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Facts or Myth-- You Decide

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India was never a single country before partition or any point in a history- it amazes me how they claim to be the heritage of literally every thing-

India is a civilization, a culture, a common set of ethos. Politically it may never have been unified of all its parts before the British (except sometimes under Ashok, Guptas and the Mughals) but just because of this you cant rule it out. The day you will get this into your head, you will realize all this your "history or mine" debate is fruitless!!
There is already a thread about mythological weapons. Pls post there, these type of thread invites liars like rafi.
India was never a single country before partition or any point in a history- it amazes me how they claim to be the heritage of literally every thing-

they why was the partition called partition of India?.....it was not called partition of Pakistan....its you who are delutional
That was a mistake from my part. However

The population of west pakistan during partition was 31 million.
Pakistan, Population Programmes and Progress

From wikipidea,Partition of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5.3 million Muslims moved from India to West Punjab in Pakistan & 1.2 million moved in each direction to and from Sind.

A 6.5 million of 31 million makes more than 20% ,leaving all other parameters.

Then how is it only 7%.

Punjab itself was included in IVC see the map........ n it was 64 years back... opulation grows.

No , I don't think so....

Living in South INdia doesnot autoatically make you a descendant of IVC neither does living in Pakistan.

Exactly... Only ppl frm the areas frm where IVC spread should/can claim it.

they why was the partition called partition of India?.....it was not called partition of Pakistan....its you who are delutional

Its called "Independence" in our country not partion.... only punjabi state/province was divided... which existed as a free state for centuries..
Punjab itself was included in IVC see the map........ n it was 64 years back... opulation grows.

Exactly... Only ppl frm the areas frm where IVC spread should/can claim it.

Its called "Independence" in our country not partion.... only punjabi state/province was divided... which existed as a free state for centuries..

Exactly - only Punjab was partitioned - 2 states were born on that August night in '47 - and we gained independence from the erstwhile British Empire.

DNA results from the remains of the people in the graves show a 98% congruence with the Baluch, Punjabis, Pakhtuns and Sindhis of the current era. This is why Professor Dani, Ahtizaz Ahsan and this author want to refer to the “Indus Valley Civilization” as the Pakistani Civilization.

The IVC people's descendants are today's Pakistani's we are proud of what our forefathers have achieved it gives us inspiration for a potential glorious future.

Pakistani Pashtun's singing an old Persian song - based on the famous poet Omar Khayyam a poet, scientist, mathematician and Islamic Scholar. This shows because of Pakistanis closeness to other civilizations such as Persia, China, Middle East, Central Asia.
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Even if we agree abt the relations..... By ur logic does it mean tht me being a muslim can claim the history of other muslim nations ........... just coz we follow the same religion?

The language of the people of the Ancients has not even been de-ciphered, so the indian claim that they were Hindu is false, the fact is that they buried their dead, had no idol's and ate large quantities of beef, so it is fallacy to claim they were Hindu.
Religion in the Indus valley seems to have involved temple rituals and ritual bathing in the 'great bath' found at Mohenjo-Daro. There is some evidence of animal sacrifice at Kalibangan. A number of terracotta figurines have been found, perhaps goddess images, and a seal depicting a seated figure surrounded by animals that some scholars thought to be a prototype of the god Shiva. Others have disputed this, pointing out that it bears a close resemblance to Elamite seals depicting seated bulls. One image, carved on soapstone (steatite), depicts a figure battling with lions which is reminiscent of the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh myth.
The language of the people of the Ancients has not even been de-ciphered, so the indian claim that they were Hindu is false, the fact is that they buried their dead, had no idol's and ate large quantities of beef, so it is fallacy to claim they were Hindu.

As a Keralite Hindu , I have nothing in common with a Bihari or UP Hindu, but we follow the same Puranas and Upanishads, worship the same deity and our pujas are done in Sanskrit. How do you explain that?

PS: In Kerala Hindus eat large quantities of beef.


thanks for the pics,,,,,,,,,,
I read somewhere that a Japanese firm is trying to decode the book of Vaimanika Shastra. to understand or either gain the knowledge of using mercury as a fuel for these birds... which hosts a flight which is in a triangular shape...
can you plzz tell me about the last pic it looks like as if it is from a NGC or a BBC program
Seriously guys its a lot of fun....Sort of Macchis lagao aur bhaag jao :P

However I started this thread to know that do you feel that whatever is there in the video is true?

I am quite skeptical about the claims and guess there can be a lot of reverse engineering ( or reverse mapping) as such.

As for Pakistani members: Guys why are you so insecure. Your history books start from IVC and then jump straight to MBQ. Nowhere are Ashoka and Chandragupta taught to you. I don't think there is anything wrong with an average Pakistani but guess a lot of them are just product of the society that Zia shaped. I wouldn't be worried if you establish some kind of claims to the history of India/Bharat. It is as much yours as it is ours. But you guys seem to be hell bent on accepting only parts of History and whats more you guys dont want to share your history with India, you want to prove that IVC had nothing to do with India. Seriously , if you dont want to become laughing stock of the world then change this.

Well just give me one source and which is foreign which says that a lot of Indians havent descended from Aryans or that IVC has nothing to do with India and I will keep my mouth shut. I think you should be proud of Vedas and all the heritage. Afterall your ancestors would have built a lot of temples that are standing today. Why do you have to be shy? Why do you have to be insecure? Is hatred of India so deeply embedded in you that it depletes your logic?
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