan's pivotal role in Islamic terrorism from the same page to which you directed me..
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See.. you are getting flustered again. And frequent occurances of that is the 1st step towards the lack of sanity which you are blaming me of...:azn:

Yeah right!

Sir.. make no mistake.. I will counter your claims.. Its just that I am in a good mood right now
Now are shyting in your pants right now and nothing else.

Narrate this la la land story elsewhere!

and dont want to dive into the cesspool of Taliban, Al queda and instances/indications of Pakistan's support for them..Till then read about the Pakistan's pivotal role in Islamic terrorism from the same page to which you directed me..


i think you need to read history again. Who denies that taliban and their ilks were created by the CIA with the help of ISI? Is that new for you? You probably also need to understand that 'Pakistani madressa getting money from Suaidi Arabia', 'terrorism flourishing in our tribal areas' etc etc is not exactly state sponsored terrorism, for this to understand you would need to understand our Federal administration and the areas that are run directly by it, but alas, with so much to understand, i doubt you would be able maintain sanity any further.

Guud luck! :azn:
Dear dear.. why has this been made a sticky thread? Every country has the right to spend whatever money it feels it can afford for its defenses. Small countries have small budgets whereas larger countries have larger defense budget.

It is entirely the wish of Government of India's wish how much it wishes to spend on its military. I don't think any country stops modernizing its military at any step. Consider my country Switzerland which is in the process of replacing the F-18s with with the Gripens or Rafales or Typhoons.

The Chinese posters have nothing to justify since they spend more than almost twice of Indian government and since they have border issues, their both expenditures are justified and neither can protest against the other since both have different perceived threats.
india may spend whatever it likes on it defence provided it doesnt starve its citizen during the process.
Indian citizens starve or not is none of Pakistan's concern.. Our citizens, Our Money, Our policies..

From a data perspective, India's reserves grew from 37 billion in 2000 to 277 billion in 2009 which is a growth rate of approx 25% per annum. So you can blame india for inefficient utilization to available funds, but surely not of spending in defence in lieu of social spending. There is a concept of absorbtion capacity that reflects the amount of money that can be utilized in a given time frame (irrespective of availability of funds). So just adding more funds to a particular line items will not give a proportionate result. India is aware of its social problems and is taking steps to fix those. You may chose to believe it or not but that certainly will not change the policies or their execution..

We care a damn if india spends everything that it has on defence, but what concerns the region in particular and the world in general is the unnecessary expenditure on defence which could have not been a requirement had india resorted to a sane foreign policy.
What Pakistan has to do in response to India's policies is Pakistan's business. If its getting streched economically then its Pakistan's call to take decisions around its allocation of funds. I dont think you have the competence to label India's foreign policy as sane or insane. What is necessary for India will be decided by the GoI.

Why would india create enemies all around? india has issues with Pakistan, alright (though even these can be resolved if india really has a will to do so) but then what's the obsession with China?
No obsession. Its a strong neighbour to be emulated. However we have had a war with China where we got our ar5e kicked. So we would like to be prepared if that happens again. The foreign policy should always aim for prevention of war, but defence policy should always plan for the failure of that attempt.

What's the inferiority complex when india talks about becoming an asian super power?

Sir, Its called aspirations and not inferiority complex..Is that a concept that is alien to you.??

Why wouldnt india solve long standing issues like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek etc so that we all can live in harmony?
I am sure the desire to solve the issues is on Indian side too. However it can't be just giving away the farm.. Settling of dispute happens when the 2 sides find middle ground. As long as that doesnt happen, we have to make do with the situation that exists. Its a shirker's stand to always blame the other guy for outstanding disputes..

Why would india undertake adventures like it did in '71? What's the need to harbour terrorists like the LTTE (though gone for guud now)? Why would india play a dirty game in Afg? Why would india keep pushing Nepal against the wall?

Pot , kettle, black. ...

Why wouldnt india just feed it citizens?

Yeah right!

Now are shyting in your pants right now and nothing else.
Concept of shyting in pants due to a post on an internet forum is a concept alien to me. May be you can share your experiences in that area:azn:

i think you need to read history again. Who denies that taliban and their ilks were created by the CIA with the help of ISI? Is that new for you? You probably also need to understand that 'Pakistani madressa getting money from Suaidi Arabia', 'terrorism flourishing in our tribal areas' etc etc is not exactly state sponsored terrorism, for this to understand you would need to understand our Federal administration and the areas that are run directly by it, but alas, with so much to understand, i doubt you would be able maintain sanity any further.

This does not absolve Pakistan from the act of creating and nurturing these terrorists. Unless you are conceeding that the NWFP, and FATA are no longer a part of Pakistan..

Guud luck! :azn:

thank you...:cheesy:

Abusive rant.

And would the world commend us for ending the genocide by india in Kashmir?


Oh..so you dont believe in 1 Muslim=10 hindus nor do you believe in 'india nay hum ko abhi tak tasleem he nahi kiya?'

You can screw around anywhere and that becomes 'guarding your interest' and when others do the same you term is aggression and terrorism, how convenient!!

Ok, guy, so we have a terrorist supporter among us. Watch out buddy!

Wow, i like that, are you actually so shameless or you just pretend to be one? By occupying an independent state you claim to 'solve' the issues, how not so true!

'Large armed neighbor'..lolz..who dont have one?

BTW, not all of them not all of them have fingered them and got a bloody nose as you did in '62 :lol:

Feed your mal-fed before you even start thinking as such! Also you might like to liberate those 22o districts from naxalites before you start taking the super power route.

Not to mention the slums and poor literacy rate!

P.S. Rant on!

Poop I replied to this, apparently it hasn't showed up.
Indian democracy does not really represent the interests of its poor and hungry people and malnourished children. If it did, it would have different funding priorities.

What funding priorities? care to explain? Firstly, please list out all the efforts India has made, secondly tell me why do you think they have not worked? Where has India failed and lastly prove if India spends less on defence it will dramatically remove poverty!!!

and please don't worry about Indian Democracy..I know it irks many in our neighborhood cause they simply cannot emulate what we have...its just a case of sour grapes!!!

As to the excuse of fighting terror, most of the defense money is used to buy things like aircraft carriers and expensive hardware that is useless against terrorists.
India is preventing the terrorists in Pakistan from not entering India. Understand that? it is Pakistan that is fighting terrorists in its own soil. Now make a list of equipment India has bought and a list Pakistan has bought. Lets talk then

Maoists insurgency is every bit as powerful an insurgency as the Talibs in Pakistan. Otherwise India wouldn't deploy 100,000 soldiers to fight them in the so-called Operation Greenhunt which is being fought away from the eyes of the media. Indian media doesn't care to see or report on things outside the major cities.
Taliban are terrorists, they have killed people in the country you currently reside and your home country and in India. The maoist insurgency is limited to India! The international community doen't think they are terrorists, with talibans they do

Pakistan spends only a small fraction of what India spends on defense. Pakistan does not top the list of illiterates, nor is it in the list of the biggest military spenders.

yes it does but what is your need to compare with India?
why don't you compare and contrast where Pakistan's economy is and why it needs so much help from the US to keep its economy floating? Why the need to spend on defense in such situations? Why spend when there is extra money coming from the US? Why spend when you are getting soaft loans from China? Why should Pakistan spend such a large % of its GDP on defence?
A number of chauvinistic responses by Indian commentators here are a clear indication of how ignorant they are about their own nation of India where:

1. The government has been consistently spending more as a percent of GDP than Pakistan and covering it up through excluding major expenses on pensions, nuclear arsenal, Kashmir occupation costs, etc etc.

The big increases in defense are being funded through heavy borrowing...India's budget deficit is exceeding 11% of its GDP.

Read the links I have already provided to find out the reality.

2. As to Indian democracy being responsive to its people, it can be gauged by the fact that:

One out of every three illiterate adults in the world is an Indian, according to UNESCO.

One out of very two hungry persons in the world is an Indian, according to World Food Program.

Almost one out of two Indians lives below the poverty line of $1.25 per day.

And yet, India spends $30 billion on defense, and just increased the defense budget by 34% this year.

Here are some more recent comparative indicators in South Asia:


Population living under $1.25 a day - India: 41.6% Pakistan: 22.6% Source: UNDP

Underweight Children Under Five (in percent) Pakistan 38% India 46% Source: UNICEF

Life expectancy at birth (years), 2007 India: 63.4 Pakistan: 66.2 Source: HDR2009
Indian citizens starve or not is none of Pakistan's concern.. Our citizens, Our Money, Our policies..

From a data perspective, India's reserves grew from 37 billion in 2000 to 277 billion in 2009 which is a growth rate of approx 25% per annum. So you can blame india for inefficient utilization to available funds, but surely not of spending in defence in lieu of social spending. There is a concept of absorbtion capacity that reflects the amount of money that can be utilized in a given time frame (irrespective of availability of funds). So just adding more funds to a particular line items will not give a proportionate result. India is aware of its social problems and is taking steps to fix those. You may chose to believe it or not but that certainly will not change the policies or their execution..

What Pakistan has to do in response to India's policies is Pakistan's business. If its getting streched economically then its Pakistan's call to take decisions around its allocation of funds. I dont think you have the competence to label India's foreign policy as sane or insane. What is necessary for India will be decided by the GoI.

No obsession. Its a strong neighbour to be emulated. However we have had a war with China where we got our ar5e kicked. So we would like to be prepared if that happens again. The foreign policy should always aim for prevention of war, but defence policy should always plan for the failure of that attempt.

Sir, Its called aspirations and not inferiority complex..Is that a concept that is alien to you.??

I am sure the desire to solve the issues is on Indian side too. However it can't be just giving away the farm.. Settling of dispute happens when the 2 sides find middle ground. As long as that doesnt happen, we have to make do with the situation that exists. Its a shirker's stand to always blame the other guy for outstanding disputes..

Pot , kettle, black. ...


The problem remains that a large number of poor indians are hunger, under clothed and under fed. You probably are having some difficulty in understanding one basic fact and that is, military expenditire being non-profit can be curtailed and put in use for productive projects (such as feeding the poor poor indians).

Your brains have been finding it really difficult to understand that comparisons are drawn in terms of Guns versus Bread, not Cows versus Bread!

The day this simple phenomenon get past your thick skull, that day you would start feeling the plight of those poor poor indians who go to bed empty stomach! Until then you would continue to commit crime against them as you continue to mal-feed them and let them starve and ultimately die!

Second most important issue that your brain is incapable of understanding is the fact that it is india which is among the top rankers of military spenders just because your military and govt have successfully brainwashed you people into a false sense of superiority that you are here to dictate (remember Jungle raj?). They have been teaching you since your childhood about Akhund Bharat and and that Pakistan is just a small piece that fell off the india body and now have to reunite, whatsoever. Now it is this false supremacy that dont let you people think clearly and in turn you unnecessarily spend gigantic amount on your defence to which actually there is no requirement as if ONLY india can understand and concentrate solely on itself without getting obsessed with the outer world. There are people on this forum who have been talking of india becoming a 'global super power'..:lol: Now you tell me, is it necessary to feed the starving humans or day dreaming superpower?

Common sense would suggest the former but a lamer sense would argue over the latter as we have been seeing since the start of this thread!!

So go on and shyt in your pants, some more :rolleyes:
The problem remains that a large number of poor indians are hunger, under clothed and under fed. You probably are having some difficulty in understanding one basic fact and that is, military expenditire being non-profit can be curtailed and put in use for productive projects (such as feeding the poor poor indians).

Your brains have been finding it really difficult to understand that comparisons are drawn in terms of Guns versus Bread, not Cows versus Bread!

The day this simple phenomenon get past your thick skull, that day you would start feeling the plight of those poor poor indians who go to bed empty stomach! Until then you would continue to commit crime against them as you continue to mal-feed them and let them starve and ultimately die!

Second most important issue that your brain is incapable of understanding is the fact that it is india which is among the top rankers of military spenders just because your military and govt have successfully brainwashed you people into a false sense of superiority that you are here to dictate (remember Jungle raj?). They have been teaching you since your childhood about Akhund Bharat and and that Pakistan is just a small piece that fell off the india body and now have to reunite, whatsoever. Now it is this false supremacy that dont let you people think clearly and in turn you unnecessarily spend gigantic amount on your defence to which actually there is no requirement as if ONLY india can understand and concentrate solely on itself without getting obsessed with the outer world. There are people on this forum who have been talking of india becoming a 'global super power'..:lol: Now you tell me, is it necessary to feed the starving humans or day dreaming superpower?

Common sense would suggest the former but a lamer sense would argue over the latter as we have been seeing since the start of this thread!!

So go on and shyt in your pants, some more :rolleyes:

ok...a question now, face to face, as we dont seem to have been doing what is right for us, then please let us know what we should do..:what:
lets see if you are supporter of elimination of poverty for whom you seem to be very concerned.

Request to all Indian members, lets see what pakistanies cam suggest us on Indian matters(even a small attempt will be also welcomed), coz we are not doing what seem to be doing what is right for us...
Awaiting response as I belive a good man just doesnt comes with problems as complaints but also gives some solutions.
All *projections* based on empty lies and deception! Reality is the situation is fast deteriorating into a death spiral. That is why we are see a massive people's insurgency in all pockets of the land -- the same situation is happening in England. Over there, they too are deceiving the masses with their Anglo-Saxon-Zio Mouthpiece, the BBC. But the seeds of discontent have been sown and the people are restless. The GOE fears its people more than any outside power, and it is well justified. Soon the discontent, racism and hatred that has been boiling up for decades in England, Scottland, Whales, North Ireland will explode.

BBC is a biased media house but not biased enough to compete with Geo tv of Pakistan or Aaj tak of India. What you have written above is not true. Indian media is not controlled by the GoI and we have atleast 200 channels dedicated to NEWS. The ministry of IB does not have a budget to even monitor so many channels on a daily basis.

The same Racist Fanatism is deeply rooted in the United States -- hatred against blacks, latinos, mexicans, arabs, muslims, asians, indians/pakistanis, jews (here it is historically justified as they caused the financial scam, aka Alan Greenspan, Goldberg, Silversteins, Rothschilds, Bauers, etc) and even certain whites. If India (or USA or England) is to escape such fate, they would need to stop their utter racism and hatred for others. They speak of peace but wage war. They talk of human rights but commit abuses against them on "them peoples". They talk of truth and justice, but lie, deceive and cheat the poor nations.

You have had a strong dose of Pakistan TV and have a biased opinion on everyone but your own media.

India can become a great civilization once again. For that to happen, she MUST show compassion towards her own people AND all her neighbors! I wish for a wonderful Indian civilization, the one that garnered RESPECT because of the harmony and peace it preached (and practiced?). The truth is Asians respected these 'ancient' Indian civilization, but the current reality is far from it. India can regain this respect by returning to peace, harmony and cooperation. Now one is saying India shouldn't build a capacity to defend itself, but what it is doing is NOT defending itself but land-grabbing. We also understand Indian's predicament - land scarcity, water scarcity, resource scarcity, food scarcity - and these can be alleviated through friendship aid and assistance...... not land grabbing.

Yes we can cooperate with Pakistan and discuss all outstanding issues but look at your political class. India offered talks with Pakistan on all issues and said it will keep an open mind and try and resolve outstanding issues.

The response given by Pak minister Mr. SMQ is bravado! "We stood our ground and it was India who came to us" and in a tone that assumes superiority and discards the other as weak. Pakistan needs to understand that such statements can derail talks even before they begin.
The problem remains that a large number of poor indians are hunger, under clothed and under fed. You probably are having some difficulty in understanding one basic fact and that is, military expenditire being non-profit can be curtailed and put in use for productive projects (such as feeding the poor poor indians).
ranting without reading the post that you replied to.. Does not deserve a reply

Your brains have been finding it really difficult to understand that comparisons are drawn in terms of Guns versus Bread, not Cows versus Bread!

Racist rant.. definitely doesnt deserve a reply

The day this simple phenomenon get past your thick skull, that day you would start feeling the plight of those poor poor indians who go to bed empty stomach! Until then you would continue to commit crime against them as you continue to mal-feed them and let them starve and ultimately die!

back to basic ranting..

Second most important issue that your brain is incapable of understanding is the fact that it is india which is among the top rankers of military spenders just because your military and govt have successfully brainwashed you people into a false sense of superiority that you are here to dictate (remember Jungle raj?). They have been teaching you since your childhood about Akhund Bharat and and that Pakistan is just a small piece that fell off the india body and now have to reunite, whatsoever.

Ill informed statements based on comments of few hardliners and Pakistani propoganda. The last thing any indian wants is to have anything to do with Pakistan and its existing problems..

Now it is this false supremacy that dont let you people think clearly and in turn you unnecessarily spend gigantic amount on your defence to which actually there is no requirement as if ONLY india can understand and concentrate solely on itself without getting obsessed with the outer world. There are people on this forum who have been talking of india becoming a 'global super power'..:lol: Now you tell me, is it necessary to feed the starving humans or day dreaming superpower?
Common sense would suggest the former but a lamer sense would argue over the latter as we have been seeing since the start of this thread!!
Who said both are mutually exclusive.. Also some people on this forum can not understand the concept of other people's money and consider themselves as a 'thekedar' who will certify what is wrong and what is right expense. Well do that with your own money.

So go on and shyt in your pants, some more :rolleyes:

I am really sorry sir, but as I mentioned before, this concept is alien to me and will appreciate you sharing your vast experience in this area for everyone's benefit..:azn:

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