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F35 vs rafale comprehensive comparison


In its federal budget proposal for 2018, Nigeria has allocated NGN 13.12 billion ($36 million U.S.) as a payment for an order for three JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighters – along with support equipment and spare parts – from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC).

This follows an earlier allocation in 2016 worth NGN 5 billion ($13.9 m U.S.).

Nigeria’s budget proposal confirms that the Nigerian Air Force’s order for three JF-17s is still in place, but it is being executed through installments paid in cash. The Nigerian Air Force, PAC and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) have yet to release a timeline for deliveries.
From quowa
My dear child that's installment not total price
Next time have facts to back up your claim don't spread your ignorance :)


Amid Boko Haram Insurgency, Nigeria To Buy JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jets From Pakistan For $25M...

With spares and weapons it will be more than $8M.
Regardless, three jets are nothing.
In few words at least for AD the JF17 block -3 with other support elements shall suffice PAF needs, even to counter mighty Rafael. On issue of not selecting Rafael in the past why not take opinion of professionals on this forum and majority views should prevail.
You perhaps have more leverage to directly communicate with them, please ask question to Mr Wind Jammer, both Bilals to settle matters fore ever.

On lighter side many of my close relatives in the past have died due to not affording proper medical facilities, same shall be case with me and others. The affordability issue remains in many cases, we already have indulge in heavy expenses for our Atomic program can't afford another one.


The issue of affordability was not there---. So---please cross that issue out.

If the issue was there---why these warrior sons of the nation have allocated multiple BMW's with driver's to their familes---.

Why do these sons of the nation live in expensive housings---why all the luxuries when there are no funds---.

A muslim warrior would be ashamed and devastated to spend money on his self if his sword was broken or dull---.

So young man---please take that word ' not affordable ' out of your vocabulary---.
Can Pakistan Afford a $200 million combat plane be it Rafale or Typhoon or indeed F35

The reason yiou acquire 18 block 52 is they are purchased USING USA grant aid funding.

THIS HAS NOW STOPPED ……………..and the threat of sanctions on spares from USA on PAF is very real

That leaves RUSSIA who will never provide funding assistance

SO we go to china …………………

ITS LIKE there is no other options left

Rafale will completely decimate anything PAF has now and in near future

J31 god knows if that becomes reality or not
Do you know the cost of that deal? Do some research before post. Now a days PDF stand hit low due to many troller from east

The issue of affordability was not there---. So---please cross that issue out.

If the issue was there---why these warrior sons of the nation have allocated multiple BMW's with driver's to their familes---.

Why do these sons of the nation live in expensive housings---why all the luxuries when there are no funds---.

A muslim warrior would be ashamed and devastated to spend money on his self if his sword was broken or dull---.

So young man---please take that word ' not affordable ' out of your vocabulary---.

PA is not a Mujahid force but a regular army, if Pakistan realy is an Islamic country is a separate debate don't bring it here. Army officers get perks as per ther grade just like any other institution, even the meter readers and line men of Wapda are more rich than defense forces officers in many cases. PA/PN/PAF personnel get much lesser perks than India or many other countries. Please do some research then come on topic. You cannot expect a PAF chief to ride on a donkey. The resources are allocated by Govt.
On other hand my simple request was why not you question directly to professionals on this forum as I believe you have more direct communication with them, on Rafael issue. Please inform me about majority views.

I humbly request to refrain from indulging in useless debate with me as I am a mere civilian but may have seen closely the progress of armed forces especially PA then you.
PA is not a Mujahid force but a regular army, if Pakistan realy is an Islamic country is a separate debate don't bring it here. Army officers get perks as per ther grade just like any other institution, even the meter readers and line men of Wapda are more rich than defense forces officers in many cases. PA/PN/PAF personnel get much lesser perks than India or many other countries. Please do some research then come on topic. You cannot expect a PAF chief to ride on a donkey. The resources are allocated by Govt.
On other hand my simple request was why not you question directly to professionals on this forum as I believe you have more direct communication with them, on Rafael issue. Please inform me about majority views.

I humbly request to refrain from indulging in useless debate with me as I am a mere civilian but may have seen closely the progress of armed forces especially PA then you.


Majority view is the view of a flock of sheep---no direction---no identity---.

Life changing / nation building decisions are made by one person thru out the periods of history---.

Amid Boko Haram Insurgency, Nigeria To Buy JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jets From Pakistan For $25M...

With spares and weapons it will be more than $8M.
Regardless, three jets are nothing.
That doesn't contain details as I gave from 2016 to present
Nigeria’s budget proposal confirms that the Nigerian Air Force’s order for three JF-17s is still in place, but it is being executed through installments paid in cash. The Nigerian Air Force, PAC and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) have yet to release a timeline for deliveries.
From quowa
That doesn't contain details as I gave from 2016 to present
Nigeria’s budget proposal confirms that the Nigerian Air Force’s order for three JF-17s is still in place, but it is being executed through installments paid in cash. The Nigerian Air Force, PAC and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) have yet to release a timeline for deliveries.
From quowa

My link shows the total price for the aircraft, while your links show the total cost of the program including service, spares and weapons.

A fighter sale is typically accompanied by service/support/weapons worth $50-100M.
The price of weapons do not scale with the price of the aircraft. A Mk82 bomb will not be cheaper on a $8M JF-17 than on a $500M B-2 Spirit.
A JF-17 sale with the service/support/weapons would thus be much more expensive than $8M.
For Russian ”cheap” planes the spares are very expensive.

In order to contradict the article I referred to a breakdown of the payment is needed, showing just the fighter.
My link shows the total price for the aircraft, while your links show the total cost of the program including service, spares and weapons.

A fighter sale is typically accompanied by service/support/weapons worth $50-100M.
The price of weapons do not scale with the price of the aircraft. A Mk82 bomb will not be cheaper on a $8M JF-17 than on a $500M B-2 Spirit.
A JF-17 sale with the service/support/weapons would thus be much more expensive than $8M.
For Russian ”cheap” planes the spares are very expensive.

In order to contradict the article I referred to a breakdown of the payment is needed, showing just the fighter.
Where does it say 8 million fixed price of jet and jets r aleaya bought with some service deal as well
That's one instalwmins as the qura says they r paying in installments
That remains to be seen.
Nothing in the original article says that this is just a first installment.
That said, the journalist might have gotten it wrong.
First F35 to crash....

Pilot is alive

1 destroy on groud by engine fire, now another in the air. Bad news for the fat duck.

Breaking: Military plane crash near Beaufort air station https://amp-heraldsun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/amp.heraldsun.com/news/state/south-carolina/article219182290.html?usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D&amp_js_v=0.1#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=Van %1%24s&ampshare=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heraldsun.com%2Fnews%2Fstate%2Fsouth-carolina%2Farticle219182290.html


From a US Blog.

Too nice.

BEAUFORT, S.C. — The Pentagon is hailing the first successful crash of an F-35 fighter in South Carolina, sources confirmed today.

Though officials cautioned that they were still hoping for a successful crash under combat conditions, the downing of an F-35 out of Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort is yet another historic feat for the $115 million aircraft, officials said.

The pilot ejected and was being evaluated by medical personnel and the F-35 program office for insight into whether officials could credit the pilot or Lockheed Martin for the aircraft hitting its most recent milestone. The crash came just one day after a different F-35B conducted its first combat strike in Afghanistan against an important enemy weapons cache of AK-47’s and RPG’s, costing the Pentagon only about $150,000 in spent munitions and aircraft flight hours.

“Just as the F-35 secretly outperformed the A-10 in a close air support role in the past, this aircraft has shown it is far better suited at crashing than the F-16,” said Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson.

The crash was considered by the Marine Corps as a “total loss” of the aircraft. Military analysts have also used that language to describe the F-35 program’s budget.

The Pentagon intends to buy more than 2,400 of the jets at a cost of the military budgets of China and Russia combined, or $406 billion.
Sir 100 % agreed . Your driver would know better thn your car and probably other cars in market but you wont give him sole decision to buy new car . Yes you will take his advise but final verdict will be yours

Pakistan is the only country in this World where Air force build its own fighter jet . Do you have any idea of fallouts of such decision . May be senior members can ellaborate .
Pakistan is may be also the only country whr buying or refusing jet decision is sole decision of Paf brass without any arguement/ confrontation or objection by gov or establishment .


Senior members over here don't know much---except for a few---. Most of the pakistanis are never honest with themselves---they would lie to look and feel good about their product.

When they produce their own---then they can easily hide their failures---.
In early 2000 rafale had been offered to Pakistan but our top paf brass shown criminal negligence and opted for additional f16s .
Rafale were prone to sanctions due to U.S.A pressure, and Indian France relation . U.S.A was still more close to Pakistan, As ally we opted for f16 with better configuration than rafale at , but due to earthquake incident we opted for less numbers.

On topic, F35 is still best 2nd stealth fighter, range of weapons , radars, stealth design , new generation systems , it will beat rafale at any day from distance.
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Rafale were prone to sanctions due to U.S.A pressure, and Indian France relation . U.S.A was still more close to Pakistan, As ally we opted for f16 with better configuration than rafale at , but due to earthquake incident we opted for less numbers.

On topic, F35 is still best 2nd stealth fighter, range of weapons , radars, stealth design , new generation systems , it will beat rafale at any day from distance.
Pak F16 with a better config than rafale .... are you serious ? Just one exemple : Meteor.

F35 is VLO. Rafale is LO. For all the other specifications, Rafale is better to largely better (super cruise, agility, sensor fusion, SPECTRA).

The only adventage of F35 is it's X band stealth (and only X band). EVERYBODY is working on low band radar (ex : Chinese new frigates and cruisers). EVERYBODY is working on multistatic radars. F35, as F22 will not remain stealth.
And in the case of F35, it's IR signature is high. So naturally hot that it need of open it's bay every 15 minutes !

As an israeli general said, F35 will lose it's strenght is a couple of years. What will remain after that : a low agility plane, very difficult to upgrade. It's why Israel need now more advanced F15 instead of more F35.
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