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Failed app drives Hyderabad techie to suicide

Suicide is never an option, you only have one life, value it, be the best you can be, do not transgress against others without reason, this is my ethos in life..

it also depends on how strong one is mentally and whether there is cultural sanction of suicide.

To all those going on and on about him being a coward only the wearer knows how the show pinches its not the smartest thing to do but when ypu only see darkness ahead of you death does look like an attractive option

i understand that death looks attractive but again i would point to above section and say that one must struggle, for years if need be. :)

and those members you refer to, you are right, they neither went against the norm nor have they been forced by others to wear a pinching shoe, and they were not forced because they didn't go against the norm.
it also depends on how strong one is mentally and whether there is cultural sanction of suicide.

i understand that death looks attractive but again i would point to above section and say that one must struggle, for years if need be. :)

and those members you refer to, you are right, they neither went against the norm nor have they been forced by others to wear a pinching shoe, and they were not forced because they didn't go against the norm.
Some rocks need a bomb to be broken while others can be broken just by a big hammer everyperson has a different tolerence level you dont know how much is too much for somebody
Some rocks need a bomb to be broken while others can be broken just by a big hammer everyperson has a different tolerence level you dont know how much is too much for somebody

well said.
One cant really say it was an easy way out. Unless you step in his shoes and face a string of failed ventures with no success in sight in future, extreme pressure and psychology does drive people to take such steps.

Using "Try again until success" cliches only look good in text and motivation. Not to say one shouldnt try again and again and fight until demise but sometimes overwhelming pressure doesnt allow humans multiple chances.

I myself have been victim of string of failures but fought them till the end. There were times when I felt its the end of the road but rose up from ashes and defeated every challenge in-front of me. Some people, be it their personality or situation around them are not geared for a prolonged fight. Simple psychology.

Its really fault of our extremely competitive, backstabbing, manipulating societies carrying high expectations out of every person to be considered a successful person in life acknowledged by relatives. Maybe he didn't want to go to tech side but was forced into the usual only doctor or engineer choices.
Its really fault of our extremely competitive, backstabbing, manipulating societies carrying high expectations out of every person to be considered a successful person in life acknowledged by relatives.

yes, relatives but also neighbors.

female gossip is the cause for many a suicide - mothers pressurizing their children into always being five notches "better" than the neighbor's children and castigating her children if they don't show inclination and doing comparisons, or females gossiping about the "character" of some female neighbor.

Maybe he didn't want to go to tech side but was forced into the usual only doctor or engineer choices.

oh, like @Icarus said, the young man was interested in technology creation, as evidenced by the novel means of his suicide... and he built the social app out of his interest and not because of being in some company.
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It looks like someone finally changed the bullcr*p thread title originally coined by jamahir. I guess the thread creator learned something of value for once in his life.


i am sure some crook reported my thread for title change, and yes i have learned a lesson but i will keep that to myself.

meanwhile, you could learn certain realities by reading this long post of mine :


and yes, i am yet to reply to your previous post.
i am sure some crook reported my thread for title change, and yes i have learned a lesson but i will keep that to myself.

Good, I'm glad you've learned to accept your folly. It's the first step in the long road to becoming a better human being. I have to admit, I'm a little sad that I can't laugh at your original choice of thread title anymore :(

meanwhile, you could learn certain realities by reading this long post of mine :

No, thanks, It looks massively boring and I'm sure it adds no value to my life. Save it.

and yes, i am yet to reply to your previous post.

What in the world for? My previous post was about the fact that you FAIL simple comprehension more often than not, but now, it looks like you've understood my point after all. I'd suggest that you not bother with typing another hard-to-read post.
Good, I'm glad you've learned to accept your folly. It's the first step in the long road to becoming a better human being.

baba ji, aapke gyaan se mujhe baksh do.

No, thanks, It looks massively boring and I'm sure it adds no value to my life. Save it.

yeah, discussing the depravity and disharmony and disregard for human suffering in your country is boring.

you are better off playing with your cell phone. :tup:
baba ji, aapke gyaan se mujhe baksh do.

I think you've had enough gyaan for one day. I'm a considerate man; wouldn't want to tax your brain by giving it more than it can handle. Enjoy!

yeah, discussing the depravity and disharmony and disregard for human suffering in your country is boring.

you are better off playing with your cell phone. :tup:

Oh save it, man. Don't rant on like a broken record here on pdf of all places when frankly, all you're doing is showing the world what a farcical human being you are. If you really cared, you'd do something about it, but no, you're like the millions of intellectually dishonest internet freaks out there.

I don't like cell phones. It seems like you'd be better off talking to a wall.
Oh save it, man. Don't rant on like a broken record here on pdf of all places when frankly, all you're doing is showing the world what a farcical human being you are.

i have reported your today's first post for callously trolling on a thread about the tragic and unnecessary suicide of a promising young man.

you are not realizing how you are presenting yourself to a international audience... did you see what the pakistanis wrote since the first page about the indian members?? :)

If you really cared, you'd do something about it, but no, you're like the millions of intellectually dishonest internet freaks out there.

i am doing something, though i should have done this in 2011.

i am in the process of arranging for my membership in one of the progressive groups in india ( won't say which one ).

and that is just my local activism. :D
i have reported your today's first post for callously trolling on a thread about the tragic and unnecessary suicide of a promising young man.

Wow! Some crook you are! How typical!


i am doing something, though i should have done this in 2011.

i am in the process of arranging for my membership in one of the progressive groups in india ( won't say which one ).

and that is just my local activism. :D

yeah yeah love the big talk! Save your BS for people who are gullible (and stupid) enough to believe it.
oh !! that is closer for you than any experience all the mocking hyenas on this thread ever had in their short mediocre lives
Yes its upsetting to see ppl mocking this guy's death.
But in a society where the competition is very high, ppl with a poor self-esteem are never spared. May be this is nature's way of making you stronger, to prepare for a tougher life.
Lets call this survival of the fittest.
Yes its upsetting to see ppl mocking this guy's death.

they deserve the firing squad really.

But in a society where the competition is very high, ppl with a poor self-esteem are never spared.

i disagree. :)

it is not about low self-esteem... i am sure most of the 300,000 indian farmers who suicided between 1995 and 2015 had no such issues.

like @Zibago indicated the mockers won't know the helplessness of the sufferer until the shoe pinches them ( the mockers ).

most suicides in india ( and subcontinent ) happen because there is no proper social and economic structure to relieve them of their suffering - the family/parents/relatives won't help nor can the friends, so who will they turn to in a situation they find suffocating??

the issue with these suiciders is that they are not politically educated enough to want to reject their surrounding wrong socio-economic situation and then rebel and find and join the existent progressives to ensure that the socio-economic system that gave them suffering does not remain... revenge is not on their mind and instead is their defeatism... the remedy is that the sufferers simply must develop political awareness and education.

May be
this is nature's way of making you stronger, to prepare for a tougher life.
Lets call this survival of the fittest.

human-created wrong socio-economic systems have nothing to do with nature... if revolutionary change overthrows this capitalist, frivolous and self-centered existent system, nature would agree with that too. :)
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i am sure most of the 300,000 indian farmers who suicided between 1995 and 2015 had such issues.
And so do the business men. But do we have surveys on them?
Its about the will to fight back and not give up on life.
the issue with these suiciders is that they are not politically educated enough to want to reject their surrounding wrong socio-economic situation
It takes a lot of courage to do that.
Easier said than done.
most suicides in india ( and subcontinent ) happen because there is no proper social and economic structure to relieve them of their suffering - the family/parents/relatives won't help nor can the friends, so who will they turn to in a situation they find suffocating??
This is so true.
In our society, its imperative to do well or the nagging parents and selfish friends can make your life hell.

human-created wrong socio-economic systems have nothing to do with nature
At no point does the nature separates itself from us.
Its survival of fittest everywhere, be it a company where you work,a school you study in, or a jungle where you go hunting.

. if revolutionary change overthrows this capitalist, frivolous and self-centered existent system, nature would agree with that too. :)
Gaddafi/socialism? why do you have to inject these words to all your posts??? :confused:
And so do the business men. But do we have surveys on them?
Its about the will to fight back and not give up on life.

firstly, i had meant "no such issues" about the farmers line.

and i agree with your second line.

It takes a lot of courage to do that.
Easier said than done.


This is so true.
In our society, its imperative to do well or the nagging parents and selfish friends can make your life hell.


At no point does the nature separates itself from us.
Its survival of fittest everywhere, be it a company where you work,a school you study in, or a jungle where you go hunting.

i disagree on this point again.

Gaddafi/socialism? why do you have to inject these words to all your posts??? :confused:

well, after all why would anyone want to suicide in a truly socialist harmonious society??

besides, mere rom rom mey socialism hai basa. :D

communism ka tadka, ang ang phadka. :rofl:

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