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Failed Attacks in UK!!!

Well very true, but its unliely that the 2 caught from the jeep would be released.
I heard about that stupid Indian, Man what an idiot, making a bad mark on the nation. Now if i go abroad they will take a second look at me even though i carry a blue passport and i am in Indian, I am fed up of idiots like this.


My friend ghafoor tells me that UK mosque's are the wierdest and the most dangerous he has went to, He studied in middlesex and used to come to my place in glasgow. UK mosque's in general are very extremist.

oh yeah i have heard that too.
over there its more of a business for mosque runing people they ususaly dont work and try to make money out of the donations and charity.
and that they are weird over there realy werid and very rigid nothing like plain and simple mosques over here back home in pakistan and a plain down to earth and funny maulvee jee who works to earn his living.
Strange how quick everyone has forgot about the london "car bombs"
2 gas bottles and 6oz of roundhead nails, al qaedas are certainly not the outfit they used to be, from single handedly standing the whole USA airforce to stand down, and bypassing the pentagons anti missile defence from a cave, and being the most sophistcated terror network ever seen, to crashing a merc on a deserted road, armed with 2 gas bottles and 6oz of nails.

We have gone from, the merc swerving into some bins and the driver legging it

But not before putting one of his gas bottles behind the car as if using it as a 'cone' warning

To the bouncers approaching the car and looking in the boot and signalling the alarm, the car was parked up nicely, and along came an ambulance, saw some smoke, and alerted the local keystones who came running, truncheons in hand.

In glasgow why would you need three guys to do a suicide mission it makes no sense.
Please check this skynews video about 7/7

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I have read about it to...but i still cant understand why the british isnt acting against it.

Wel said Bull

and there are countless cases check up on Abu Hamza It took the British authorities for 9 YEARS to lock him up at Belfast
Arrested doctors can have consular access: Ahmed

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
19:52 IST

Blog this story

Chennai: Maintaining that it was "premature" to comment on any al-Qaeda link of the Indian doctors taken into custody in connection with the UK terror plots, Minister of State for External Affairs E Ahmed assured that the Indian High Commission would do everything possible for them.

All the three could have Consular access and the Indian High Commission would do everything possible for them, Ahmed said at the city airport today.

"One doctor, Asif Ali, has not been taken into custody. He himself has volunteered to provide whatever information he can...He has not been charged," Ahmed said.

"Even Dr Haneef has not been charged or arrested. He has just been taken into custody. He can have consular access ...With regard to the Liverpool doctor, there is no updated information," he said.

"They say they are questioning them. We will also access all information once it's done," he said. On any al-Qaeda links of the three doctors, he said: "It is too premature to make any comment on that".

No Pakistani link in terror plots

LONDON, July 3: To the immense relief of about a million or so Pakistanis living here, those so far arrested in connection with the failed weekend terror attacks have not been found to have the Pakistani links.

And also none of the Middle Eastern nationals arrested has been found to be a British born Muslim radical presumably angry at his country’s involvement in the US wars against Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, the alleged arrival of teams from abroad to carry out attacks, their identities unknown to the domestic law agencies, adds another dimension to the terrorist threat being faced from the Muslim world in the United Kingdom.

According to the Independent on Tuesday, police carried out 19 raids across the country, arresting nationals from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Among those arrested was Mohammed Jamil Abdelqader Asha, a 26-year-old neurologist who was born in Saudi Arabia but is of Palestinian origin and was travelling on a Jordanian passport. He and his 27-year-old wife, a medical assistant, were arrested on the M6 in Cheshire, in connection with the attempted bombings in London.

There were police searches two miles from Dr Asha’s home at Priam Close, Bradwell, which, according to neighbours, was rented by another doctor and his wife.

On Monday night Dr Asha’s father, Jamil Asha, asked King Abdullah of Jordan to intercede on behalf of his son. He vehemently stressed to journalists in Amman that his son was not involved in any terrorist activity.

My gut feeling is that, this should be done by some 'really pissed off muslim youths'. And knighting of Salman Rushdie would be the trigger.

Its been reproted the two of the five arrested are doctors...shocking i must say.

Since the police are confirming they are not scots and the eye witness saying they were south asians,there is a whole chance that they turn out to be Pakistanis. Its going to be disastorous for the Pakistani diaspora there.

I bet you must have been disappointed - especially when some of the arrested happened to be of Indian descent. :agree:
We need to have an official govt inquiry into the attacks unlike last time during 7/7 where there was no official govt inquiry.
The security services suck in billions of public money but still can not stop these attacks.
All these wank*rs involved in terror in the UK are know to M15,why the fu*k do they not arrest them.
We recently found out in the UK is that the failed bombers where on a terrorist list.
I am not a conspiracy nut or anything but i am convinced that M15 know who the rerrorist are but are letting certain cells carry out there ops so as to scare the population into accepting draconian laws.
but are letting certain cells carry out there ops so as to scare the population into accepting draconian laws.

Oh please, spare me

There is something called prosecuteable evidence, Do you want them to get out of court on a technicaility.
Indian doctors fear backlash after British bomb plot

By Nita Bhalla

INDIAN doctors seeking better job opportunities in the West fear they may be unfairly targeted after the British government said it would review how it recruited foreign doctors following last week’s bomb plot.

Eight people who are doctors or have medical links have so far been arrested for involvement in an attack on an airport in Scotland and an attempt to explode two car bombs targeting a crowded nightclub in London. Two Indian doctors are among the eight.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown subsequently ordered a review of recruitment to the country’s state-run health service, where nearly 40 percent of registered doctors are foreign trained. Indians account for the largest share of these recruits. Australian police were questioning 27-year-old Mohamed Haneef, one of the Indians being held. He was detained while trying to leave Australia on Monday.

Haneef’s detention and Brown’s decision have sparked frontpage headlines in Indian newspapers. Many quoted Haneef’s relatives in India as saying he was innocent. “This is like tarnishing all Indian doctors as being terrorists,” said Ashish Jain, a 30-year-old paediatrician in New Delhi. “Just because two Indian doctors may be involved in the attacks, they can’t punish all of us. I believe it will affect our chances of going overseas.”

“The announcement by the UK government will definitely pose a problem,” said a first year junior resident doctor at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). “Many young doctors want to go to countries like Britain and the US because the working conditions there are better, the pay is better and research opportunities are better,” said the 25-year-old doctor, who did not want to give her name.

Many young doctors at AIIMS, one of India’s top medical colleges, said Britain was becoming an increasingly difficult place to get jobs due to tough immigration rules.

Sole breadwinner: Haneef studied medicine at the private Ambedkar Medical College in the IT hub of Bangalore. His family said he is innocent. “It is not true. My brother will come out with more respect and honour,” said Sumaiyaa, Haneef’s younger sister. Sumaiyaa said Haneef was heading to India to see his newborn daughter when he was arrested.

“He is like a father to me. It is such a shock,” she said, adding that he was a “fine person who prayed five times a day.” Haneef is the sole breadwinner in the family, having lost his father in a road accident 10 years ago, his family said. The principal of Ambedkar Medical College was sceptical of the bomb plot investigation.

“The UK has been targeting Indian doctors. They want them out of the national health scheme,” BR Ramesh was quoted as saying in local newspapers. reuters

There aren't enough english doctors to fill the gap. :confused:
This would hurt us aswell...many Pakistani doctors in UK.
In fact my family has a few serving in London and Manchester.
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