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FAQs on India's Massive 34% Hike in Military Spending

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Revised Poverty Estimates: What does this mean for India?

Is India getting poorer?

No, not all. India has made steady progress against poverty. A look at the 25-year period between 1981 and 2005 shows that India has moved from having 60 percent of its people living on less than $ 1.25 a day to 42 percent. The number of people living below a dollar a day (2005 prices) has also come down from 42 percent to 24 percent over the same period. Both measures show that India has maintained even progress against poverty since the 1980s, with the poverty rate declining at a little under one percentage point per year.

But, although India has had significant success in reducing the number of the poorest of its poor - those living on less than a dollar a day – there are still a huge number of people living just above this line of deprivation. This is most evident when we study absolute numbers. The number of people living below a dollar a day is down from 296 million in 1981 to 267 million people in 2005. However, the number of poor below $1.25 a day has increased from 421 million in 1981 to 456 million in 2005. This the biggest challenge facing India today.

How do you explain the huge difference between your figures and the Government of India’s own poverty estimates?

The difference stems from the use of different poverty lines. To assess global poverty on comparable terms, we use an average of the national poverty lines of the world’s 15 poorest countries to determine the international poverty line at $ 1.25 per day at 2005 PPP prices. India, on the other hand, measures its poverty according to its own national poverty line which, in 2005 PPP, translates to $ 1.02 per day. As the two poverty lines are pegged at different levels, the number of people living below them is also different.

Is the World Bank suggesting that India’s poverty line is too low and it should revise it?

No, the new Bank paper does not suggest that India, or for that matter any other country using national poverty lines, should now peg their poverty line at $1.25. Each country does and will continue to determine its own national poverty line. As stated earlier, the Bank’s sole aim is to look at poverty across the globe on a comparable basis.

Do the new estimates show that India’s recent growth has not been able to make a dent in the fight against poverty?

The fact that poverty reduction in India has not been commensurate with its spectacular growth of recent years is not news. The government recognizes that its main development challenge rests on reducing inequalities and making sure that all its people, living in all its regions, are able to share the fruits of that growth equally. The Eleventh Plan seeks to address this issue of inclusive growth frontally.

However, this is not to say that India’s phenomenal growth has not helped lift people out of poverty. In order to improve the lives of a greater number of its poor, India will also have to reduce those basic inequalities – lack of access to education, healthcare and opportunities - that prevent poor people from participating in the growth process.

How does India compare with the rest of the world when it comes to fighting poverty?

India’s poverty declined by 19% between 1990 and 2005 as against 38% globally.
However, when China is excluded from the count, the global decline falls to 18%, largely because China has achieved a much faster rate of poverty reduction.

How do the new numbers compare with the Bank’s earlier estimation of poverty in India?

The World Bank has been using the “ a dollar a day” yardstick since it produced the first set of global poverty estimates in the 1990 World Development Report: Poverty. This current revision raising the international poverty benchmark to $ 1.25 a day was carried out in light of improved data on the cost of living in developing countries, which was found to be higher than earlier estimated. Previous estimates based on the 1993 PPPs and the $1.08 a day poverty line at 1993 prices yield a poverty rate of 34 percent for India in 2005, as compared to 42 percent for the $1.25 line using the 2005 PPPs.

What’s the difference between national poverty lines and the international poverty line?

Countries use national poverty lines and household surveys specific to their country to measure poverty. If, however, the objective is to measure the extent of global poverty, a common yardstick adjusted for differences in cost-of-living across countries is required.

The international poverty line is thus a benchmark derived from the poverty lines of the world’s 15 poorest countries to allow for international comparisons.

Each country however, uses its own poverty line for its own internal poverty assessment, which may be above or below this international line. India’s poverty line, for instance stands at $ 1.02 cents per day.

In 2005 many reforms have been addressed

Presenting his budget in the lower house of parliament, Mr Chidambaram said the Indian economy was performing strongly and that inflation has been reined in.

He said India's economy grew 6.9% in 2004. In his budget Mr Chidambaram has:

* Increased spending on primary education to 71.56bn rupees ($1.6bn)
* Increased spending on health to 102.8bn rupees ($2.35bn)
* Announced that 80bn rupees ($1.8bn) will be spent on building rural infrastructure
* Pledged 102.16bn rupees ($2.3bn) for tsunami victims
* Increased flow of funds to agriculture by 30%
* Announced a package for the sugar industry

In addition, up to 100bn rupees ($2.3bn) to be spent on infrastructure will be sourced by borrowing against the country's foreign exchange reserves, keeping budgeted spending under control.

"Given the resilience of the Indian economy... it is possible to launch a direct assault on poverty," Mr Chidambaram said.

"The whole purpose of democratic government is to eliminate poverty."

The new Indian government, led by the Congress Party, was voted into power last May after it pledged to introduce economic reforms with a "human face".

Expert View: Indian
Education Reforms:

Listen to Sam Carlson comments:

McKinsey global has released it’s India consumer research and here are a few key insights from the report:

* Extreme rural poverty has declined from 94 percent in 1985 to 61 percent in 2005
* In 1985 93 percent of the population lived on a household income of less than 90,000 rupees a year,by 2005 that proportion had been cut nearly in half, to 54 percent.
* The growth that has pulled millions of people out of poverty is also building a huge middle class that will be concentrated in India’s urban areas.
* If India can achieve 7.3 percent annual growth over the next 20 years, 465 million more people will be spared a life of extreme deprivation
* About 400 million Indian city dwellers—a group nearly 100 million people larger than the current population of the United States—will belong to households with a comfortable standard of living.

* Indian income will triple over the next two decades.
* Over the next two decades, the country’s middle class will grow from about 5 percent of the population to more than 40 percent and create the world’s fifth-largest consumer market.
* In 2005 private spending reached about 17 trillion Indian rupees($372 billion), accounting for more than 60 percent of India’s GDP, so in this respect the country is closer to developed economies such as Japan and the United States than are China and other fast-growing emerging markets in Asia.
* India remains the least urbanized of the emerging Asian economies. Today only 29 percent of Indians live in cities.

Consumer spending in India:

Discretionary spending in India will rise from 52 percent of total private spending today to 70 percent in 2025.

* By 2025 India’s wealthiest citizens will total 24 million, more than the current population of Australia. By that year too, India’s affluent class will be larger than China’s comparable segment, projected at about 19 million people
* Spending on purchases that improve the economic prospects and quality of life of a person or family—health, education, transport, and communications—will soar and eventually command a greater share of consumption than they do elsewhere.
* Despite India’s fondness for cricket and “Bollywood” movies, recreational products and services will take a smaller slice of household spending there than in other countries.
* Transportation, already the largest category of expense after food, will take a bigger portion of household budgets in coming years, exceeding its share in all of our benchmark countries. The highest growth will come from car purchases. Categories such as clothing and household goods are expected to post slower annual growth relative to overall consumption

McKinsey & Company - Home Page
In summary things will look up:

read here: India - India Country Overview 2009

In the past two decades, India has been making sustained progress on a scale, size and pace that is unprecedented in its own history. A low-income country with mass poverty at the time of Independence in 1947, India now has a diminishing pool of very poor people and is poised to cross the threshold to join the ranks of the world’s middle-income countries. Over these past 62 years, the country has been successful on a number of fronts:

* It has maintained electoral democracy
* Reduced absolute poverty by more than half*
* Dramatically improved literacy
* Vastly improved health conditions
* Become one of the world’s fastest growing economies with average growth rates of 9% over the past four years
* Emerged as a global player in information technology, business process outsourcing, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals

* based on the official poverty line
In summary things will look up:

read here: India - India Country Overview 2009

In the past two decades, India has been making sustained progress on a scale, size and pace that is unprecedented in its own history. A low-income country with mass poverty at the time of Independence in 1947, India now has a diminishing pool of very poor people and is poised to cross the threshold to join the ranks of the world’s middle-income countries. Over these past 62 years, the country has been successful on a number of fronts:

* It has maintained electoral democracy
* Reduced absolute poverty by more than half*
* Dramatically improved literacy
* Vastly improved health conditions
* Become one of the world’s fastest growing economies with average growth rates of 9% over the past four years
* Emerged as a global player in information technology, business process outsourcing, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals

* based on the official poverty line

All *projections* based on empty lies and deception! Reality is the situation is fast deteriorating into a death spiral. That is why we are see a massive people's insurgency in all pockets of the land -- the same situation is happening in England. Over there, they too are deceiving the masses with their Anglo-Saxon-Zio Mouthpiece, the BBC. But the seeds of discontent have been sown and the people are restless. The GOE fears its people more than any outside power, and it is well justified. Soon the discontent, racism and hatred that has been boiling up for decades in England, Scottland, Whales, North Ireland will explode.

The same Racist Fanatism is deeply rooted in the United States -- hatred against blacks, latinos, mexicans, arabs, muslims, asians, indians/pakistanis, jews (here it is historically justified as they caused the financial scam, aka Alan Greenspan, Goldberg, Silversteins, Rothschilds, Bauers, etc) and even certain whites. If India (or USA or England) is to escape such fate, they would need to stop their utter racism and hatred for others. They speak of peace but wage war. They talk of human rights but commit abuses against them on "them peoples". They talk of truth and justice, but lie, deceive and cheat the poor nations.

India can become a great civilization once again. For that to happen, she MUST show compassion towards her own people AND all her neighbors! I wish for a wonderful Indian civilization, the one that garnered RESPECT because of the harmony and peace it preached (and practiced?). The truth is Asians respected these 'ancient' Indian civilization, but the current reality is far from it. India can regain this respect by returning to peace, harmony and cooperation. Now one is saying India shouldn't build a capacity to defend itself, but what it is doing is NOT defending itself but land-grabbing. We also understand Indian's predicament - land scarcity, water scarcity, resource scarcity, food scarcity - and these can be alleviated through friendship aid and assistance...... not land grabbing.
I am mystified as to why the fact that India figures among the highest military spenders, and among the worst in terms of human development does not shock you. Do you think that there are no trade offs in terms of budget allocations for military versus human development?

Do you think the funds in Indian treasury are not fungible?

Have you ever heard the term "squeezing the balloon"?

Do you think India's budget deficit of 11% of GDP has nothing to do with huge 34% increase in defense?

Aren't you burdening your poor, malnourished children with increasing debt by being fiscally irresponsible now?

You could be right... But then isn't it a decision left to people elected to take those decisions and Criticism left to people who elect them.

May be as a country we put more emphasis on our national security than on other things. Since the growth in economy (as a country) has reduced the need for International aid, we do not have the luxury of building up our military thru military aid from "Friends of India". Also we dont have a cess pool of terrorists that are competent enough to wreck mayhem actoss the world and are stuck with low end militants like ULFA and maoists. Because of that we are not able to get any Protection Money from rest of the world to keep those terrorists in check.

Hence we are stuck with meeting our security needs thru money diverted from our economy.

btw Isnt defence expenditure in Pakistan higher in terms of GDP % and Human Development Index lower?? You dont see anyone question that..
All *projections* based on empty lies and deception! Reality is the situation is fast deteriorating into a death spiral. That is why we are see a massive people's insurgency in all pockets of the land --

Put in data here please.. Not your fantasies.. Dont equate insurgencies with economic death spiral. By that logic Pakistan's economy should have been dead and buried for last few years..

the same situation is happening in England. Over there, they too are deceiving ...But the seeds of discontent .... The GOE fears its people ....racism and hatred that has been boiling up for decades in England, Scottland, Whales, North Ireland will explode.

The same Racist Fanatism is deeply rooted in the United States -- hatred against blacks, latinos, mexicans, arabs, muslims, asians, indians/pakistanis, jews ....They talk of truth and justice, but lie, deceive and cheat the poor nations.
Off topic ranting.. please avoid....

India can become a great civilization once again. .....Now one is saying India shouldn't build a capacity to defend itself, but what it is doing is NOT defending itself but land-grabbing. We also understand Indian's predicament - land scarcity, water scarcity, resource scarcity, food scarcity - and these can be alleviated through friendship aid and assistance...... not land grabbing.

Thanks for the confidence and no thanks for the inefficiently veiled attempt to refer to Kashmir. Again irrelevent to the thread..
You could be right... But then isn't it a decision left to people elected to take those decisions and Criticism left to people who elect them.

May be as a country we put more emphasis on our national security than on other things. Since the growth in economy (as a country) has reduced the need for International aid, we do not have the luxury of building up our military thru military aid from "Friends of India". Also we dont have a cess pool of terrorists that are competent enough to wreck mayhem actoss the world and are stuck with low end militants like ULFA and maoists. Because of that we are not able to get any Protection Money from rest of the world to keep those terrorists in check.

Hence we are stuck with meeting our security needs thru money diverted from our economy.

btw Isnt defence expenditure in Pakistan higher in terms of GDP % and Human Development Index lower?? You dont see anyone question that..

Indian democracy does not really represent the interests of its poor and hungry people and malnourished children. If it did, it would have different funding priorities.

As to the excuse of fighting terror, most of the defense money is used to buy things like aircraft carriers and expensive hardware that is useless against terrorists.

Maoists insurgency is every bit as powerful an insurgency as the Talibs in Pakistan. Otherwise India wouldn't deploy 100,000 soldiers to fight them in the so-called Operation Greenhunt which is being fought away from the eyes of the media. Indian media doesn't care to see or report on things outside the major cities.

Pakistan spends only a small fraction of what India spends on defense. Pakistan does not top the list of illiterates, nor is it in the list of the biggest military spenders.
To Riz Haq

Indian democracy does not really represent the interests of its poor and hungry people and malnourished children. If it did, it would have different funding priorities.

Do you have any Idea about Indian election how Indian political parties are getting there votes. How many middle class or rich people participate in voting. In Indian election majority of voter who participate in election are not middle or rich class , they are more from poor or uneducated class.and every politician only rely on this section to get a seat. Because middle class or rich class does not vote much. Better have an Idea about Indian democracy and Election process

As to the excuse of fighting terror, most of the defense money is used to buy things like aircraft carriers and expensive hardware that is useless against terrorists.

Sir there are not only terror outfits but their are terror outfits sponsoring states.

Maoists insurgency is every bit as powerful an insurgency as the Talibs in Pakistan. Otherwise India wouldn't deploy 100,000 soldiers to fight them in the so-called Operation Greenhunt which is being fought away from the eyes of the media. Indian media doesn't care to see or report on things outside the major cities.

Terrorist is Terrorist whether he is doing 100 bomb blast or one bomb blast , If they act like terrorist they will be having their fate like Terrorist.

Pakistan spends only a small fraction of what India spends on defense. Pakistan does not top the list of illiterates, nor is it in the list of the biggest military spenders.[/quote]

Pakistan spend more percentage of GDP on defence than India. According to Wikipedia Pakistan spend 3 % of GDP and India spend 2.5 % of GDP in that scenario when India economy is growing.
Indian democracy does not really represent the interests of its poor and hungry people and malnourished children. If it did, it would have different funding priorities.-RiazHaq

mr riaz, do you know why this congress government got re-elected this time?

one of the reason is
it wrote off 60000 crore loans of farmers just before election

another one is nregs which is directed towards labourers in villages,

the indian democracy actually depends on the votes of poor people

middle class people most of the time dont go to the polling booth at all
india may spend whatever it likes on it defence provided it doesnt starve its citizen during the process.

How much exactly would india require to beef up its defences if it religiously conducts a reality check as regards to its enemies?

We care a damn if india spends everything that it has on defence, but what concerns the region in particular and the world in general is the unnecessary expenditure on defence which could have not been a requirement had india resorted to a sane foreign policy.

Why would india create enemies all around? india has issues with Pakistan, alright (though even these can be resolved if india really has a will to do so) but then what's the obsession with China? What's the inferiority complex when india talks about becoming an asian super power? Why wouldnt india solve long standing issues like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek etc so that we all can live in harmony? Why would india undertake adventures like it did in '71? What's the need to harbour terrorists like the LTTE (though gone for guud now)? Why would india play a dirty game in Afg? Why would india keep pushing Nepal against the wall?

Why wouldnt india just feed it citizens?
All *projections* based on empty lies and deception! Reality is the situation is fast deteriorating into a death spiral. That is why we are see a massive people's insurgency in all pockets of the land -- the same situation is happening in England. Over there, they too are deceiving the masses with their Anglo-Saxon-Zio Mouthpiece, the BBC. But the seeds of discontent have been sown and the people are restless. The GOE fears its people more than any outside power, and it is well justified. Soon the discontent, racism and hatred that has been boiling up for decades in England, Scottland, Whales, North Ireland will explode.

The same Racist Fanatism is deeply rooted in the United States -- hatred against blacks, latinos, mexicans, arabs, muslims, asians, indians/pakistanis, jews (here it is historically justified as they caused the financial scam, aka Alan Greenspan, Goldberg, Silversteins, Rothschilds, Bauers, etc) and even certain whites. If India (or USA or England) is to escape such fate, they would need to stop their utter racism and hatred for others. They speak of peace but wage war. They talk of human rights but commit abuses against them on "them peoples". They talk of truth and justice, but lie, deceive and cheat the poor nations.

India can become a great civilization once again. For that to happen, she MUST show compassion towards her own people AND all her neighbors! I wish for a wonderful Indian civilization, the one that garnered RESPECT because of the harmony and peace it preached (and practiced?). The truth is Asians respected these 'ancient' Indian civilization, but the current reality is far from it. India can regain this respect by returning to peace, harmony and cooperation. Now one is saying India shouldn't build a capacity to defend itself, but what it is doing is NOT defending itself but land-grabbing. We also understand Indian's predicament - land scarcity, water scarcity, resource scarcity, food scarcity - and these can be alleviated through friendship aid and assistance...... not land grabbing.

'Scuse me is this a Chinese person talking about showing compassion to a nations own population. I rest my case.

Also <facepalm>.
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india may spend whatever it likes on it defence provided it doesnt starve its citizen during the process.

How much exactly would india require to beef up its defences if it religiously conducts a reality check as regards to its enemies?

We care a damn if india spends everything that it has on defence, but what concerns the region in particular and the world in general is the unnecessary expenditure on defence which could have not been a requirement had india resorted to a sane foreign policy.

Why would india create enemies all around? india has issues with Pakistan, alright (though even these can be resolved if india really has a will to do so) but then what's the obsession with China? What's the inferiority complex when india talks about becoming an asian super power? Why wouldnt india solve long standing issues like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek etc so that we all can live in harmony? Why would india undertake adventures like it did in '71? What's the need to harbour terrorists like the LTTE (though gone for guud now)? Why would india play a dirty game in Afg? Why would india keep pushing Nepal against the wall?

Why wouldnt india just feed it citizens?

We do feed our citizens :) You can consider our citizens effectively fed. However if we fail to do so, it is none of your business.

We can do whatever the **** we want with our money, it's also none of your business. Not that our budget isn't easily justified to anyone except Pakistanis. Do note that YOU started AND lost all the Indo-Pak wars.

You know most people would commend India for ending a genocide, not you obviously.

Also India hasn't created an enemy in Pakistan, you created an enemy in India. India is looking after her interests and will continue doing so at the expense of Pakistan, get used to it, it's never going to change.

The LTTE were harboured by RAW, they didn't represent the official position of India, and if RAW believed this 'harbouring' was justified for India's interests, then I commend them.

We tried to solve these 'outstanding' issues, only to have events like Kargil, Mumbai.

The obsession with China is that we have a large, well armed neighbour with whom we have border issues, who also happen to be Communists and have think tanks producing articles like 'split up India'.

Asian superpower. Mm kay? We don't aim so low, India wants to be a global superpower, however long that may take to achieve.
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Indian democracy does not really represent the interests of its poor and hungry people and malnourished children. If it did, it would have different funding priorities.
Rubbish . I dont think you are privy to the priorities of GoI. An accomplished researcher such as you should know better than making unsubstantiated and anecdotal statements like us mortals.

As to the excuse of fighting terror, most of the defense money is used to buy things like aircraft carriers and expensive hardware that is useless against terrorists.
Rubbish again..The terrorist fight is an excuse of Pakistan thru which it gets aid from all over the world. India's military doctrine is not terrorist centric..

Maoists insurgency is every bit as powerful an insurgency as the Talibs in Pakistan. Otherwise India wouldn't deploy 100,000 soldiers to fight them in the so-called Operation Greenhunt which is being fought away from the eyes of the media. Indian media doesn't care to see or report on things outside the major cities.
If you say so.. However the point was around whether it threatens anyone outside India. Unlike Maoists, the Al Queda and Taliban bastions in Pakistan are some of the sources of terror strikes all over the world and the world reimburses Pakistan to keep them contained.

Incidently the figure is much lower than your number and they are Law enforcement agencies and not Soldiers..But anyway, thats besides the point

Pakistan spends only a small fraction of what India spends on defense. Pakistan does not top the list of illiterates, nor is it in the list of the biggest military spenders.

Pakistan's Defence spend as a % of GDP is higher than India
Pakistan's Illiteracy rate is higher than India

[before you jump down my throat again, the sources are provided in my earlier post in this thread]

Don't twist facts to suite your point of view..

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