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IVC belongs to Pakistan.



Mohenjodaro and Harappa are in Pakistan. :)

IVC belongs to India. There was no Pakistan before 1947
IVC belongs to India. There was no Pakistan before 1947

There was no India during the IVC period. India is a foreign created word and India was formed on August 15, 1947 one day AFTER Pakistan. Just because you kept the word for your country the foreigners gave to us, doesnt mean that the entire South Asia's history belongs to you.
There was no India during the IVC period. India is a foreign created word and India was formed on August 15, 1947 one day AFTER Pakistan. Just because you kept the word for your country the foreigners gave to us, doesnt mean that the entire South Asia's history belongs to you.

Exactly right - Pakistani is an ancient land - and our forefathers were great, and point to a glorious future.
There was no India during the IVC period. India is a foreign created word and India was formed on August 15, 1947 one day AFTER Pakistan. Just because you kept the word for your country the foreigners gave to us, doesnt mean that the entire South Asia's history belongs to you.

Very true. :tup:

The mighty "Indus Valley Civilization", was located in what is now modern-day Pakistan.
Very true. :tup:

The mighty "Indus Valley Civilization", was located in what is now modern-day Pakistan.

"Indus Valley Civilization" was not neccesarily "mighty", but just old.

Yet that's not the point.

The point is: Who started it? Racially, certainly they were not today's "Indians".

This is because today's Indians are predominantly Australoids, and/or largely

Atstraloids with some (but minor) Mongoloid and Caucasoid admixtures as genetics science indicates.

Australoids have average IQ of 60s, even lower than that of Sub-Sahara Negroids.

If "Indus Valley Civilization" at the time had been started by the Australoids(Indians),

then Sub-Saraha Africa would have been full of equally old "civilisations" which were not the case.

Sorry, but tribes with average IQ of 60s don't start civilisations, as they could barely start a fire or build anything slightly more sophiticated than mudhuts without some help.

This simple logic shows that "Indus Valley Civilization" was NOT started by today's Indians, but by other people from different race.

They were "Aryans" -- not in the same sense of "Hitler's Aryans", but ppl from Central Asian Steppe (a tribe close to Persians) with IQ at least 90+. They

started "Indus Valley Civilization" and Indians/Austaloids destroyed it.
There was no India during the IVC period. India is a foreign created word and India was formed on August 15, 1947 one day AFTER Pakistan. Just because you kept the word for your country the foreigners gave to us, doesnt mean that the entire South Asia's history belongs to you.

Don’t come up with your twisted version of history. Ask any international historian…it is called Indian civilization. As for the name India, it has the genesis from the river Indus.
IVC belongs to India. There was no Pakistan before 1947

Yeah dude ur ancestors migrated frm IVC...lol.......... infact the ancestors of 1.1 billion indians lived in IVC-Modern day Pakistan....... They just got lost n settled in india... LOL

Don’t come up with your twisted version of history. Ask any international historian…it is called Indian civilization. As for the name India, it has the genesis from the river Indus.

Its not called indian.. but Indus... Indus river flows in Pakistan not india.
Yeah dude ur ancestors migrated frm IVC...lol.......... infact the ancestors of 1.1 billion indians lived in IVC-Modern day Pakistan....... They just got lost n settled in india... LOL

Its not called indian.. but Indus... Indus river flows in Pakistan not india.

First, it is not 1.1 billion, we are 1.3 billion. Second, I am not interested in the Pakistani's version of history. Google the net for genesis of the name 'India'
First, it is not 1.1 billion, we are 1.3 billion. Second, I am not interested in the Pakistani's version of history. Google the net for genesis of the name 'India'

Doesnt this sum it all up?


How can u claim others ancestors as ur own?its kinda shamefull.
IVC was predominantly a Dravidian civilization which was destroyed by the Aryan Invasion, so give me my land and exploration sites back to Tamilnadu. And you also stole our river so give it back to us.

Wow this argument also holds validity lol.
Doesnt this sum it all up?


How can u claim others ancestors as ur own?its kinda shamefull.

Why should I be shameful? Our Vedas were written on the banks of Indus. Our mother language Sanskrit has origins there. Our gods have origins from Indus. Our religion has origins from Indus valley… I should be shameful, if I were not claiming them as my own
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