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F313 (Ghaher) mock-up: To how extend was acceptable?

what i dont understand is, why would iran present such badly made plane model with a horrible design to the world and say its some super fighter plane their working on? its not like iran doesnt have people that understand this stuff. heck they coulda easily made something in the shape of the f-22, at least then the design itself would be okay all they have to do then is make the mockup presentable
what i dont understand is, why would iran present such badly made plane model with a horrible design to the world and say its some super fighter plane their working on? its not like iran doesnt have people that understand this stuff. heck they coulda easily made something in the shape of the f-22, at least then the design itself would be okay all they have to do then is make the mockup presentable
I can see two options:


1) Mullahs told this guy to build a propaganda mock up. They gave him some $100 K told him it must look cool and reliable. But he built that joke. No one bothered to check what he is building.

2) Mullahs told this guy to built a real fighter prototype. Gave him LOTS of money and he built that joke. No one bothered to check what he is building.

Second option I consider as less reliable but still possible. Both indicate the high level of corruption and incompetence of the regime.

And after Ahmadinejad and Iranian minister of defence filmed near this thing they cant even backtrack. I dont know what they will do now.
Looks like a flyable stealth plane , if it carrys one big BOMB , could sink a carrier ship

And in end that is all that Iran needs , stealth plane that can deliver JUSTICE

Looks like a flyable stealth plane , if it carrys one big BOMB , could sink a carrier ship

And in end that is all that Iran needs , stealth plane that can deliver JUSTICE

Job stealth plane is to fly undetected and drop a gift behind enemy lines even if its not the fastest creature in clouds
Looks like a flyable stealth plane , if it carrys one big BOMB , could sink a carrier ship

And in end that is all that Iran needs , stealth plane that can deliver JUSTICE

Looks like a flyable stealth plane , if it carrys one big BOMB , could sink a carrier ship

And in end that is all that Iran needs , stealth plane that can deliver JUSTICE

Job stealth plane is to fly undetected and drop a gift behind enemy lines even if its not the fastest creature in clouds
Looks like a flyable stealth plane , if it carrys one big BOMB , could sink a carrier ship

And in end that is all that Iran needs , stealth plane that can deliver JUSTICE

Looks like a flyable stealth plane , if it carrys one big BOMB , could sink a carrier ship

And in end that is all that Iran needs , stealth plane that can deliver JUSTICE

Job stealth plane is to fly undetected and drop a gift behind enemy lines even if its not the fastest creature in clouds

dafuq? are you in your sense? This plane is merely a Cessna trainer with stealth appearance!

the pilot seat and the distance of its base from the floor shows that the pilot will have his thighs and knees up to his cheek and in worse case his knees might be blocking his helmet and the vision. something which reminds me of an Indian toilet.
sorry for the lack of term or reference but thats the closest I could think of.
I think the the paint needs to be reapplied because its reflecting even the visible light let alone absorbing the radio waves.

on the good side, the plane is clearly aerodynamically unstable and would need a supercomputer to keep it air worthy.
there is a possibility that the plane engine might have on board supply of oxygen because the air intakes seem inadequite and an after thought. their angle is also not really helpful in the smooth flow of air into the engine and the plane might have to fly at an angle all the time to help the airflow into the engine successfully, thats where the flight computer will come in handy specially when the pilots vision will be mostly blocked by his own knees .

it is an ambitious model no doubt and when it will be flying then the only people laughing will be the Iranians, I will like to see that day.
And after Ahmadinejad and Iranian minister of defence filmed near this thing they cant even backtrack. I dont know what they will do now.

"dont underestimate the will and the resolve of the Iranians"

said Ahmeddinejad to former President Gen Musharraf when he flew to Iran and told him to help not hinder in the peace efforts of the Arab Israel conflict.
the pilot seat and the distance of its base from the floor shows that the pilot will have his thighs and knees up to his cheek and in worse case his knees might be blocking his helmet and the vision. something which reminds me of an Indian toilet.
sorry for the lack of term or reference but thats the closest I could think of.
I think the the paint needs to be reapplied because its reflecting even the visible light let alone absorbing the radio waves.

on the good side, the plane is clearly aerodynamically unstable and would need a supercomputer to keep it air worthy.
there is a possibility that the plane engine might have on board supply of oxygen because the air intakes seem inadequite and an after thought. their angle is also not really helpful in the smooth flow of air into the engine and the plane might have to fly at an angle all the time to help the airflow into the engine successfully, thats where the flight computer will come in handy specially when the pilots vision will be mostly blocked by his own knees .

it is an ambitious model no doubt and when it will be flying then the only people laughing will be the Iranians, I will like to see that day.
@Irfan Baloch. Sir, you will also find that a HUD does help a pilot for situational awareness and aiming at the target which this aircraft is acutely missing. !!
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@Irfan Baloch. Sir, you will also find that a HUD does help a pilot for situational awareness and aiming at the target which this aircraft is acutely missing. !!

I guess its very advanced model making the HUD virtually obsolete. this plane is utter blasphemy if you ask me but like I said
I will like to be proven wrong, the courage of the designers should be applauded no doubt but I hope they are not conning the Iranian leadership that is not very savvy in aviation technology
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Another thing to look at is the quality of the canopy, looks like some cheap glass fitted on.
I guess its very advanced model making the HUD virtually obsolete. this plane is utter blasphemy if you ask me but like I said
I will like to be proven wrong, the courage of the designers should be applauded no doubt but I hope they are not conning the Iranian leadership that is not very savvy in aviation technology

Before commenting regarding something, actually do a little research and then call mit blasphemy or x or z or whatever. The project manager stated the real cockpit has not been made yet and in the actual model, a glass cockpit will be used. that is a great big hint, that this is a mock-up no?

also, @Aeronaut , there is already a threads about f-313 in Iran section. please delete this one. I can't keep updating all the threads about qaher.
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