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F-35 pilot explains how US Marine Corp's F-35B makes China's 'carrier killer' missiles irrelevant

If China attacks an American fleet with aircraft carriers, I am quite sure that ballistic missiles will be used together with cruise missiles, such as YJ-18 launched from submarines, and even stealth fighters to form a saturation attack on multiple dimensions.

Quite sure china loses once she fires the first missiles at USA.

American lives are too important, hence china could never do a pre-emptive attack but to actually use mind warfare to prevent/scare away american intervention.

America could never attack PRC as well without a good casus beli, PRC has to keep getting strong as well.

America simply cannot be destroyed and the industrial complex simply too powerful, even if we give PLA timelapse forward of 20 years vs current USA.

The amount of nuclear arsenal etc is too big.

All those missiles could only be used for show, or at best to conquer taiwan only in a quick shock and awe tactic.

China currently needs to spread propaganda in USA about senkaku islands and make the politicians in USA believe that taiwan is part of PRC.

China needs to keep mutual relationship strong, since americans sometimes dislike china in opinion surveys in addition to developing assymetric warfare.

Back to F-35B, China must always show its capable of retaliating against the F-35B or whatever kind of equipment that USA has.
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Once china hits an aircraft carrier with missiles, it will be a full scale war.

China's target is the american audience.

the american warpower is dependent on the american population. If china could justify to the american public that its actions are justifiable, the war is won.

in any case, all VTOL aircraft have its explicit vulnerabilities - in this case, range and payload.

to counter it, china has to develop air warfare tactics to draw out f-35b for warfare against j-20 and j-31

I beg to pardon, but this is a defeat mentality. Why should China afraid to hits the US aircraft carrier if the later endanger the security of Chinese territory and people? Ok, to sink the US Aircraft Carrier is definitely a full scale war. But then, why China afraid of a full scale war against US, even if the later uses their Aircraft Carrier to bomb China and killing her people?

Yes, the American public opinion matter a lot in a war, but also the Chinese public opinion. And justification of war doesn't matter so much as long as the American is winning the war. So in contrary to what you believe, the war won't over even when you can justify the war against the American. Just look at Afghanistan, Iraqi, Libya, etc war. They don't care, and even proud as long as they are at the winning side. Our friend F-22 Raptor is the living proof here.

The only thing that matter is like what happen to Vietnam. The American people will enrage and protest if the war goes more than they can handle. So, just sink 10 American Super Carrier, destroy all their Arleigh Burke Destroyer, decrease their Fighter number to only the half that they have today; make the ocean dangerous to their traders, and make the American poorer than today, and their people will protest and curse their Government.
Quite sure china loses once she fires the first missiles at USA.

American lives are too important, hence china could never do a pre-emptive attack but to actually use mind warfare to prevent/scare away american intervention.

America could never attack PRC as well without a good casus beli, PRC has to keep getting strong as well.

America simply cannot be destroyed and the industrial complex simply too powerful, even if we give PLA timelapse forward of 20 years vs current USA.

The amount of nuclear arsenal etc is too big.

All those missiles could only be used for show, or at best to conquer taiwan only in a quick shock and awe tactic.

China currently needs to spread propaganda in USA about senkaku islands and make the politicians in USA believe that taiwan is part of PRC.

China needs to keep mutual relationship strong, since americans sometimes dislike china in opinion surveys in addition to developing assymetric warfare.

Back to F-35B, China must always show its capable of retaliating against the F-35B or whatever kind of equipment that USA has.

I don't agree with you. Casus belli can always been made. Just like what the American did to Saddam Husein Iraq in early 2000, or what they plan to do in Syria (by accusing the Syrian Government using a chemical weapon), or using the masses like in Libya, etc. If the USA wants to attack China, then they will create some excuse to justify their action, like always.

So why don't they attack China? One Fact. China is big, their military is very powerful, their country is stable, and their economy and technology are almost on par with the US. And their nuclear weapon is quite mature. Attacking China is not a sure shot for them. Because their advantage toward China is not enough for it.

So, if you say that the US will win a war against China, then you don't know anything about war. We can say that the US has more advantage than China, but to win? Nah! Because nobody can predict the outcome of a war!

NASCAR pit stop , yea those 100 kg missiles will be attached to a plane that is hovering up and engine is reving

No. It is called a 'hot pit'.

Here is an example...

A 'hot pit' is when a jet is refueled and even re-armed without shutting off its engine(s). This makes for a faster combat turn-around time.

The F-35 hovering for a 'hot pit' ? That is your stupidity talking. :lol:

I have to say, as a Chinese, I am really flattered. Now, US military is paying close attention to China at tactical level.
You should not be flattered. Instead -- worry.
I have to say, as a Chinese, I am really flattered. Now, US military is paying close attention to China at tactical level.

The China centric articles posted by desperate Americans on this forum speaks volume. The obsession and desperation is extreme.

One has a president that accuses its own intelligence agencies and is owned by Russia. The other is busy taking over the role as a world leader. The contrast speaks for itself.
And YOU can ? You pretty much implied that the US cannot win a war against China, essentially giving China a victory.

Nope...No contradiction there...:lol:

It's weird, the sentence that you bold said: "Because nobody can predict the outcome of a war", but you think that I implied that US cannot win a war against China. Do you really know the meaning of the sentence that you bold? Or English is not truly your native language? Or are you not really an American but a Vietnamese or Indian?
Quite sure china loses once she fires the first missiles at USA.

American lives are too important, hence china could never do a pre-emptive attack but to actually use mind warfare to prevent/scare away american intervention.

America could never attack PRC as well without a good casus beli, PRC has to keep getting strong as well.

America simply cannot be destroyed and the industrial complex simply too powerful, even if we give PLA timelapse forward of 20 years vs current USA.

The amount of nuclear arsenal etc is too big.

All those missiles could only be used for show, or at best to conquer taiwan only in a quick shock and awe tactic.

China currently needs to spread propaganda in USA about senkaku islands and make the politicians in USA believe that taiwan is part of PRC.

China needs to keep mutual relationship strong, since americans sometimes dislike china in opinion surveys in addition to developing assymetric warfare.

Back to F-35B, China must always show its capable of retaliating against the F-35B or whatever kind of equipment that USA has.

I was not talking about whether China would attack American fleets or not. I didn't even mention in what condition China would attack American fleets.

However, from my point of view, when China starts a war to maintain its unity with Taiwan, they will be highly vigilant of any provocation from the Americans and I am 100% sure they will use ballistic missiles to hit American aircraft carriers if the Americans do intervene.

They have been working so hard and spending huge amount of money on those weapons, including hypersonic glide vehicles and a massive sensor network with numerous satellite constellations carrying multi spectrum optics and radars. They certainly won't be afraid to use them.

It is the Americans' responsibility to avoid any possible misjudgement.
It's weird, the sentence that you bold said: "Because nobody can predict the outcome of a war", but you think that I implied that US cannot win a war against China. Do you really know the meaning of the sentence that you bold? Or English is not truly your native language? Or are you not really an American but a Vietnamese or Indian?
His opinion is representative of Vietnam's- not the US.
i guess he would be placated of his resentment if china at least creates a tiny island and gifts it to Vietnam in the shared sea area between Vietnam and CHina.

Haha thanks
F-35B is a very complicated system。 yes,it can land anywhere. the real problem is can it get logistics support anywhere? Refueling,ammunition,maintenance and spare parts?
F-35B is a very complicated system。 yes,it can land anywhere. the real problem is can it get logistics support anywhere? Refueling,ammunition,maintenance and spare parts?

A critical thinking. I agree with you. The real problem is the logistic. But it is something that is not impossible to achieved. Of course they won't be able to build hidden bases everywhere, but they can create a hidden airfield that hard to be found by China. A dangerous tactic, and your critical thinking actually found it. Good job for you! :D
How a superior Me-262 was defeated. An Analogy to counter F-35B, destroy them on the ground. The critical point is to find their base by tracking the logistic movement, monitor their communication, and advance anti-stealth radar technoloy.

Too fast to catch for the escorting Allied fighters, the Me 262s were almost impossible to head off. As a result, Me 262 pilots were relatively safe from the Allied fighters, as long as they did not allow themselves to get drawn into low-speed turning contests and saved their maneuvering for higher speeds. Combating the Allied fighters could be effectively done the same way as the U.S. fighters fought the more nimble, but slower, Japanese fighters in the Pacific.

Allied pilots soon found that the only reliable way to destroy the jets, as with the even faster Me 163 Komet rocket fighters, was to attack them on the ground or during takeoff or landing. Luftwaffe airfields identified as jet bases were frequently bombed by medium bombers, and Allied fighters patrolled over the fields to attack jets trying to land. The Luftwaffe countered by installing extensive flak alleys of anti-aircraft guns along the approach lines to protect the Me 262s from the ground—and by providing top cover during the jets' takeoff and landing with the most advanced Luftwaffe single-engined fighters, the Focke-Wulf Fw 190D and (just becoming available in 1945) Focke-Wulf Ta 152H.[61] Nevertheless, in March–April 1945, Allied fighter patrol patterns over Me 262 airfields resulted in numerous jet losses.
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F-35B is a very complicated system。 yes,it can land anywhere. the real problem is can it get logistics support anywhere? Refueling,ammunition,maintenance and spare parts?
Are you serious with those questions ?

To date, the US is the only power in history to conduct and support a conflict EXTRAHEMISPHERICALLY, meaning we fought a war on the other side of the world. Yes, in the past, there have been other powers that fought outside their borders, but those armies had to literally lived off the land. The US military logistics system is the best in the world. In Desert Storm, we transported troops, food, equipment, fuel, and spare parts. What else are there ?

A critical thinking.
Mmmm...Not really...:lol:

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