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Feb 28, 2023
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Did this Pakistani journalist make such statement?

Sanghis and even Congress supporters making this image viral on social media
He is a media tv newspaper person, if he said this, I am sure you can find it on video or in a newapaper.

Plus highly doubt that india would be America without indian Muslims, or Pakistan would be Syria if all Muslims were in Pakistan. One thing is for sure that if all Muslims were in Pakistan, the geographical boundaries won't be the same. I don't understand how can people make these claims and not understand that people cannot be separated from their land or Jinnah and his party would be willing to take all Muslims without additional land area and resources.

Muslim heritage would also be transferred to Pakistan, the Taj Mahal and everything else included.
Tableeghis are father in laws and son in laws of Sanghis.


Did this Pakistani journalist make such statement?

Sanghis and even Congress supporters making this image viral on social media
I don’t think it would be like Syria or India be like America but do agree, things would have been in similar direction. People belong where they have been living for centuries. Not accepting Indian Muslim is Hindus problem not Pakistan.
He is a media tv newspaper person, if he said this, I am sure you can find it on video or in a newapaper.

Plus highly doubt that india would be America without indian Muslims, or Pakistan would be Syria if all Muslims were in Pakistan. One thing is for sure that if all Muslims were in Pakistan, the geographical boundaries won't be the same. I don't understand how can people make these claims and not understand that people cannot be separated from their land or Jinnah and his party would be willing to take all Muslims without additional land area and resources.

Muslim heritage would also be transferred to Pakistan, the Taj Mahal and everything else included.
I wish Muslims migrated to Pakistan.

Ask a Sanghi Or a leftist in India.

Why is India so poor?
Why is India so overpopulated?
Why is the unemployment rate so high?
Why is the crime rate so high?
Why is sexual violence so rampant?

They will say it's because of Muslims. Muslims are made scapegoats.

Indians cannot do a proper self introspection due to this.
I don’t think it would be like Syria or India be like America but do agree, things would have been in similar direction. People belong where they have been living for centuries. Not accepting Indian Muslim is Hindus problem not Pakistan.

Is this the same guy you argued with recently?
I wish Muslims migrated to Pakistan.

Ask a Sanghi Or a leftist in India.

Why is India so poor?
Why is India so overpopulated?
Why is the unemployment rate so high?
Why is the crime rate so high?
Why is sexual violence so rampant?

They will say it's because of Muslims. Muslims are made scapegoats.

Indians cannot do a proper self introspection due to this.

Sure, but with proper share of resources and land. Ask chaddis if they are still willing.
I don't know about Pakistan being Syria, but India not being America has nothing to do with Muslims. It has to do with historical divisions in society based on caste, ethnicity, language etc which has always sustained opportunistic and populist politicians. We have also had an extreme tolerance for corruption and incompetence and an unwillingness to take matters into our own hands. We bow down too much in front of authority. We make heroes and worship them. Combine this with a small ruling elite that is extremely shrewd and knows that keeping the masses engrossed in daily struggles guarantees that people don't have time to hold them accountable. This is the story of India every single day. Multiply it by 365.
I don't know about Pakistan being Syria, but India not being America has nothing to do with Muslims. It has to do with historical divisions in society based on caste, ethnicity, language etc which has always sustained opportunistic and populist politicians. We have also had an extreme tolerance for corruption and incompetence and an unwillingness to take matters into our own hands. We bow down too much in front of authority. We make heroes and worship them. Combine this with a small ruling elite that is extremely shrewd and knows that keeping the masses engrossed in daily struggles guarantees that people don't have time to hold them accountable. This is the story of India every single day. Multiply it by 365.
Should we be loyal towards such country?

Do such unjust countries have the right to exist?

Sure, but with proper share of resources and land. Ask chaddis if they are still willing.
How much land are you expecting? And what resources do you want?


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Should we be loyal towards such country?
Loyalty to the country and loyalty to the government are two different things. A country is a social construct and a necessary one. It provides us with certain benefits and requires certain duties from us. One of those duties is loyalty. A government on the other hand is an instrument. If we do not like it, we should change it. But we cannot burn our house down just because we don't like the people running it.

Do such unjust countries have the right to exist?
You are entitled to your opinion on whether India needs to exist or not. However you will not find most Indians agreeing with you. Even if people are frustrated with the government, it doesn't mean that they want the country to disappear. In fact national identity is an important part of one's consciousness and it is the reason that mismanagement of the country is painful for many. They want to be proud of their country and not for it to be eliminated.
Whatever he might have said, I can guarantee you both the countries would be the same at the present. Religion and lack of proper education is the main problem in such 3rd world countries. Caste/tribal mentality is another major problem in multi ethnic societies.

Once people realise that everyone is a human being regardless of their religion or caste, only then there can be proper development.
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