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Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China

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Feb 28, 2010
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United States
Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China

An American blogger has discovered three fake Apple stores operating in Kunming city, China.

Pictures of the stores, their staff and a description of a stroll around them was posted on the BirdAbroad blog.

In the article, she writes about conversations with staff, many of whom were convinced that they were employed by the US electronics firm.

Apple has said it has no comment to make on the discovery of the counterfeit shops.

On her blog, BirdAbroad described the stores as a "beautiful ripoff - a brilliant one - the best ripoff store we had ever seen".

She describes how convincing the shop was at first glance because so much trouble had been taken to copy key elements of a real Apple store.

For instance, it has a winding staircase, upstairs seating area and employees wearing blue t-shirts and chunky ID lanyards.
Staff in fake Apple store Staff believe they are working in a real Apple store
Shoddy construction

On closer inspection, wrote BirdAbroad, the store did not seem to be constructed to a particularly high standard.

The stairs appeared to be poorly put together, the walls were not painted properly and, most damning, it had the words "Apple store" written on the shop front.

"Apple never writes 'Apple Store' on its signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit," wrote BirdAbroad.

Research by the blogger revealed that the only official Apple stores in China are in Beijing and Shanghai.
Spiral staircase in store Many of Apple's trademark touches are used, including a large spiral staircase.

A further check revealed that none of the three stores she found are mentioned on Apple's list of official resellers known to be trading in Kunming.

What was also unclear was where the fake store had got the Apple products on sale - whether they had come from an Apple distributor or a grey market source.

The blog entry mentioning the visit to the fake store has proved hugely popular and has gathered more than 500,000 visits in less than 48 hours.

Another accomplishment to the glory of the nation. Kudos!!
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So what, We south Asians like Fake Things.
Oh ! The Chinese and their obsession with everything fake ! If things go like this they will be a fake superpower !

After NY Beijing has the biggest apple store in the world if I am not mistaken
Fake Ipod, Fake Iphone and now Fake Apple store....

Great achievement.. Congrats. :cheers:

Fake Ipads from Apple corp were made in these fake Apple stores:lol:..
No offence to any chineese member but its just funny...
Few months back my friend visited the china... He told me that he went inside a apple showroom and he was working on laptop he didn't like it. so he went outside and watched the logo again. It was the fake store. That was in Shanghai.





Apple never writes 'Apple Store' on its signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit,"
Most things from China are fake,mobiles,Gulsar!,wrist watches,electrical appliances(with low life)..
Ask any Indian here,what they think about/have experienced Chinese products ;)





Apple never writes 'Apple Store' on its signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit,"

If any one has been to apple story you can catch this fake store at first eye...
Apple has always white color scheme in its funiture..White desks, Tables and some silver linings. Besides that real apple store is quite high tech, you dont see wirings on the table...lolololol
Chinese and their brilliance..why not put an equal effort into doing something genuine than copy-cat?
By looking at thread title, it came into my mind:

WTH??? China has invented fake Apples as well (fruits). :lol:
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