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Failed app drives Hyderabad techie to suicide

so the 300,000 indian farmers who suicided between 1995 and 2015 ( who knows how many before ) were all weak and disgusting people??

yet another case of blame the victim.

now these farmers are the very people about whom india's non-socialist national leaders made a slogan in the 60's - "jai jawaan, jai kisaan" ( glory to the soldier, glory to the farmer ), but where is the indian government making empathy with the plight of the farmers or any of the other oppressed??

please develop empathy... it's not difficult.
lol, 1 billion + in India, 8 billion globally, I'm not going to waste my time bothering about the weaklings of the world but here, one more for you to cry about: Chinese national commits suicide in Gurgaon
Sad state of affairs. But I agree it tends to do more with family pressure. Indian mentality is simple. Complete ur ME or MBA by 24-25, get settled in life by 27-28 , buy a home, an car, and marry an young Indian bride of 23-24. If any man continues to be a bachelor after 30, pressure starts to build. They expect him to be financially well off. I don know why relatives even care.
If he/she not doing well, I do not see anyone encouraging him or giving money to start a project. What they ever do was, advising them to get out of the $hit called business and get a job. A complete negative mindset.

On the other hand, one can get married even at 40 to a 25 year old chick if one is successful in his venture and rich :D
Kerala is different though. @Levina can answer.

App Fails, 33-Year-Old Commits Suicide by Inhaling Nitrogen

First published: April 21, 2016, 11:32 AM IST | Updated: 44 mins ago


Image : A note left by the techie in his room along with the nitrogen gas cylinder.

A 33-year-old techie committed suicide in Hyderabad after an app developed by him failed to take off. The man took the extreme step by inhaling nitrogen gas.

The man has been identified as Lucky Gupta Agarwal. When his father went to look for him in his room, he found his son lying dead wearing a mask which was connected to a nitrogen gas cylinder.

According to a Times of India report, Lucky wrote in his suicide note that he used nitrogen to commit suicide as it was the easiest way. "Lucky wrote that he was lucky to die in a painless way. He also wrote that he adopted the suicide method of using nitrogen as it was the easiest and painless way," a police officer said.

Police seized a nitrogen cylinder with a pipe connected to the mask.


source - http://www.news18.com/news/india/ap...its-suicide-by-inhaling-nitrogen-1232648.html


jamahir's comment - i think there is a socio-economic angle to this in form of pressure from his parents and so-called friends who were berating him because his social networking app did not succeed and that he should have really being in some wage-slavery ( job )... typical indian middle class story... more of this story in the 'times of india' original story[1] quoted above.

lucky gupta agarwal was not so lucky.

another addition to india's tally as 'suicide capital of the world'.

where is the bjp government's much vaunted "startup india" programme??


[1] http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...ad-techie-to-suicide/articleshow/51916461.cms
my comment : u are just a H. Aole. Die soon and dont reproduce.
Surely, you have better comprehension skills than what you've just exhibited? Probably not.

I'm laughing at you, and how you've worded the title of this thread. Hilarious as always!

comprehension :
Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning. An individual's ability to comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills, one of which is the ability to make inferences.
obviously, processing and understanding meanings and making inferences is not something you are ably gifted with.

your only skills are sarcasm and taunting.

laughing like a hyena in a thread about a young man who suicided ( yes, suicided ) shows your true character.

you people keep getting banned and when you return, your previous anti-human characteristic instead of being discarded remains.

do you ever think that you are a indian on a international forum and you must present yourself as a intellectual and being empathic to the wrongs within your own country at least??

my comment : u are just a H. Aole. Die soon and dont reproduce.

keep being banned.
I have some personal experience in this matter..


Having expectation from yourself is good,but if that expectation kills,what is the benefit of having it??entrepreneurship takes a lot of courage and dozens of failure.if you can't handle it,don't bother about it.in IT,there is a lot of pressure,but one have to understand,you're not doing it for killing yourself,rather you're trying to make a living.
We dont know whether its parental pressure or peer pressure. Agrawals are known for entrepreneurship, I doubt his parents pushed him. Most likely he saw others as success and himself as failure.
What a shame that this poor young man's death is being used to score political points! Some people are behaving like vultures swooping over carcasses to feed on them!

As for this young man, may he find the peace in death that he did not in life. Amen.

@Skull and Bones - do you know why it is some people commit suicide and others do not in the same or even worse circumstances? I know young people kill themselves more often than old. men do more than women . People with terminal illnesses and severe pain fight for their life while teenagers kill themselves over small setbacks. I am told that the highest rate per capita of suicide is in Greenland, a modern wealthy country without much income inequality, yet they kill themselves 6x more often than in the US. What causes this? I know that there is some new interesting science coming out on chemical imbalances of the brain and what not ..would you know anything about it?
The coward could have tried to something better in his life, rather than committing Suicide. :tsk:
I don't know, I used to think like this but I have come to see that everyone has their own path and we can never truly know what it is like to be in someone else's shoes. It's impossible to know what compelled this young guy to take his own life but the notion that he saw this as his only option is a very sad thought indeed. I would refrain from calling him a coward because I think that it takes a lot of strength to take this decsion anyway but it is unfair to leave his family to deal with this- their lives are now ruined.

I have 0 sympathy for suiciders, they are weak and disgusting people, no different than suicide bombers in my opinion.
There's a MASSIVE dirrerence between what this soul did and what those subhuman suicide bombers do.
Sad state of affairs. But I agree it tends to do more with family pressure. Indian mentality is simple. Complete ur ME or MBA by 24-25, get settled in life by 27-28 , buy a home, an car, and marry an young Indian bride of 23-24. If any man continues to be a bachelor after 30, pressure starts to build. They expect him to be financially well off. I don know why relatives even care.
If he/she not doing well, I do not see anyone encouraging him or giving money to start a project. What they ever do was, advising them to get out of the $hit called business and get a job. A complete negative mindset.

On the other hand, one can get married even at 40 to a 25 year old chick if one is successful in his venture and rich :D
Kerala is different though. @Levina can answer.

Dude but they have other pressures right? Very high divorce rate, self centered societies where you cannot depend on anyone but yourself, misuse of drugs or medication. People can always find a reason to kill themselves and people can always find a reason to live. IMO money is rarely what makes a person kill themselves.
It's disturbing to see that lot of the Indian members here are displaying sociopathic tendencies.

RIP to lucky and I pray for his family.
Dude, I don't think it is lack of empathy. I think people can see it is being milked for political partisan reasons and they react to that. Anyway like you I too pray for his family.
It's disturbing to see that lot of the Indian members here are displaying sociopathic tendencies.

RIP to lucky and I pray for his family.

Dude, I don't think it is lack of empathy. I think people can see it is being milked for political partisan reasons and they react to that. Anyway like you I too pray for his family.
I think it might be an experience thing. A few years ago (as a teen) I thought just the same (suicide=cowardice) but as time has progressed my opnions have changed quite a lot and I have seen how differently we all look at the world and thus I can't presume to condone such actions without being aware of all of the facts.

One thing that did also contribute to this change was what a friend of mine (who has had depression in her life) said to me- "suicide isn't a way out for them, it is just seen by them as the best option they have given the circumstances they find themselves in". That's quite a sad and mind-blowing thought really.
I think it might be an experience thing. A few years ago (as a teen) I thought just the same (suicide=cowardice) but as time has progressed my opnions have changed quite a lot and I have seen how differently we all look at the world and thus I can't presume to condone such actions without being aware of all of the facts.

One thing that did also contribute to this change was what a friend of mine (who has had depression in her life) said to me- "suicide isn't a way out for them, it is just seen by them as the best option they have given the circumstances they find themselves in". That's quite a sad and mind-blowing thought really.

Yeah, but then there are people who kill themselves without adequate reason. Like that guy in Pakistan, (there was a thread on PDF) who came late to his final exam in Dentistry and was told he would have to wait a year to retake them. He kills himself! See, that I cannot understand. which is why I think there must be some kind of brain chemical reactions that makes one more or less likely to kill oneself.

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