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Failed app drives Hyderabad techie to suicide

@Skull and Bones - do you know why it is some people commit suicide and others do not in the same or even worse circumstances? I know young people kill themselves more often than old. men do more than women . People with terminal illnesses and severe pain fight for their life while teenagers kill themselves over small setbacks. I am told that the highest rate per capita of suicide is in Greenland, a modern wealthy country without much income inequality, yet they kill themselves 6x more often than in the US. What causes this? I know that there is some new interesting science coming out on chemical imbalances of the brain and what not ..would you know anything about it?

You know what causes this? because they never faced hardships, that's why. These imbeciles are the same breed of people, who spends 5 hours of each day playing Xbox or PS4, and gets depressed if their driver shows up late for their weekend plans for 'socializing'.

They never earned this lifestyle they are enjoying, and takes everything for granted. A small crack in their castle of glass drives them insane. There is a certain member, who gets by by his parents money. Had his parents been poor, then we wouldn't have been listening to some bull crap political utopia.
When living is more painful than dying - it can be an attractive option.

Think about a late stage cancer patient - what good is it to continue suffering excruciating pain everyday? You know your fate is sealed - no good is going to come by living longer.

This train of thought maybe unique to humans - we have evolved to be intelligent enough to realize that living just for the sake of it may not be worth it - defeating our instincts!
But again, a person with painful terminal cancer often chooses to fight for life till the very end while teenagers are known to kill themselves for the most flimsy reasons.

There is more to this than just intellect alone.

You know what causes this? because they never faced hardships, that's why. These imbeciles are the same breed of people, who spends 5 hours of each day playing Xbox or PS4, and gets depressed if their driver shows up late for their weekend plans for 'socializing'.

They never earned this lifestyle they are enjoying, and takes everything for granted. A small crack in their castle of glass drives them insane. There is a certain member, who gets by by his parents money. Had his parents been poor, then we wouldn't have been listening to some bull crap political utopia.
Wow that is a tough thing to say. But in that case there would be more suicides among the wealthy than among the poor. I think it is pretty equally distributed.
Wow that is a tough thing to say. But in that case there would be more suicides among the wealthy than among the poor. I think it is pretty equally distributed.

I have full sympathy for the farmers committing suicide, as it is the failure of the government to provide them with adequate support and infrastructure. My point is for the upper middle classes, who'd rather commit suicide than showing little ball.

There was a girl in my school, her parents were both doctors. She committed suicide because her parents were against her boyfriend. She was in class 11 for fucks sake.
Entrepreneurship is a hugely risky professional. There is no doubt that if you succeed, you could become very rich, but 99% of times your venture fails. Unless you are hardened and can take failure on your face, one should not think of starting a venture. Majority of times entrepreneurship will leave you worse off both psychologically, physically and monetarily.
App Fails, 33-Year-Old Commits Suicide by Inhaling Nitrogen

First published: April 21, 2016, 11:32 AM IST | Updated: 44 mins ago


Image : A note left by the techie in his room along with the nitrogen gas cylinder.

A 33-year-old techie committed suicide in Hyderabad after an app developed by him failed to take off. The man took the extreme step by inhaling nitrogen gas.

The man has been identified as Lucky Gupta Agarwal. When his father went to look for him in his room, he found his son lying dead wearing a mask which was connected to a nitrogen gas cylinder.

According to a Times of India report, Lucky wrote in his suicide note that he used nitrogen to commit suicide as it was the easiest way. "Lucky wrote that he was lucky to die in a painless way. He also wrote that he adopted the suicide method of using nitrogen as it was the easiest and painless way," a police officer said.

Police seized a nitrogen cylinder with a pipe connected to the mask.


source - http://www.news18.com/news/india/ap...its-suicide-by-inhaling-nitrogen-1232648.html


jamahir's comment - i think there is a socio-economic angle to this in form of pressure from his parents and so-called friends who were berating him because his social networking app did not succeed and that he should have really being in some wage-slavery ( job )... typical indian middle class story... more of this story in the 'times of india' original story[1] quoted above.

lucky gupta agarwal was not so lucky.

another addition to india's tally as 'suicide capital of the world'.

where is the bjp government's much vaunted "startup india" programme??


[1] http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...ad-techie-to-suicide/articleshow/51916461.cms

Cause depression related suicide is unheard of in the rest of the world.

Our parents are conditioned form centuries of slavery and raise their kids to be wage slave tooo..

The guy was an entrepreneur, how does that make him a wage slave?
comprehension :

obviously, processing and understanding meanings and making inferences is not something you are ably gifted with.

your only skills are sarcasm and taunting.

laughing like a hyena in a thread about a young man who suicided ( yes, suicided ) shows your true character.

Comprehension FAIL. Again! You're right about one thing though, I am taunting YOU and your laughable choice of thread title. What part of that did you fail to understand? Which school did your parents send you to?

Not surprised there, Jamahir! Your kind is pretty good at not being able to admit their mistakes. It's pretty sad that some human beings like yourself exist. Keep diverting, as is the norm with your kind, both in cyberspace and in real life. We've all seen too many like you...


Edit: Moderators, I request you to not change the title of this thread no matter how tempting. I think gems like this should be preserved for future laughs.
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I don't know, I used to think like this but I have come to see that everyone has their own path and we can never truly know what it is like to be in someone else's shoes. It's impossible to know what compelled this young guy to take his own life but the notion that he saw this as his only option is a very sad thought indeed. I would refrain from calling him a coward because I think that it takes a lot of strength to take this decsion anyway but it is unfair to leave his family to deal with this- their lives are now ruined.

Let me correct myself - I'll call him Brave Coward. Like, he used his Brain to find Easiest Way to give/end his life; he could have had used his Bravery & Brain to start something new in his life & achieve success

Many People for ex: Sikhs - faced torture and ultimate death at the hands of tyrant rulers and fanatic leaders, though they could have found relief through suicide. :coffee:

PS: My Post is non partisan. I've just mentioned Sikhs in Example, as you are a Sikh.

"The timing of birth and death should be left in God's hands."

That's quite contradictory.

Theek Hai. :confused:
Good point.

I think what makes a difference here is finding a higher cause in life.

A mother who's suffering from terminal cancer wants to continue to fight for her life, just to let her children have their mother a little longer. I believe every person is free to breath a meaning into their life (whether religion or something else) - so that's how life at that point makes sense to her.

Otoh, the meaning of life is different to a hormone packed teen - 1) he/she is totally focused on their own personal success/failures (selfishness), 2) has seen very little of life and 3) a failure is extrapolated in a way that makes him/her feel there's no redemption for it (because of point 2). A combination of these make the emotionally unstable ones want to kill themselves.
suicide is a personal choice, if anything in this whole world belongs to each us, its our own life. Its upto the person to decide whether continued existence makes sense.
If you are born into hardship, you have probably seen worse already and your life must be getting better. Its easier to cope with improving condition(no matter how bad in comparison to others) than a situation when you think its all over for you.
Cause depression related suicide is unheard of in the rest of the world.

The guy was an entrepreneur, how does that make him a wage slave?
Please mate... Do us a favour, please change your DP else you might end up driving someone from this forum to suicide....
Kerala is different though. @Levina can answer.
Cant predict!
In India, children face a lot of pressure to do well, I associate this with the competition they've to face in life. If we had lesser population may be there would not have been so much pressure on the youngsters.
jamahir's comment - i think there is a socio-economic angle to this in form of pressure from his parents and so-called friends who were berating him because his social networking app did not succeed and that he should have really being in some wage-slavery ( job )... typical indian middle class story... more of this story in the 'times of india' original story[1] quoted above.
One of my friend had a flatmate, who committed suicide when he could not clear his engg exams. Though his family never felt they pressurized him.
where is the bjp government's much vaunted "startup india" programme??
This not related to any govt., but the social attitude which has been shaped due to excess competition.
One of my friend had a flatmate, who committed suicide when he could not clear his engg exams.

oh !! that is closer for you than any experience all the mocking hyenas on this thread ever had in their short mediocre lives.

and though below i focus on our subcontinent i will also ask to mention two other chaotic and urgency societies where the scenario is true as well - japan and china.

in my 10+2 ( for non-indians this is at age 18 ) i felt all that institutionalized manic urgency about exam-vexams and the artificially-induced compulsoryness about those tuition classes and the guide books ( i don't know what they are called now but there are even paid websites for this ) are all burdens and efforts that are simply unnecessary for my intellectual growth, and suffocating and unnecessary for the personal efforts and paths that i will put in the years to come... so i simply dropped out of college... it actually helped that i failed in the maths exam previously ( preparatory exam or something ), i being not so desperate to become a "expert mathematician" anyway... it takes much courage to drop out of college in india ( and the subcontinent ) at the immediate point and in the years to come... it takes years to show parents the right path and even more fatiguing are the supposedly successful older relatives ( successful meaning in some job, especially public sector ) who in actuality are nothing but just because they have children and are older in age than you, they declare pompously that "the system is like that so we must adjust to the system so do mehnat this time and pass the exam"... pathetic cowards and wastrels these relatives are !! no elon musk or mandela they became in their own life !!

it is easily understandable why your friend's flatmate suicided or the young man in the op... our subcontinental system is so capitalist that not only are the so-called friends in the same socio-economic desperate rat race that you are in too and so can't and won't help you ( i am not judging your friend here but just giving the general scenario ), most parents don't have belief in their own children's inherent capabilities, which is really why these parents look for "official" legitimacy in some exam board that randomly gives their children pass mark or fail mark, and the parents will behave with the children depending on what some outsider tells them through the exam result certificate... the parents do this because they actually have no trust in their own judgement, no faith in their own intelligence, no application of common sense... such parents would rather throw their children onto the street than arrange for them the resources for pursuit of projects and plans that their children so keenly desire... so most subcontinental parents are not a support system when needed by a sufferer... so most sufferers suffer silently despite ( in india ) being chaotically surrounded by 1.35 billion people and hence finding no one to lend a helping ear many sufferers take the path of suicide.

you see, the parents are the actual failures... the reason they suffocate their children into accepting the done-to-death school/college degree system and then the inevitable jobs ( wage slavery ) is because the parents themselves in their own previous 20 to 50 years of "career life" neither put life and years at risk to bring in a harmonious socialist welfare system where most things are free or subsidized or low costing, or better yet, removed money system entirely thus removing the entire artificial rat race at the simplest level... the parents didn't risk their life and years for progressive political change and so are the real failures but instead of admitting this to their children and perhaps now participating in political change at this later state in life what they do is force their children into treading the stagnant path of the surrounding society, the stagnant path they the parents themselves lived for decades, just so that they don't have to monetarily pay for whatever their children desire, whether a dress or whether some machinery for a project or whether a convalescing stay at a hill station.

most subcontinental parents are neither as monetarily rich as vijay mallya ( he still is rich ) nor are they fanatically communist... they didn't try either circumstance... these parents simply are selfish, cowardly and insensitive, and here i disregard and hold contempt for whatever false sentimentality subcontinentals have built around their traditional family system... what is "honor killing" then?? great grand love of parents towards the child they birthed and saw closely all these years??

certain hyenas on pdf ( certain indian members ) keep insulting me about how they are doing work ( meaning wage slavery ) while i am leeching off my parents' monies... now i simply ask these hyenas if their parents would support them through thick and thin, happiness and sadness, if these members were to stop their life of wage-slavery right today... after all, aren't subcontinental parents the greatest parents on earth?? isn't subcontinental family system all that is godly, pure and soft focus?? but reality is that these members know, and they nervously laugh about this to hide, that their middle class parents would eventually kick them out or leave them to die rather than support them monetarily and otherwise.

these hyena members don't know what real struggle and suffering is, because they have neither challenged their wrong-path parents nor the surrounding socio-economic system nor at least the managers in their offices.

these hyenas called the tragic young man of the op a coward and other mocking things, whereas these hyenas are the cowards and parasites because this young man's story and of countless others hasn't put in them the anger against the rubbish socio-economic situation that caused these suicides in the first place... the hyenas are blaming the victim, a old game among them.

these hyenas are of course simply parasites and must be removed, how many ever millions they are... this is need for a better india and a better world.

you know, there is no real reason for anyone to be in job ( wage-slavery )... real work is entirely different from wage-slavery, after all socialism declares that "one who produces, can consume" and "from each according to ability, to each according to need"... but all this is dependent on people rejecting the anti-human socio-economic system their parents gave them and working to bring a social/political system where these people and the next generation ( their own children perhaps ) don't have to suffer, whether for money reasons or whether in failing to find friends from among their "friends" who could have removed the socio-economic impediment that is the real cause for most suicides in the subcontinent or anywhere in the capitalist world.

Though his family never felt they pressurized him.

that is true... in the subcontinent parents always feel they are doing good for their children when in reality they are suffocating their children.

in so many films and tv serials we hear "maa-baap toh bacchon ke bhale ke hi sochte hain"... well, kaunsa bhala, kaise maa-baap??

This not related to any govt., but the social attitude which has been shaped due to excess competition.

i agree.

from all indications this is also true of other slightly similar cultures - japan and china.

there shouldn't be any competition at all, at least not for survival and getting one's talents recognized and supported.

chaotic societies breed anti-human tendencies and self-centered competition-mindedness and apathy towards others' sufferings... chaotic societies are not harmonious.

only a proper political ideology can remove the chaos and bring harmony.


@Zibago @django @Moonlight @BDforever @Mentee
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oh !! that is closer for you than any experience all the mocking hyenas on this thread ever had in their short mediocre lives.

and though below i focus on our subcontinent i will also ask to mention two other chaotic and urgency societies where the scenario is true as well - japan and china.

in my 10+2 ( for non-indians this is at age 18 ) i felt all that institutionalized manic urgency about exam-vexams and the artificially-induced compulsoryness about those tuition classes and the guide books ( i don't know what they are called now but there are even paid websites for this ) are all burdens and efforts that are simply unnecessary for my intellectual growth, and suffocating and unnecessary for the personal efforts and paths that i will put in the years to come... so i simply dropped out of college... it actually helped that i failed in the maths exam previously ( preparatory exam or something ), i being not so desperate to become a "expert mathematician" anyway... it takes much courage to drop out of college in india ( and the subcontinent ) at the immediate point and in the years to come... it takes years to show parents the right path and even more fatiguing are the supposedly successful older relatives ( successful meaning in some job, especially public sector ) who in actuality are nothing but just because they have children and are older in age than you, they declare pompously that "the system is like that so we must adjust to the system so do mehnat this time and pass the exam"... pathetic cowards and wastrels these relatives are !! no elon musk or mandela they became in their own life !!

it is easily understandable why your friend's flatmate suicided or the young man in the op... our subcontinental system is so capitalist that not only are the so-called friends in the same socio-economic desperate rat race that you are in too and so can't and won't help you ( i am not judging your friend here but just giving the general scenario ), most parents don't have belief in their own children's inherent capabilities, which is really why these parents look for "official" legitimacy in some exam board that randomly gives their children pass mark or fail mark, and the parents will behave with the children depending on what some outsider tells them through the exam result certificate... the parents do this because they actually have no trust in their own judgement, no faith in their own intelligence, no application of common sense... such parents would rather throw their children onto the street than arrange for them the resources for pursuit of projects and plans that their children so keenly desire.

you see, the parents are the actual failures... the reason they suffocate their children into accepting the done-to-death school/college degree system and then the inevitable jobs ( wage slavery ) is because the parents themselves in their own previous 20 to 50 years of "career life" neither put life and years at risk to bring in a harmonious socialist welfare system where most things are free or subsidized or low costing, or better yet, removed money system entirely thus removing the entire artificial rat race at the simplest level... the parents didn't risk their life and years for progressive political change and so are the real failures but instead of admitting this to their children and perhaps now participating in political change at this later state in life what they do is force their children into treading the stagnant path of the surrounding society, the stagnant path they the parents themselves lived for decades, just so that they don't have to monetarily pay for whatever their children desire, whether a dress or whether some machinery for a project or whether a convalescing stay at a hill station.

most subcontinental parents are neither as monetarily rich as vijay mallya ( he still is rich ) nor are they fanatically communist... they didn't try either circumstance... these parents simply are selfish, cowardly and insensitive, and here i disregard and hold contempt for whatever false sentimentality subcontinentals have built around their traditional family system... what is "honor killing" then?? great grand love of parents towards the child they birthed and saw closely all these years??

certain hyenas on pdf ( certain indian members ) keep insulting me about how they are doing work ( meaning wage slavery ) while i am leeching off my parents' monies... now i simply ask these hyenas if their parents would support them through thick and thin, happiness and sadness, if these members were to stop their life of wage-slavery right today... after all, aren't subcontinental parents the greatest parents on earth?? isn't subcontinental family system all that is godly, pure and soft focus?? but reality is that these members know, and they nervously laugh about this to hide, that their middle class parents would eventually kick them out or leave them to die rather than support them monetarily and otherwise.

these hyena members don't know what real struggle and suffering is, because they have neither challenged their wrong-path parents nor the surrounding socio-economic system nor at least the managers in their offices.

these hyenas called the tragic young man of the op a coward and other mocking things, whereas these hyenas are the cowards and parasites because this young man's story and of countless others hasn't put in them the anger against the rubbish socio-economic situation that caused these suicides in the first place... the hyenas are blaming the victim, a old game among them.

you know, there is no real reason for anyone to be in job ( wage-slavery )... real work is entirely different from wage-slavery, after all socialism declares that "one who produces, can consume" and "from each according to ability, to each according to need"... but all this is dependent on people rejecting the anti-human socio-economic system their parents gave them and working to bring a social/political system where these people and the next generation ( their own children perhaps ) don't have to suffer, whether for money reasons or whether in failing to find friends from among their "friends" who could have removed the socio-economic impediment that is the real cause for most suicides in the subcontinent or anywhere in the capitalist world.

that is true... in the subcontinent parents always feel they are doing good for their children when in reality they are suffocating their children.

in so many films and tv serials we hear "maa-baap toh bacchon ke bhale ke hi sochte hain"... well, kaunsa bhala, kaise maa-baap??

i agree.

from all indications this is also true of other slightly similar cultures - japan and china.

there shouldn't be any competition at all, at least not for survival and getting one's talents recognized and supported.

chaotic societies breed anti-human tendencies and self-centered competition-mindedness and apathy towards others' sufferings... chaotic societies are not harmonious.

only a proper political ideology can remove the chaos and bring harmony.


@Zibago @django @Moonlight @BDforever @Mentee
Suicide is never an option, you only have one life, value it, be the best you can be, do not transgress against others without reason, this is my ethos in life..
To all those going on and on about him being a coward only the wearer knows how the show pinches its not the smartest thing to do but when ypu only see darkness ahead of you death does look like an attractive option

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